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Official Announcement from The Order of the Paradox


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"Oh no you didn't"

Please- some alliances out there have pretty spotless records when it comes to war- they are in a position to criticise us (if they so choose) but IRON is certainly not one of them. You were *so* brave when you participated in those beatdowns. *So* brave when you lead the Coalition of Cowards. You showed *exemplary* bravery when you didn't come to your ally's aid in the TPF conflict. Don't come here are try to talk down to us- sort out yourself before laying criticisms on others.

PRIDEASSASSIN uses LITERACY! ...it wasn't very effective...

Before my time, though I'm seeing exactly why they had their reasons by the recent actions of several alliances.

CoC? rofl we marched into destruction... and came out smiling. Much better than you will EVER do. Please do not compare apples to oranges sir.

We came to TPF's aid. And your side ran for the hills. :)

Don't tell me what to do, aye? Especially when you don't know what you're doing. :smug:

Burn 'em down TOP.

Hell, if you concentrate on ODN, they'll run screaming. :)

o/ TOP!

/me sets mode to ignore ODN losers

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PRIDEASSASSIN uses LITERACY! ...it wasn't very effective...

Why do you keep saying that? Are you insulting yourself?

Before my time, though I'm seeing exactly why they had their reasons by the recent actions of several alliances.

CoC? rofl we marched into destruction... and came out smiling. Much better than you will EVER do. Please do not compare apples to oranges sir.

We came to TPF's aid. And your side ran for the hills. :)

Don't tell me what to do, aye? Especially when you don't know what you're doing. :smug:

Burn 'em down TOP.

Hell, if you concentrate on ODN, they'll run screaming. :)

o/ TOP!

Ah, I see you are a subscriber to the "If I Say It, It Must Be True" theory. Good luck with that.

/me sets mode to ignore ODN losers

I do believe we are winning

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I dunno. Looks to me like ODN's winning, though I certainly wouldn't refute that our allies are as well. As for doing what we do naturally, tonking IRON and TOP seems to be fairly natural thus far.

Not in your wildest dreams princess. Shall I forward you my utterly beautiful ODN battle reports?


Now do kindly stuff it. There's an IRON thread I'll be more than happy to thrash you in. :)

TOPspeed gentlemen!

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Your allies are winning. You just do what you do naturally. Suck up to the winners.

o/ TOP!

Yeah we sucked up to winners real good in the Citrus war and GW3, and if you look back in CN history IRON was not adverse to a bit of sucking as well :P

o/ CnG

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Not in your wildest dreams princess. Shall I forward you my utterly beautiful ODN battle reports?


Now do kindly stuff it. There's an IRON thread I'll be more than happy to thrash you in. :)

TOPspeed gentlemen!

You're trying pretty hard here, I'll give you that. You can "lolDN" in all the threads you want and it won't make your bluster any less inane. Quite the opposite, some might say.

Now, I'm sure you're very proud of your ability to hit people with their backs turned and whatnot, and I'm sure it's a talent an alliance like RON loves having in its repertoire, but do you seriously mean to imply that your 19k NS nation beating on a much smaller nation is of any consequence whatsoever? Really?

Edited by Style #386
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Official Announcement from The Order of the Paradox

Declaration of War


This announcement concerns Paradoxia's stance on the current conflict. Our statement is as follows:

Wait, that's not it. Darnit, Feanor! You put the wrong fax in the machine. Okay... alright, here's the right one:


The honor is ours...


I remember being denied entrance into TOP a few years back on the basis that I wanted my friends (Rage Co.) to join as well. During the interview they asked me if I would still want to be in TOP if my friends were denied membership. I, of course said no. Now most people would see this as loyalty and an admirable quality to have in an alliance member. TOP looked at it as being disloyal to them. I was confused of course and since have wanted nothing more than to see TOP burn.

Thanks TOP!

Edited by 519 Nigras
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I remember being denied entrance into TOP a few years back on the basis that I wanted my friends (Rage Co.) to join as well. During the interview they asked me if I would still want to be in TOP if my friends were denied membership. I, of course said no. Now most people would see this as loyalty and an admirable quality to have in an alliance member. TOP looked at it as being disloyal to them. I was confused of course and since have wanted nothing more than to see TOP burn.

Thanks TOP!

sorry, but the loyality should be for everyone in the alliance, not just a single friend in it.

And honestly, for wishing us to burn for this reason, I think we made the right choice to deny your entry. :smug:

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I remember being denied entrance into TOP a few years back on the basis that I wanted my friends (Rage Co.) to join as well. During the interview they asked me if I would still want to be in TOP if my friends were denied membership. I, of course said no. Now most people would see this as loyalty and an admirable quality to have in an alliance member. TOP looked at it as being disloyal to them. I was confused of course and since have wanted nothing more than to see TOP burn.

Thanks TOP!

I know people hold grudges over losing a war but I think you're taking it a bit far there.

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PRIDEASSASSIN uses LITERACY! ...it wasn't very effective...

Before my time, though I'm seeing exactly why they had their reasons by the recent actions of several alliances.

CoC? rofl we marched into destruction... and came out smiling. Much better than you will EVER do. Please do not compare apples to oranges sir.

We came to TPF's aid. And your side ran for the hills. :)

Don't tell me what to do, aye? Especially when you don't know what you're doing. :smug:

Burn 'em down TOP.

Hell, if you concentrate on ODN, they'll run screaming. :)

o/ TOP!

/me sets mode to ignore ODN losers

Thought I'd correct that for you ;) Also please don't make me post #Grudges logs and your other milcom room logs to prove how unorganised unskilled and complete idiotic statements that came from your pathetic side in that war ;)

Really you shouldn't try to proclaim others are bad at fighting when your as equally bad (no offence ODN)

You couldnt organise a $%&@ in a whorehouse

Edited by Hiro Nakara
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sorry, but the loyality should be for everyone in the alliance, not just a single friend in it.

And honestly, for wishing us to burn for this reason, I think we made the right choice to deny your entry. :smug:

There's 15 of us and you can check with Ragnarok about how loyal we are to the alliances we've joined in the past.

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There's 15 of us and you can check with Ragnarok about how loyal we are to the alliances we've joined in the past.

Pity. There is only one TOP, not several cliques of friends.

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I remember being denied entrance into TOP a few years back on the basis that I wanted my friends (Rage Co.) to join as well. During the interview they asked me if I would still want to be in TOP if my friends were denied membership. I, of course said no. Now most people would see this as loyalty and an admirable quality to have in an alliance member. TOP looked at it as being disloyal to them. I was confused of course and since have wanted nothing more than to see TOP burn.

Thanks TOP!

Lol, really? Really really?

Man, i dont even know what to say. Sorry for taking your cookie in elementary, Mr. President.

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I remember being denied entrance into TOP a few years back on the basis that I wanted my friends (Rage Co.) to join as well. During the interview they asked me if I would still want to be in TOP if my friends were denied membership. I, of course said no. Now most people would see this as loyalty and an admirable quality to have in an alliance member. TOP looked at it as being disloyal to them. I was confused of course and since have wanted nothing more than to see TOP burn.

Thanks TOP!

That is the most pathetically whiny thing I have heard so far.

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There's 15 of us and you can check with Ragnarok about how loyal we are to the alliances we've joined in the past.

That's funny, coming from a guy who's been in more alliances than me and penkala combined. I see you jumping around all the time, so what loyalty are you talking about?

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I know people hold grudges over losing a war but I think you're taking it a bit far there.

Story is actually hilarious. Especially since he literally proved we made the right call in rejecting his sorry $@!.

Good work interviewers! We weeded out some scum!

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That's funny, coming from a guy who's been in more alliances than me and penkala combined. I see you jumping around all the time, so what loyalty are you talking about?

Really? Cause I've always been on the same "team". Never left during a war, never surrendered. Aside from NSO (which sucked) I don't think I've ever left an alliance unless it disbanded due to due to the dominant hegemonic evil ideology we were put through for years. An ideology that I thought TOP was against at the time. Looks like I was wrong and you were right to not allow admittance.

Anyways, burn. I hope some way, somehow \m/ gets back into this and I get a chance to knock you down a few extra notches.

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Really? Cause I've always been on the same "team". Never left during a war, never surrendered. Aside from NSO (which sucked) I don't think I've ever left an alliance unless it disbanded due to due to the dominant hegemonic evil ideology we were put through for years. An ideology that I thought TOP was against at the time. Looks like I was wrong and you were right to not allow admittance.

Anyways, burn. I hope some way, somehow \m/ gets back into this and I get a chance to knock you down a few extra notches.


Yeah, okay there big boy.

And, you're lying. I'm not just of the mind that you may be lying, I KNOW you're lying. You're a liar. You've hopped around plenty, regardless of whether you've been on the same "side" all the time, which is highly debatable in and of itself. You're a liar.

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