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Imperial Decree - New Polar Order

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I had seen plenty of polaris government saying that they wouldn't be going to war over the profanity. In either case then are they going to war now because of the tech raid over a closed matter or to cleanse the OWF a la shark week?

No, Grub cited \m/'s reaction to their diplomatic efforts specifically.

Yesterday diplomacy failed. Diplomacy can not be conducted when one party offers to expose his genitals repeatedly, diplomacy can not be conducted when one side resorts to the use of racist, offensive and degrading language to describe the other and diplomacy can not be attempted when neither side is prepared to concede anything at all.

Comrades, we are a community, all of us have an obligation to our community. Maybe some of you consider your job done just by showing up, but I firmly believe that there is more to be done. I believe in boundaries of common decency, I believe in a spirit of fair play and consideration, all whilst engaging in a lively and spirited debate. The call is often raised, ''do something about it'' and all that is required for our community to slide further into obscurity is for good men to do nothing.

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HAHAHAHAHA /me wipes the tears from his eyes

Ok ok Im ready, gimme another good one like that!

Except that, unless Grub categorically states otherwise and \m/ can't come up with proof, it means that much of what was stated in the OP is kinda irrelevant...unless NpO has decided to do a Unjust War re-enactment, in which case I should be attacking IRON or something....

Edited by ChairmanHal
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I detest \m/ too, but this leaves a bad feeling in my mouth. Such disregard for friends of a friend twice now? Not cool in my books.

Awww how cute. Someone has an agenda!

Just because you can't understand what happens when you over-treaty doesn't mean the rest of us have to ignore every affront.

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HAHAHAHAHA /me wipes the tears from his eyes

Ok ok Im ready, gimme another good one like that!

You do realize that it happened, right?

The allies of an allies ally...seems like a loooooooooooooong stretch right there

Ah yes, nothing like alienating your allies. But hell, you aren't actually saying $%&@ you to their faces so its all good.

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\m/ essentially flipped them the bird, if I'm seeing this correctly, Grub proceeded to then grab that finger, and is now painfully tearing it off.

Yes we did in fact willingly flip him the bird, we will not let someone not connect to anything we do tell us what to do. Yes we still have that finger and we will flip it at him until he gives up this quest to be the moral judge of this planet.

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So, from what I'm hearing, Poison Clan's allies will only support them in instances where they are explicitly legally obligated to do so? Interesting.

I feel like I should just throw this back at you with, no u. You disputing the fact of the connection is laughable.

Yea, I'm not really arguing any more, as our ideas of what constitutes a meaningful analogy are apparently so divergent that I can't actually comprehend how you can believe what you've posted. Clearly we aren't getting anywhere.

Members of polaris government have already indicated that war was not going to be declared over the profanity used during that time. As \m/ just pointed out he said he was going to declare war beforehand anyway. Unless you're now trying to relate this to shark week?

You asked why Grub declared war, I gave you Grub saying why he declared war. Just because you don't like his reasons doesn't mean you get to invent new ones.

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AlmightyGrub promised war before the incident in our public channel occurred.

Your best defense now, so to speak, is not to pretend to be a victim.

Did your members OR did your members not doing these things. I quoted here for your convenience.

To date, diplomacy has prevailed, most people being reasonable and satisfied to test the boundaries without transgressing so far over the line they lose sight of the line itself. Yesterday diplomacy failed. Diplomacy can not be conducted when one party offers to expose his genitals repeatedly, diplomacy can not be conducted when one side resorts to the use of racist, offensive and degrading language to describe the other and diplomacy can not be attempted when neither side is prepared to concede anything at all.
I am sure PC will be along directly, however PC haven't been strutting all over the boards waving their e-peenies, PC haven't lowered themselves to throwing excreta from their cages at the smiling faced children watching. As for GOONS, well now, they took the offer made, smart ones those GOONS.

And is it your official stand to allow this kind of profanity happened? I read \m/ apology thread, and I am under the impression it is. That apology thread is not really apologizing. You should not apologize if you feel you do nothing wrong. If you do apologize, mean it, and I am quite sure it will not result to this, or at least if it result to this, you have a good argument to reason with them and with public.

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Since this DoW is not made as a response to any action \m/ has taken that relates in any way to polar I can't help but wonder what the demands against \m/ is here. Saying that \m/ decides when this ends seems a bit dishonest when it's not clear exactly what it is you want from them in the first place.

This just seems like an old fashioned beatdown to me. If you don't like people you can beat them up if they're smaller than you.

I can only hope this ends badly for the agressors although I don't have any high hopes there. Doesn't seem polar made much of a gamble. I guess fighting people that's even remotely close to your size isn't as fun.

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Awww how cute. Someone has an agenda!

Just because you can't understand what happens when you over-treaty doesn't mean the rest of us have to ignore every affront.

It was a member of their MADP bloc. It wasn't some random MDP they signed. So that changes nothing.

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No, Grub cited \m/'s reaction to their diplomatic efforts specifically.

First of all I am wondering what diplomacy was needed for. Second of all I thought that we had already seen an apology for that. Third of all was the rest of his government lying earlier then about it not being a reason to go to war?

All I see is an attempt to change the main line of argument here which is they had no stake in the FoA drama thus there was no need for diplomacy at all.

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Did you cancel on Rok while no one was looking? I only see one degree of separation there.

I will assume Trace is referring to MK as that is who he represents.

And you are right, to some extent, but my allies will never get to run my FA by stealth. I consider their opinions, and then I make a decision. I did, of course spend a lot of time talking to people whose opinions and ideas I value and informed them of my process, and I did so well over 24 hours ago. Get over it.

I am more than amused, and I mean more than amused at the posts here so far. I thought war was a good thing? I thought offering an easy out to your enemy was a good thing? Apparently, with everyone treatied to someone else there is no chance that anything can happen.

My allies are free to cancel their treaties with me, I sincerely hope they don't, but I will understand entirely if they do. I am not changing, I will do what I believe I have to, regardless of how inconvenient it is to everyone's long term planning.

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Except that, unless Grub categorically states otherwise and \m/ can't come up with proof, it means that much of what was stated in the OP is kinda irrelevant...unless NpO has decided to do a Unjust War re-enactment, in which case I should be attacking IRON or something....

Oh crap we're re-enacting the UJW? Please no, never again. Never again do I want to face the horrors of trying to coordinate with the \m/ 'military'

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