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Greatest CN Rivalry?


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Doesn't mean they were the same. They'd gotten complacent. They let their own allies drift away. That, not some sort of revolution, killed them. When half of what you thought was your own army ends up fighting for the other side because you alienated them, you've failed. Most of the forces of Karma had fought for the Hegemony in the War of the Coalition.


True enough, you alluded to roughly half having served the Hegemony in the past, but others (both alliances and individuals) were victims of many injustices perpertrated by the Hegemony. For those in the latter bracket Karma was indeed something close to a revolution, a supreme expression of bent pent up anger and revenge.

Sure Pacifica dropped the ball so to speak but to state that the Karma War was not revolutionary in its consequences is plain wrong in my humble view :ph34r:

...Also i miss your old avvy :blush:

Edited by Cataduanes
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I always imagined some sort of revolution or civil war taking them down, not ignoble senility.

But it did. The "split within the house" (how I call the feud between, to call it simply, Sponge's side and Moo's side, although to call sides as such is not entirely precise) was the moment in which Order lost its game.

At that point Order was taken down, entirely by its own devices.

Polars got their beating and changing of character in the WotC (as I noticed its called) and NPO got its beating in "karma war". Both of this wars are a consequence and as such not the most important thing in the picture, which is their self weakening and interior collapse in the "split within the house" event.

The root of everything comes from that point where big ego's and characters that driven the Order ("NPpO",...missing that nice abbreviation, fun times that were) from its beginning, in the moment when they pulverized all opposition ("GW3") turned on each other. The root was there all the time, but focus on foreign enemy was always enough. Once the foreign enemy of all designs were eliminated, what was unavoidable happened.

The story of all successful empires. After extended periods of progress and elimination of enemies, once they ran out, the heads to be turned on each other. Once that happened it was over. The rest of the story is largely irrelevant, all great empires always end themselves its all one needs to know.

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NATO vs. ALMEA of course :P

Immortalized by coincidence on the old forums as it was the hot event right before it was shut down and dominates the first page of alliance politics (or whatever it was called back then).

Actual answer: MK vs. NPO has to be the most entertaining and longest lasting rivalries, with brilliant minds on both sides.

I remember ALMEA. Awful experiences with them. Thank God you took them out.

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Good Citizens of CN,

I have read this thread and agree with many of the rivalries and arguments for them, but I am surprised by the absence of a rivalry that shaped so much of the early history of CN: The Legion vs. NPO. In my humble opinion, it was more important than the LUE/NPO rivalry becasue of the length of time it went on, the power blocs formed under their influence and the the major wars headed by each alliance. It did not end until Aegis was defeated and Zha'Dum was appointed to restructure The Legion into something more to the liking of NPO.


Page Ashenkine

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Good Citizens of CN,

I have read this thread and agree with many of the rivalries and arguments for them, but I am surprised by the absence of a rivalry that shaped so much of the early history of CN: The Legion vs. NPO. In my humble opinion, it was more important than the LUE/NPO rivalry becasue of the length of time it went on, the power blocs formed under their influence and the the major wars headed by each alliance. It did not end until Aegis was defeated and Zha'Dum was appointed to restructure The Legion into something more to the liking of NPO.


Page Ashenkine

Except NPO considered Legion their friends up to GWI, Legion sat on the fence and just watched in GWII and only jumped in to get the !@#$ kicked out of in GWIII. Where after The Legion had no trouble at all becoming NPO lap dogs. To call it a rivalry is such a stretch that calling it the best ever is just ridiculous.

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Greatest Rivalry = LUE vs NPO. Base from what I got from the NPO archives.

Rivalry? = NPO vs NpO. I do not get this impression from the private NPO boards. I like NpO and I am not alone with that sentiment.

Present/Future Great Rivalry = NPO vs MK. I respect MK, will be a good adversary for NPO.

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Good Citizens of CN,

I have read this thread and agree with many of the rivalries and arguments for them, but I am surprised by the absence of a rivalry that shaped so much of the early history of CN: The Legion vs. NPO. In my humble opinion, it was more important than the LUE/NPO rivalry becasue of the length of time it went on, the power blocs formed under their influence and the the major wars headed by each alliance. It did not end until Aegis was defeated and Zha'Dum was appointed to restructure The Legion into something more to the liking of NPO.


Page Ashenkine

Legion was never in a leadership position behind any of the anti-NPO blocs however.

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How did I forget about TPF/Atlantis too. If Atlantis hadn't disbanded that rivalry could have really gotten interesting.

From a personal point of view I would go for this. When you guys decided to disband Atlantis it was a very sad day indeed and it makes the rivalry not as good. We should have gone down swinging!

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NPO, Legion thing was a matter of vendetta. Nothing else. We wanted to get back to them for GW 1. That was all.

It was not a struggle for supremacy, Legion was not a contender.

I don't know what would be the greatest CN rivalry for me. I enjoyed many various oppositions NPO had in its past, but either opponents were too petite to be called an actual rival or it wasn't really a rivalry.

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