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Everything posted by Caesar833

  1. Another terrible government from a terrible alliance
  2. Personally i cant wait until Athens is removed from this list
  3. Just because we created in 2006 doesnt mean we are fading
  4. Hey guys i still have my mentality from when i joined Illuminati in 2006. I have never faltered from the Illuminati way, so i would like Illuminati to be added to the oldest alliance list.
  5. You need to relax. What is with all this VE anger of late?
  6. It is a large part of an alliance. But like someone already pointed out; if a community is an alliance then NPO and many many others are older alliances then the game itself. Which really doesnt work out if ya think about it.
  7. The alliance disbanded. That is a fact. That is the equivalent to death for an alliance, so yeah you did die. Maybe your community never did but so what? Community does not equal alliance if you are not in the game with an AA. Its simple.
  8. I feel like i should join you guys and help you win against the evil aqua
  9. You disbanded the alliance. That means it was over and done. Then you reformed. That means that you restarted something that wasnt there. You can not claim the original start date anymore. I dont see why this is hard to grasp.
  10. Or RL friends like previously mentioned
  11. Does this include really old invisionfree boards? If so how do i check the version?
  12. I think a nuke rogue would help me stay interested in the game actually.
  13. Were you not around for the alliances he killed!?!?! But seriously he did kinda make himself out to be a villain and im sure he loves being called one. No need to defend him
  14. Ha i remember as well. Offspring alliance for a while IIRC
  15. Sad or happy. Make up your mind!

  16. Yeah I know what you mean. Thing is with the exception of the navy and maybe the MP, not much has changed in the war system. Sure nations are larger now and have more resources to use but as WC said that just leads to larger warchests. The navy is pretty ineffective too so adding that in a guide or strategy isnt that important.
  17. I think some of the problem is the people who do know what to do and how to run an alliance have just retired. There are plenty of great militarists and economists out there but they just no longer put the effort into their alliance
  18. Last place in survivor. Man we are no good at that game
  19. No Genmay did it right and used a different name when they reformed
  20. Must have. Either way he currently isnt in your alliance so the point stands.
  21. Except for the fact that i do know what im talking about. Good try though
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