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A Joint Announcement from the Orange Defense Network and Athens

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And by this time you've already bailed on each of your allies except for the ones on the winning side. I'd be careful about signing these treaties ODN. Now you can't choose the winning side

Honestly I've forgotten what you do, otherwise I would make some sort of witty reply. I assume it has something to do with making gross generalizations and begging for attention.

But wait! Let's take a closer look at what you said.

"And by this time you've already bailed on each of your allies except for the ones on the winning side."

So you are accusing us of being opportunists. I disagree. I can think of a time or two we got pretty banged up because we were on the losing side. Citrus War and GWIII come to mind. But whatever. Let's pretend your simplistic and incorrect view is right.

"I'd be careful about signing these treaties ODN. Now you can't choose the winning side"

Aha! We've got the ODN now. Those suckers couldn't choose the winning side if they wanted to. Oh, wait.

So you are both accusing the ODN of being opportunist and of not being opportunist. I must admit, the hypocrisy is stunning. Most people at least break it up in to multiple posts, typically posted at different times. This serves to mask their otherwise blatant lack of principle. But you sir have taken it to the next level; you quite literally make yourself a fool.

Just man up and say you don't like us. It's already clear you don't have any sort of reason or justification.

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And by this time you've already bailed on each of your allies except for the ones on the winning side. I'd be careful about signing these treaties ODN. Now it's gonna be harder to choose the winning side

Right. Would you like to look at TOPs leadup to the karma war, and its participation in it?

Edited by Jacapo Saladin
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Right. Would you like to look at TOPs leadup to the karma war, and its participation in it?

In TOPs defense, they had one of their allies attack in the middle of peace negotiations they were mediating. They justifiably felt betrayed and dragged into a conflict that they wanted no part of and had been working to prevent

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Right. Would you like to look at TOPs leadup to the karma war, and its participation in it?

Only if it tickles your fancy

In TOPs defense, they had one of their allies attack in the middle of peace negotiations they were mediating. They justifiably felt betrayed and dragged into a conflict that they wanted no part of and had been working to prevent

This man is wise.

Also, it's not like this is a one time thing. This has been on multiple occasions. Merlin if you feel like I'm making a generalization, I am. Also I was in the middle of some Modern Warfare tactics, so sorry my message got a bit scrambled.

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As the foremost authority on ODN bashing (perhaps second to Bill N Ted, but he's really the only competition), I can honestly say you people are picking the wrong battle. The "it's optional anyway" joke has already been made, there's not much else to say. Even if in the future they hold another treaty above this one, it's an ODAP. The treaty hierarchy exists for a reason.

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Shockingly enough I'm surprised that MK is one of the few alliances that are willing to accept that some alliances may change over time and be willing to give them another chance.

I suppose a few people can't pass up a simple one liner against ODN in an attempt to seem partially intelligent.

Congratulations ODN and Athens

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I love it. :awesome:

This treaty pleases me greatly. Getting to know the ODN the past few weeks has been a pleasure and I know our friendship will continue to grow over the next few weeks and months. The ODN is changing and I am liking what I am seeing.



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Also, it's not like this is a one time thing. This has been on multiple occasions.

Under a different government and while they were sifting through political goals. They were put in the same situation as TOP: sick with some of their allies' actions and trying to straighten everything out.

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Grats on the treaty ya'll.

Also, I like the image, looks nice. emot-waycool.png

We are immoral too. Perfect matches.

Also, to those saying that this annoucement is bad timed, what you wanted us to do? To hide a treaty that we've been working for weeks and was effective since yesterday just because some people decided to go on a false moralist crusade against Athens? C'mon people.

The timing of the tech raids makes it look like it, to a point. Edited by F15pilotX
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Happy treatification, ODN and Athens, and may you have fun! (I highly approve of this treaty's lack of legal mumbojumbo, if only more could write them like this.)

That's why it was much more exciting in the earlier days of Bob, you pick a side of the web and stick with them.

Well unless you happened to be GGA of course :P (oh god how long ago was GW2 again?)

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well i'll give you one thing. At least no one can say you betrayed Athens when you inevitably don't come to their defense if they should end up on the losing end of a conflict in the near future. Its actually a brilliant strategy by the ODN FA team, kudos! I mean i knew you guys were :jokingly" calling yourselves the optional defense network, but making your treaties optional is a whole new level of phail.

I begin to understand why every alliance you start is a complete failure. If you cannot grasp the meaning of signing treaties like this as stepping stones to greater things, you are really not qualified to be a good leader.

But hey, if you are happy, keep doing what you do.

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Regardless of everyone's speculation to timing - I remember how long it took us and ODN to write our treaties so I understand the statements about how long this took, this is still good to see.

This is only a first step I'm sure. Heck GATO and ODN started with a PIAT and then upgraded so I'm sure it'll be a matter of time with Athens and ODN. Who knows they may take even longer this time just because..... :P

Congrats ODN and Athens!

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As the foremost authority on ODN bashing (perhaps second to Bill N Ted, but he's really the only competition), I can honestly say you people are picking the wrong battle. The "it's optional anyway" joke has already been made, there's not much else to say. Even if in the future they hold another treaty above this one, it's an ODAP. The treaty hierarchy exists for a reason.

I agree (if I understand you right anyway). It just makes people look silly when they post the "loloptional" nowadays, especially when it's so easy to bash ODN without ever bringing it up. Don't bash them for what they were, bash them for what they've become! Silly people.

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