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Imperial Decree - New Polar Order


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If he obtained owner access he would be able to kick grub ;)

Who would then cry to his mom? <_<

No, he'd be righteously pissed and take action and we'd still be here.

In analyzing this mess, I'm confronted with two facts:

1. Someone that presented IRC Cop credentials told NpO that someone had tried to hack their channels.

2. There was nothing to be gained from doing so and if Usarker is as knowledgeable as he claims to be, he would know this.

The only plausible explanation I can come up with where Usarker is innocent would involve someone setting him up. That person would have to know a significant amount of information about Usarker, including the fact that he had created scripts for use on IRC and the nature of those scripts. That same person may have been your IRC Cop (or impersonating 'Werewolf'), but I don't know enough about how IRC Cop credentials work to say how that would be possible.

What I do know is that Polaris, based on the evidence at hand is doing nothing wrong.

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Who would then cry to his mom? <_<

No, he'd be righteously pissed and take action and we'd still be here.

In analyzing this mess, I'm confronted with two facts:

1. Someone that presented IRC Cop credentials told NpO that someone had tried to hack their channels.

2. There was nothing to be gained from doing so and if Usarker is as knowledgeable as he claims to be, he would know this.

The only plausible explanation I can come up with where Usarker is innocent would involve someone setting him up. That person would have to know a significant amount of information about Usarker, including the fact that he had created scripts for use on IRC and the nature of those scripts. That same person may have been your IRC Cop (or impersonating 'Werewolf'), but I don't know enough about how IRC Cop credentials work to say how that would be possible.

What I do know is that Polaris, based on the evidence at hand is doing nothing wrong.

uh i think you have misunderstood my point - i was replying to someone who said it isnt a big deal that he was trying to get into the channel - they hadn't understood that he was after owner status, not just access.

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Let me preface by saying that I don't know who the hell this fellow is nor do I have any love or hate for Polar, so I'd like to think that my opinion is fairly unbiased here.

I see a lot of gibberish about scripts and impersonations in this thread. I'm not sure who you are trying to fool, but a malfunctioning script doesn't begin to brute force things. That's just not how scripts work. And I'm quite sure that the IRCops are not mistaken about this being a brute force attack. If anyone has ever seen / analyzed the traffic created from a brute force, it's pretty damn clear what it is. I like to think I know a bit about scripting and system security, or at least I'd hope so after the appalling amount of tuition I've paid over the years, and off the top of my head I can't think of any legitimate program / script / bot for IRC that would have any functionality in it that would cause it to start brute forcing a private channel.

As for someone impersonating the IRCop... Really? Don't you think that's a bit far fetched? Granted, I don't know the IRC Staff of Coldfront but from what I've heard they are fairly decent at doing their jobs. I worked briefly as an IRCop on the Stratics network and anyone who tried impersonating an IRCop or channel op was detected, usually within seconds of the impersonation, and banned from the network. So I highly doubt that there has been any impersonations going on here.

This whole issue seems pretty straightforward to me.

Best of luck Polar.

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I deeply regret that Pacifica cannot stand with Polaris in enforcing the punishment that Emperor AlmightyGrub has put on Ursarkar. We similarly have zero tolerance for any nation who attempts to interfere with our alliance's communication systems.

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uh i think you have misunderstood my point - i was replying to someone who said it isnt a big deal that he was trying to get into the channel - they hadn't understood that he was after owner status, not just access.

I didn't say it's not a big deal, I questioned what possible motive he had to do it given the minimal effect success would have given the risks taken to obtain it.

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And....they'd make a new private channel? :huh:

Sometimes people don't think their ebil plotz through before they actually go through with them. :laugh: That's when the "d'oh!" factor comes into play, then the "I was framed, someone hacked my nation/username/IRC nick and did all those things!" excuse. However, "My scripts went bat !@#$ insane and did it!" is a new one... :huh:

Good show, NpO et al. Byebye UEC.

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[17:40] <IRCop> One of my scripts alerted me to a possible malicious attack against a wide range of channels. Upon checking the logs, I saw the user 'Ursarkar' had attempted to brute force the passwords for several user channels, belonging to the CN NPO alliance and the CN NpO alliance. I alerted the owners of the channels that were hit, and then proceeded to query user 'Ursarkar' for more information. He did not respond, so I issued a temporary ban for se

[17:40] <IRCop> curity. Four minutes later, the user bypassed the ban, which caused an automatic 30 day ban to be applied for ban evading. I have been getting queries suggesting it was a rogue script. A script, even rogue, does not attempt to gain chanserv owner access of several secret channels. Coldfront accepts appeals, but the evidence presented so far is not favorable toward accident.

I think this will suffice

To expand on this, there is simply no way his script did this unless he specifically designed a script to try to brute-force into Polar and Pacifica, in which case he's still just as in the wrong. You're lying, UEC. We can see it stated by an IRCop. Your script isn't doing this, you are. You really are a terrible liar, which is why few believed you this time and none will believe you next time.

Edited by Penkala
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What possible reason could an IRCop have for lying?

As I said I'm not going into it. I'm just commenting on everyone's willingness to accept someone at their word because of a superfluous title. I doubt Ursawhatever is innocent in the slightest, but I wouldn't be shocked (SHOCKED!) if there was more to this story.

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[edited out everything here, since I decided to read the post and all I asked was "what did he do" .. something like that anyway. Uh, you can delete this if you want, I don't know if anyone ever does that, but if they do this would be a good place to start.]

Edited by astronaut jones
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If you want to argue about the IC/OOC line, then I would consider vital alliance communication channels, both IRC and forums, to be at least to some extent in the IC realm; compromising their security on several occasions culminating in this evening is essentially an attack on the alliance. I would say there are both IC and OOC components to this, and that our tolerance of Ursarkar up to this point has been extremely high - for example, he received only one week of war after spying on us for an extended period of time. The fact that we are at the end of our rope should not surprise anyone.

You know I hate reading, it's for suckers, but I decided to read a few posts after the original post to see if I could figure out what happened.

He allegedly tried to hack into your private channel by brute force? Does this mean he tried to guess the key a bunch of times? And if that's the case, was he successful? If he wasn't successful, then, what's the big deal?

Also, if it's just a key that prevented him from joining, that's not a very secure channel. If he tried to ident with nickserv as someone in your alliance, that's something else entirely, but if he was just typing /j #whatever derp and that didn't work so he did /j #whatever herpderp and then /j #whatever herpaderpderp and none of that worked... that's not really hacking or attempted hacking.

I mean, IF that's the case, I don't know if it is, so don't take this as me saying that's what happened, but if that's the case, members often give the key away by accident by doing .j instead of /j ... so.. yeah.

also, pet peeve of mine, it's ircop not irccop.. internet relay chat operator. op. Yeah, I'm anal about that, I'm sorry.. I'll shut up about it from here on out.

[edit #2] oooh, so after further reading, he was trying to gain ownership over the channels.. not merely getting in to the channels. OOOOH, that's actually different, and kinda bad.

So, yeah, don't do that yo.

Edited by astronaut jones
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It was the Founders password he was after not the Channel password. You get the Founder one and you can take over the channel completely.

Regardless of his success or failure, it is the attempt that matters. Based on everything said thus far I am in agreement with Polar on this decision. And just like our Emperor I am sorry that we can not help with the sentence.

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You know I hate reading, it's for suckers, but I decided to read a few posts after the original post to see if I could figure out what happened.

He allegedly tried to hack into your private channel by brute force? Does this mean he tried to guess the key a bunch of times? And if that's the case, was he successful? If he wasn't successful, then, what's the big deal?

Also, if it's just a key that prevented him from joining, that's not a very secure channel. If he tried to ident with nickserv as someone in your alliance, that's something else entirely, but if he was just typing /j #whatever derp and that didn't work so he did /j #whatever herpderp and then /j #whatever herpaderpderp and none of that worked... that's not really hacking or attempted hacking.

I mean, IF that's the case, I don't know if it is, so don't take this as me saying that's what happened, but if that's the case, members often give the key away by accident by doing .j instead of /j ... so.. yeah.

I'm not going to serve as your personal tl;dr. If you want to post read the thread so you don't look like a fool at the $@! end of it.

All of the questions you just raised were answered along the course of the thread. I mean it's only 6 pages.

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I'm not going to serve as your personal tl;dr. If you want to post read the thread so you don't look like a fool at the $@! end of it.

All of the questions you just raised were answered along the course of the thread. I mean it's only 6 pages.

yeah, maybe you should have just .. you know, re-read the post and see all the edits made to it.

But thank you for that, thank you for your kind words, I don't hate you at all now. Especially since, after reading the thread, I ended up agreeing with your alliance. But yeah, no need for you to not comment, you only made yourself out to be lovely by doing so, I so do not hate you now.

Edited by astronaut jones
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yeah, maybe you should have just .. you know, re-read the post and see all the edits made to it.

But thank you for that, thank you for your kind words, I don't hate you at all now.

I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say he probably doesn't care. He's a heartless !@#$%^& anyways. How you can imply that you ever liked him is beyond me.

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