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Betrayal and Manipulation

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Exactly what they deserve.

Oh, be quiet.

Not even remotely what I meant.

This OP reeks of opportunism, exactly what I'd expect of the GGA.

Congratulations Athens, you're enablers now. What did they promise you in exchange for this, anyway?

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Now that I have completely read the logs, I have a bit more to say. This was a terrible thing NPO did, but exactly the type of thing I'd expect them to do. They picked the right alliance to accuse of attacking GGA though, because now Athens is protecting GGA. The coming months will be hard for GGA, and most likely for Athens as well while they protect GGA, but by reading this post, and some of the decelerations in this topic, I believe if GGA can make it through this one, last, big mess, then they have a very bright future ahead of them. It will be a difficult process, and there's no telling if it will be successful, especially knowing GGA, however if they do make it through this, it will be worth it.

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Oh lord.

The shameless attention Whoring of GGA continues unabated.

Congratulations on kicking this long-dead horse, Athen.


GGA has been in the Pacifican pocket for years, you think suddenly posting some kind of half-assed Log Dump is going to turn around GGA's PR? Guess again.

As someone who was victimized by skewered logs, let me tell you something: These clearly don't show the whole context of the conversation. Shameless attention whoring is obvious...

And also shameless.

I wonder if NPO is going to outsource all their talking to NSO?

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Oh, be quiet.

Not even remotely what I meant.

This OP reeks of opportunism, exactly what I'd expect of the GGA.

Congratulations Athens, you're enablers now. What did they promise you in exchange for this, anyway?

Absolutely nothing. When we say we are gonna protect an alliance, we help them out in anyway we can, unless of course they do something that makes us angry, and GGA hasn't done anything wrong.

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Forgive me, I am a Grämlin and dealt with GGA's !@#$%^&* for so damn long, they are just a victim like those who NPO crushed upon and they supported - though they are lucky it seems. Good luck nonetheless GGA, hopefully you will learn from this.

Though given the statements of Mhawk, I will reserve my opinion.

Edited by Ejayrazz
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That is one of the worst plans I have ever heard. I thought NPO was smarter than that.

Perhaps they are too overcome with desperation to act more intelligently. Not that there could be much to be gained should such a crazy scheme succeed, but to prolong their defeat.

Instead, this will be a propaganda victory for Karma against Pacifica. They have proven themselves to be treacherous, scheming backstabbers and this will serve detrimental lengths in the future should Pacifica survive past this war.

Edited by capitalC
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I wonder if NPO is going to outsource all their talking to NSO?


The one who used altered logs against me was Dilber.

I have no intention of speaking up for NPO, but I will not stand for shameless attention whoring and spin.

That is what this Log Dump is. If Athens was too blind to the allure of a cheap PR gain, then fine, let them be. But the culture of GGA being happy to be the NPO's yes-men goes back to the Original Couptember.

You think that suddenly the GGA will find honor now, when their patrons of 3+ years are laid low? If you truly think so, you are naive. Those logs were tailored. And GGA deserves none of the praise it's being showered with.

Moo, if you have any guts at all, prove me right.

Prove me !@#$@#$ right.

You do not mean what you say?

I'm not the vaunted Protector of the NPO I once was. They should control the damage themselves, I'm only railing against the sheer opportunism in the OP. I don't deny anything the NPO has done. I was there for a lot of it, I know it's true.

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I was told by mhawk that Athens was pulling terms. I felt it was my duty to let GGA what I had learned. It was the right thing for them to do to check with Athens to see if this was true. I did nothing but give them intel that was given to me.

As to where mhawk heard it, you'd have to ask him.

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It's laughable that the best GGA can hope for in a situation is for an alliance to take pity on them.

Any respectable alliance would be immune to such blatant foreign meddling in their internal affairs. GGA you should try to stand on your own for once in your existence. All you have done is accepted Athens as your masters instead of NPO.

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