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He hasn't shown any of those qualities while in Vox Populi, and I question your judgment of his character.


This is just a small part of it, if you would like more I have it. vox took robby in while he hid from paying his dues, all the while leaving the rest of the alliance to fend for ourselves. Yes that is the boy you took into your alliance and is how your alliance is seen by me and those who were a part of that.

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And at last, Genmawr could lay down his sword and once again become a normal member of society.

At last he could do as he pleased once more alongside his friends.

At last, his goals had finally been accomplished.

/Genmawr wearily stumbles forward, and, while tossing his weapons to the side, collapses. The rest had been long-deserved.

"Looks like this fight is finally over... for now."

Edited by JayOvfEnnay
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This is just a small part of it, if you would like more I have it. vox took robby in while he hid from paying his dues, all the while leaving the rest of the alliance to fend for ourselves. Yes that is the boy you took into your alliance and is how your alliance is seen by me and those who were a part of that.

Who takes refuge in the land of eternal ZI?

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To those who have physically fought this war, who call themselves Karma, we give our deepest thanks. You are the Knights we have been calling for, the hammer we have begged to slam above the anvil. Your moral, political, military, and physical assistance is the kind of overt friendship we have seldom experienced over these many long months. We will not forget those who were willing to stretch out a hand of welcome to the scrawny kid with chicken pox.

My own opinions for your struggle aside (good job holding out for so long etc...), Sparta did not fight for you. We fought for GOD. We fought for Athens. We fought for Umbrella, Random Insanity Alliance, =Western Empire=, the Brigade, Alpha Omega, Dark Evolution, Mostly Harmless Alliance, and...in an odd way, we fought for MCXA and IRON.

Our bond to our closest allies was a far greater calling to go to war than personal objections to the persecution of spies and comedic journalists.

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This is a bittersweet moment. Vox was something into which many of us poured our heart and soul, and I am saddened that I did not choose to live it out to the end of its days; Vox Populi is the sole reason I am still in the Cyberverse, and that is something I will never forget. Nor will I forget those early days, which are my most treasured memories of my time in the Cyberverse.

Yet, it is still more than I ever thought to see that Vox Populi disbanded in triumphant victory; for an alliance founded with the intent of simply going out in style, what Vox Populi became was awe-inspiring.

I will miss Vox Populi.

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This is sad to see. Vox put character into an otherwise bleak world. I'd always enjoyed reading TWiP and Tattler. I found them both amusing and informative. The determination of Vox was second only to FAN.

To me, this is but the end of a chapter in the book that is Vox Populi. In time, I'm sure Vox will return, under whatever name, for whatever reason.

o/ Vox

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This is a bittersweet moment. Vox was something into which many of us poured our heart and soul, and I am saddened that I did not choose to live it out to the end of its days; Vox Populi is the sole reason I am still in the Cyberverse, and that is something I will never forget. Nor will I forget those early days, which are my most treasured memories of my time in the Cyberverse.

Yet, it is still more than I ever thought to see that Vox Populi disbanded in triumphant victory; for an alliance founded with the intent of simply going out in style, what Vox Populi became was awe-inspiring.

I will miss Vox Populi.

Well said. I agree.

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Who takes refuge in the land of eternal ZI?

Oh come on.

I don't know the Hegemon Rob story in detail, but I do know Thom98's character. He's not the kind of guy to put infra before principles, and if I've learned anything, it's that no alliance has ever existed that made every single decision perfectly correctly. You've disbanded; you don't need to defend yourselves anymore, particularly not against those cruel oppressive people in ... BAPS.

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As someone who was on one of those lists, I can tell you that you are incorrect.

TPF may have been one of the better alliances as far as letting people off of lists, but former Voxians were indeed on them.

Yes, because I specifically said them being right before made them right again. Of course. I was saying to give them a chance, because they'd likely shove it down your throat. See New Frontier's post. I knew eventually that'd pop up, because I've talked to him previously and was actually in an alliance that he had to leave because of EZI/PZI.

Ok, given that I am the keeper of the List, I actually went back and dusted it off to check. Given that there hasn't been any updates since Dec 2007, and at that time the update was to remove the last nations from the list adn close it down, I would say that you both are wrong. Wrong as ... well, wrong.

and I looked for a New Frontier too, never added to the list at all. Sorry to take that little bit of "fame" from you, but you were never on a list. I know no one will believe me, and to be honest I don't care. But as the Minister of War for The Phoenix Federation I can state that we have NO EZI/PZI list.

Also, given that Vox was formed since that time, it is safe to say that none of tghem were ever on it.

*/ before everyone starts yelling, "but I was told that I was on a EZI/PZI list, so I must be" I was told by a member of PC that I was going on the ZI list for them during the last war for fighting back. When I checked with the people who ACTUALLY had the authority to do such a thing I found out it wasn't true. Leasson learned, go to the person who makes the decisions to find out...not just anybody.

Once again, Sorry New Frontier....you lose that little bit of fame for being on a ZI list.

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I joined late, but I am proud that I had the chance to be part of Vox and it epicness. I'll miss you guys, but I am glad that this fight is over. The mission has been finished and we all finally go back to some peace.

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Yeah anyone who believes TPF has or had any kind of ZI list is a fool who don't know what they are talking about. What TPF had was an "Attack until the person comes by to make things right list" In all my time at TPF I don't remember any individual even Nuke rogues taken to even 1 ZI.

On that note I must say Vox played well. That said you all still can bite my shiny metal spoon.

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Congratulations Vox, you were the few who succeeded where all others failed. You did what most couldn't. You changed the world, and deserve credit for it. To all Voxians, I salute you, your work and what you all stood for.

Good luck in the future, I'll miss your epic announcement threads.

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Congrats Vox, mission accomplished and on top of that all TPF never wanted to attack you guys and doesn't have any ZI lists! This Hegemony has been getting real nice since they stopped being the Hegemony. I guess even after losing might, they still stick to their "might makes right" doctrine, now they happen to agree with Karma that EZI is wrong.

If this is the last Vox thread, why not make it a proper one.

o/ Vox Populi

Edited by Mozaffar
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