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Ivan Moldavi

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Perhaps you remember me, perhaps you do not. I'm typically not one to make a fuss about myself.

I have however been around the block long enough to witness a different era of CN that is shrouded in distorted mythos and stood upon an impossible pedestal as something to be revered; and as this thread has shown, you have been deified by the community and distorted to fit a variety of messages.

I fully expect you to dash a good deal of these expectations and do things your own way - I wish you the best of luck with what you do. Whether or not you follow the often conflicting paths desired of you, there is one thing that I feel will hold true, wherever you go, a commotion will follow.

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Your Imperial Majesty.

Sir Bumpy of the Order of the Black Rose wishes to convey his respects but does not have forum access at this time.

The good Knight is still about and lurks the passages of the Black Keep muttering to himself. It is not unusual to find him sleeping in the most odd of places. He is loved by us.

With respect,

Squire W_A_R

Edit - for clarity.

Edited by W_A_R
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Funny, the same phenomenon seems to occur each time you make a post.

I learned from watching you.

Have you ever been a member of NPO? I'm sure they'd disagree with you that a demi god is nothing of great value.

Why Sir, I am a Custom 3 Standard Bearer.

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As I was not around to witness your previous exploits, I can't comment on your previous stay other than to say what I've read of your past has been interesting, to say the least.

Welcome back, I am quite interested to see what your return shall stir up, if anything. Punch drunk boxer returning to the ring on a last chance bid for former glory? Or perhaps a former prodigal son returning home to find his memory not cherished as it once was? Or maybe a return to power to finish that which might have been previously unfinished? Whatever the scenario, it's bound to be worth watching.

Again, welcome back and warmest regards,


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Hello Ivan, my name is Duncan, but my friends call me DK. We've never spoken, but I'm a fan.

that's want my fellow TOOL members call me :P (and yes, it can be confusing at times)

and Ivan? Ivan? nope doesn't ring a bell (unless it's a histroical figure from CN's past that came back from the dead)

anyway, welcome or welcome back

edit: minor typing error

Edited by dragonknight1000
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