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Ivan Moldavi

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Greetings Ivan, I am myself. Or to expound more elaborately on this humble personage. "I am that person that they swore there was no such person, but now I have come to prove them wretched liars for I am here in person."

Edited by Phoenix Ascendent
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Enlighten me, then. What joke were you making?

Vanguard and the fact that it has more LUE ex-members (and suspected Re-rolls) than, say, MK.

edit: Suspected , allow me to emphasize. Perhaps the italics will keep people from getting their feelings hurt.

Edited by Margrave
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Vanguard and the fact that it has more LUE ex-members (and suspected Re-rolls) than, say, MK.

edit: Suspected , allow me to emphasize. Perhaps the italics will keep people from getting their feelings hurt.

Let me hit you with some knowledge. Not only did you grace us with your sharp wit and discerning commentary through quoting a Vanguard member that has zero connection to LUEnited Nations, but your judgement on the nature of Vanguard's membership clearly displayed your fragile grasp on fact. To clear this up once and for all, the number of Vanguard members that were ever in LUEnited Nations now sits at a single digit. In fact, we likely have more members that were allied to your beloved \m/ - who I am surprised you have not somehow mentioned in the previous two posts - during times long gone. As for hurt feelings, you do not have to concern yourself with that, as you have not hit a nerve. I do not know of any member of my alliance that is ashamed of their history, whether they previously claimed allegiance to LUE, NPO, GPA, GOONS, ONOS, TDSM8, MK or ICP (among many others - we're rather multicultural).

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Let me hit you with some knowledge. Not only did you grace us with your sharp wit and discerning commentary through quoting a Vanguard member that has zero connection to LUEnited Nations, but your judgement on the nature of Vanguard's membership clearly displayed your fragile grasp on fact. To clear this up once and for all, the number of Vanguard members that were ever in LUEnited Nations now sits at a single digit. In fact, we likely have more members that were allied to your beloved \m/ - who I am surprised you have not somehow mentioned in the previous two posts - during times long gone. As for hurt feelings, you do not have to concern yourself with that, as you have not hit a nerve. I do not know of any member of my alliance that is ashamed of their history, whether they previously claimed allegiance to LUE, NPO, GPA, GOONS, ONOS, TDSM8, MK or ICP (among many others - we're rather multicultural).

Ah, the intellectual and sophisticated response. Oh Noes, all I have left is fart jokes and funny noises, how will I ever prevail?

Let me beat you upside the head with some "Strate Truf", Revanche. Everybody (E'rybody) knows that you've got alot of ex-LUE members in thar. Now, I can't (and won't) try to guess the rerolls, but to say you only have one (Or up to nine, as WC has informed me you might have meant) is either blatant and exaggerated lying, or your attempt at humor. Either way, it's all coming up smiles on my end.

Ah! I totally forgot to slavishly adore \m/ in my last five posts. Dear heavens me, whatever will I do?

Dawg, you "thanc u gawt meh" but you ain't got me. Although \m/embers who are sitting in other alliances usually have the pride in themselves and the "I don't give a damn what you think" attitude to openly display their previous membership. I dunno, that's how we roll.

Edit: This post has been edited "4 T3h Lulz". Also Thickness.

EditEdit: Also pie.

Edited by Margrave
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Let me beat you upside the head with some "Strate Truf", Revanche. Everybody (E'rybody) knows that you've got alot of ex-LUE members in thar. Now, I can't (and won't) try to guess the rerolls, but to say you only have one (Or up to nine, as WC has informed me you might have meant) is either blatant and exaggerated lying, or your attempt at humor. Either way, it's all coming up smiles on my end.

In the very same sentence that you admit you are entirely ignorant of the topic at hand and do not know of or cannot guess these supposed rerolls, you accuse me of not knowing the nature of my own member list. Or at least attempting to deceive the public. Now, what would I have to gain from that, considering apparently "everybody" knows the ins and outs of Vanguard better than its Founder and Sovereign of over 18 months? If you would like another visit from reality, Vanguard began with 13 members, and not all of those had previously claimed allegiance to LUEnited Nations, or even any other alliance involved in the CoaLUEtion or The League. And yes, in case there was confusion, a single digit can mean anything from 0 to 9.

Ah! I totally forgot to slavishly adore \m/ in my last five posts. Dear heavens me, whatever will I do?

Oh, I'm certain you will recoup your losses in another self-important diatribe sometime in the near future.

Dawg, you "thanc u gawt meh" but you ain't got me. Although \m/embers who are sitting in other alliances usually have the pride in themselves and the "I don't give a damn what you think" attitude to openly display their previous membership. I dunno, that's how we roll.

Ignoring the fact that I am certain there would be ex-\m/ members that would be uncomfortable with you attempting to speak for them, I guess that is the difference between you and my members. We are happy to leave the past where it belongs and concentrate on new goals, rather than pain the denizens of the Cyberverse with innumerable recounts of past glory; it is only when we are subject to the ignorance of people such as you that we, rather reluctantly, enter into these somewhat pointless debates.

This is certainly getting off topic. We're going to need Moderation to come in and clean up a little.

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