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Declaration of War

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That was the point I was trying to illustrate to DeathAdder... 


EDIT: That is to say those uninvolved have little reason to post. 


On MI6s side there are few who are posting that aren't allied to MI6.. and warrior soul who is ex-MI6 as of like 10 days ago. 


I just take issue with idiocy.

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Just going to leave this here then see my way out of this thread. 



To MI6,


Don't want people talking about your PZI ambitions? Then maybe you shouldn't be going around talking about PZI.


Similarly, don't want someone trashing you for an abysmal response to the initial blitz? Maybe you shouldn't be going around boasting about activity levels.


Don't want someone pointing out how a micro like Kaskus is punching way above their weight class and giving you a run for your money? Maybe you shouldn't be going around telling everyone how military superior you are to everyone.


Don't want someone harassing you about shoving all your nations in PM? Maybe you shouldn't have been a key player who worked to strong arm an entire coalition into forcing terms upon someone else for using PM.


Don't want someone supporting a shady CB, at best, used to hit you? Maybe you shouldn't have came into the last war supporting some shoddy CB in order to get a suckerpunch in against an AA not even mentioned in the original CB


Don't want someone being ok with Kaskus playing the game their own way? Maybe you shouldn't have made such a big show about doing something new right before immediately falling into the same pattern of every other cookie-cutter alliance and then being upset that others can actually execute what they set out to do.


The problem isn't the reality of war and politics, because we all know and understand them. I don't have a problem with your response time, your peace mode or nearly anything else. The problem is that what Mi6 says doesn't match up with what they do, a phenomenon more colloquially known as "full of shit."

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Just going to leave this here then see my way out of this thread. 



To MI6,


Don't want people talking about your PZI ambitions? Then maybe you shouldn't be going around talking about PZI.


Similarly, don't want someone trashing you for an abysmal response to the initial blitz? Maybe you shouldn't be going around boasting about activity levels.


Don't want someone pointing out how a micro like Kaskus is punching way above their weight class and giving you a run for your money? Maybe you shouldn't be going around telling everyone how military superior you are to everyone.


Don't want someone harassing you about shoving all your nations in PM? Maybe you shouldn't have been a key player who worked to strong arm an entire coalition into forcing terms upon someone else for using PM.


Don't want someone supporting a shady CB, at best, used to hit you? Maybe you shouldn't have came into the last war supporting some shoddy CB in order to get a suckerpunch in against an AA not even mentioned in the original CB


Don't want someone being ok with Kaskus playing the game their own way? Maybe you shouldn't have made such a big show about doing something new right before immediately falling into the same pattern of every other cookie-cutter alliance and then being upset that others can actually execute what they set out to do.


The problem isn't the reality of war and politics, because we all know and understand them. I don't have a problem with your response time, your peace mode or nearly anything else. The problem is that what Mi6 says doesn't match up with what they do, a phenomenon more colloquially known as "full of !@#$."

That is like the entire population of CN, the real problem is people like this:



You have just conducted a spy operation against the nation of Taranvedra. In the attack your spy efforts were successful as your spies were able to gather the following information about the nation:

Last Tax Collection: 9/13/2014 3:01:33 PM
Last Bill Payment: 9/13/2014 3:01:28 PM
Desired Religion: Confucianism
Desired Government: Communist
Threat Level: Low 
Tax Rate: 28%
Number of Spies: 773
Last Nuke Purchase: None
Last Wonder Purchase: 7/31/2014
Total Money: $5,951,764,995
Technology: 2,000.59 Levels
Last Bill Payment: 9/13/2014 3:01:28 PM
Trade Partners: Saxony, Outer Labya
Secret Aid Sent To: None
Military XP Ratings: Army XP: 0, Navy XP: 0, Air Force XP: 0, Intelligence XP: 0
Assigned Generals: None
Total Aircraft: 34
Aircraft Fighter Strength: 133
Aircraft Bomber Strength: 133
Navy Purchases Today: 0
Navy Vessels:

  • Corvettes: 0
  • Landing Ships: 0
  • Battleships: 0
  • Cruisers: 0
  • Frigates: 0
  • Destroyers: 0
  • Submarines: 0
  • Aircraft Carriers: 0

Your spies returned home unharmed and unidentified.

Has logged on and does not do anything. This is a plague on CN. 

Edited by duelking
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Just going to leave this here then see my way out of this thread.

To MI6,

Don't want people talking about your PZI ambitions? Then maybe you shouldn't be going around talking about PZI.


Who even seriously said this?

Similarly, don't want someone trashing you for an abysmal response to the initial blitz? Maybe you shouldn't be going around boasting about activity levels.


But we don't care what people think about our blitz. Every war we wanted was initiated. If Kaskus was a big alliance and we decided to go balls out we could have put 65 wars on them in the first five minutes of their declaration.

Don't want someone pointing out how a micro like Kaskus is punching way above their weight class and giving you a run for your money? Maybe you shouldn't be going around telling everyone how military superior you are to everyone.


Yeah man, Kaskus is kicking our collective asses. They're even gaining NS!

Don't want someone harassing you about shoving all your nations in PM? Maybe you shouldn't have been a key player who worked to strong arm an entire coalition into forcing terms upon someone else for using PM.


But we don't care what people say about our PM use. We play smart. It's clearly paid off, considering all the ghosts.

Don't want someone supporting a shady CB, at best, used to hit you? Maybe you shouldn't have came into the last war supporting some shoddy CB in order to get a suckerpunch in against an AA not even mentioned in the original CB

You mean Polar attacking NSO when NSO was planning to roll Polar? Yeah, horrible.

Don't want someone being ok with Kaskus playing the game their own way? Maybe you shouldn't have made such a big show about doing something new right before immediately falling into the same pattern of every other cookie-cutter alliance and then being upset that others can actually execute what they set out to do.

Kaskus can do what they want, as they do. It's just ashame they're led around by a complete dumbass.

The problem isn't the reality of war and politics, because we all know and understand them. I don't have a problem with your response time, your peace mode or nearly anything else. The problem is that what Mi6 says doesn't match up with what they do, a phenomenon more colloquially known as "full of !@#$."

The problem is you hate us and everything you say about us is going to be negative. If we rescued your kitten from a tree you'd throw a fit we did it the wrong way.

Edited by Gibsonator21
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Just going to leave this here then see my way out of this thread. 
To MI6,
Don't want people talking about your PZI ambitions? Then maybe you shouldn't be going around talking about PZI.
Similarly, don't want someone trashing you for an abysmal response to the initial blitz? Maybe you shouldn't be going around boasting about activity levels.
Don't want someone pointing out how a micro like Kaskus is punching way above their weight class and giving you a run for your money? Maybe you shouldn't be going around telling everyone how military superior you are to everyone.
Don't want someone harassing you about shoving all your nations in PM? Maybe you shouldn't have been a key player who worked to strong arm an entire coalition into forcing terms upon someone else for using PM.
Don't want someone supporting a shady CB, at best, used to hit you? Maybe you shouldn't have came into the last war supporting some shoddy CB in order to get a suckerpunch in against an AA not even mentioned in the original CB
Don't want someone being ok with Kaskus playing the game their own way? Maybe you shouldn't have made such a big show about doing something new right before immediately falling into the same pattern of every other cookie-cutter alliance and then being upset that others can actually execute what they set out to do.
The problem isn't the reality of war and politics, because we all know and understand them. I don't have a problem with your response time, your peace mode or nearly anything else. The problem is that what Mi6 says doesn't match up with what they do, a phenomenon more colloquially known as "full of !@#$."

Well then. This thread is officially complete. What else can be said?
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Yeah I never want to see another post on our boards about how we should care about what SRA thinks.


It's pretty clear they aren't capable of thinking.

I haven't been back to your boards in months, and the only info I have about what is on your boards is a screen shot of Xanth telling the entire MI6 AA to $%&@ off.  Pretty sure SRA doesn't give a !@#$ about what MI6 thinks.  It is pretty funny though, that in a war against Kaskus, MI6 has mentioned SRA so often.  It seems clear to me that MI6 does care what SRA thinks.  Hmm, the proverbial plot thickens, #accusations, #talkstoomuch, #laughingmyassoff, #sidelinestrashtalk


What else you got, big boy?

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Except we didn't avoid a resolution. We came to an agreement and your boy violated it.

You guys were the one to violate it, many times. If a spy op was a violation, you guys violated it immediatly after when assassinating one of Stonewall's spies. Then you violated it again when you declared on one of our nations for hitting an unaligned ghosting your AA. Then you violated it again when you attacked NASTYNATE over attempting a spy op, when you guys were already launching them on our smaller nations who didn't have defenses against it. Then the biggest violation happened after not only did we removed the guy who declared on the unaligned ghost (Since he didn't ask permission), but when you guys declared on the rest of us after your alliance came to an agreement with Stonewall to keep the war declared by beets and NASTYNATE limited to just them.


So you had no CB. We were flexible and willing to be reasonable despite you guys violating the ceasefire over and over again, grasping at whatever excuses you could to attack, while harassing our smaller nations. Even though you guys were in the wrong from the start and violated the ceasefire first, we resolved every incident stemming from the actions of our members despite you guys being primarily at fault; because we didn't have hard proof of who was spying on our members, even if we knew who it was. Even before you managed to provoke the spy op, you guys had already violated the ceasefire by declaring on one of our nations for hitting an unaligned nation who wasn't under your protection.


What became clear quickly was you guys were going to keep attacking until a war a blew up between us. Then one of your leaders told a lie (or the truth, if he's lying now), in order to turn the focus of Kaskus towards M16. If M16 tries to expand this war, it will be blatantly obvious they are working together with goons to try rolling Kaskus. Making the CB solid. M16 can't claim not to be in on it, when rather than condemn goons for getting them attacked and free Kaskus up to hit the alliance responsible for falsely accusing them.; they instead make clear how happy they are to get a war with Kaskus.



Which is hilarious, given that this war (or at least the noCB part of it) isn't possible without GOONS attacking your protectorate.


If M16 didn't want this, they would of been open to peace when it was found out Ken spread misinformation to get them attacked, so they can focus on that issue. M16 acts like the accusation over them telling GOONS it was alright with Kaskus for them to hit LN doesn't matter, when that matters more than anything else brought up in this thread. Why would M16 lie and conspire to get LN & Kaskus into a war by telling goons it was fine to attack? Why would M16 remain allied with goons and focus on the wrong enemy if Ken did make that up completely?


M16 brought this war upon themselves, by remaining allied to the alliance who blamed them for lying about what Kaskus had told them, in order to shift blame when confronted by Kaskus. According to GOONS, M16 lied to them about Kaskus saying they could hit LN. According to M16 (& GOONS Now) it was GOONS who lied about everything, about both what M16 and Kaskus said. Regardless of if GOONS, M16 or both are lying; I don't think it matters when M16 supports the alliance who says they lied about M16 saying stuff about Kaskus, in order to give Kaskus the CB to hit them.


The reason M16 is being hit right now is GOONS told Kaskus information, which if true would mean M16 was conspiring to war Kaskus, by lying to GOONS in order to get them to trigger the war. So the Kaskus CB is a solid one. It would be even more solid against GOONS, if GOONS really lied and M16 stops playing along with their plots. However it remains solid due to the alliance between GOONS and M16, as well as M16 being fine with GOONS giving Kaskus false info about them in order to get Kaskus to fight them.


M16's 30 Day NS Chart looks like the drop on the edge of a steep cliff, starting with the Kaskus War, but at least GOONS gave Kaskus a solid CB to hit M16 with. The longer M16 wants to fight on the side of GOONS, it only adds more validity to the CB. GOONS saying they were lying when telling Kaskus about M16's treachery against them after the fact doesn't matter, or it would of only mattered if M16 wanted to halt the war when it became clear one of their allies got them attacked by claiming it was M16's fault they attacked LN.


So the war between M16 and Kaskus could end quickly, if M16 pulls their head out of the sand and realize they are fighting due to a blatant lie told by GOONS in order to get Kaskus to direct their firepower towards M16 rather than them. That M16 remains allied to GOONS means Kaskus had no reason to think GOONS would be lying about what an ally told them. Since unless M16 was in on the plot to spread that information to Kaskus, that generally isn't something allies do to each other.


GOONS have not only continued to prove me right they can't be trusted over and over again, they have also racked up countless CBs for many alliances to declare on them, including M16 if they weren't in on the plot by GOONS to get Kaskus to declare on M16. I would prefer to see more declarations on GOONS instead of M16, but as long as M16 works together with GOONS, they share the blame for the lies GOONS told.


So we should all be destroying GOONS right now instead, but M16 is currently directing the firepower from Kaskus towards them, in order to be a good meat shield. If M16 wants to keep fighting Kaskus even knowing what GOONS told Kaskus to trigger it, they can be crushed alongside goons as far as I'm concerned.

Edited by Methrage
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If M16 didn't want this, they would of been open to peace when it was found out Ken spread misinformation to get them attacked, so they can focus on that issue. M16 acts like the accusation over them telling GOONS it was alright with Kaskus for them to hit LN doesn't matter, when that matters more than anything else brought up in this thread. Why would M16 lie and conspire to get LN & Kaskus into a war by telling goons it was fine to attack? Why would M16 remain allied with goons and focus on the wrong enemy if Ken did make that up completely?
M16 brought this war upon themselves, by remaining allied to the alliance who blamed them for lying about what Kaskus had told them, in order to shift blame when confronted by Kaskus. According to GOONS, M16 lied to them about Kaskus saying they could hit LN. According to M16 (& GOONS Now) it was GOONS who lied about everything, about both what M16 and Kaskus said. Regardless of if GOONS, M16 or both are lying; I don't think it matters when M16 supports the alliance who says they lied about M16 saying stuff about Kaskus, in order to give Kaskus the CB to hit them.
The reason M16 is being hit right now is GOONS told Kaskus information, which if true would mean M16 was conspiring to war Kaskus, by lying to GOONS in order to get them to trigger the war. So the Kaskus CB is a solid one. It would be even more solid against GOONS, if GOONS really lied and M16 stops playing along with their plots. However it remains solid due to the alliance between GOONS and M16, as well as M16 being fine with GOONS giving Kaskus false info about them in order to get Kaskus to fight them.
M16's 30 Day NS Chart looks like the drop on the edge of a steep cliff, starting with the Kaskus War, but at least GOONS gave Kaskus a solid CB to hit M16 with. The longer M16 wants to fight on the side of GOONS, it only adds more validity to the CB. GOONS saying they were lying when telling Kaskus about M16's treachery against them after the fact doesn't matter, or it would of only mattered if M16 wanted to halt the war when it became clear one of their allies got them attacked by claiming it was M16's fault they attacked LN.
So the war between M16 and Kaskus could end quickly, if M16 pulls their head out of the sand and realize they are fighting due to a blatant lie told by GOONS in order to get Kaskus to direct their firepower towards M16 rather than them. That M16 remains allied to GOONS means Kaskus had no reason to think GOONS would be lying about what an ally told them. Since unless M16 was in on the plot to spread that information to Kaskus, that generally isn't something allies do to each other.
GOONS have not only continued to prove me right they can't be trusted over and over again, they have also racked up countless CBs for many alliances to declare on them, including M16 if they weren't in on the plot by GOONS to get Kaskus to declare on M16. I would prefer to see more declarations on GOONS instead of M16, but as long as M16 works together with GOONS, they share the blame for the lies GOONS told.
So we should all be destroying GOONS right now instead, but M16 is currently directing the firepower from Kaskus towards them, in order to be a good meat shield. If M16 wants to keep fighting Kaskus even knowing what GOONS told Kaskus to trigger it, they can be crushed alongside goons as far as I'm concerned.

"It's MI6's fault that Kaskus is retarded"
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You guys were the one to violate it, many times. If a spy op was a violation, you guys violated it immediatly after when assassinating one of Stonewall's spies. Then you violated it again when you declared on one of our nations for hitting an unaligned ghosting your AA. Then you violated it again when you attacked NASTYNATE over attempting a spy op, when you guys were already launching them on our smaller nations who didn't have defenses against it. Then the biggest violation happened after not only did we removed the guy who declared on the unaligned ghost (Since he didn't ask permission), but when you guys declared on the rest of us after your alliance came to an agreement with Stonewall to keep the war declared by beets and NASTYNATE limited to just them.
So you had no CB. We were flexible and willing to be reasonable despite you guys violating the ceasefire over and over again, grasping at whatever excuses you could to attack, while harassing our smaller nations. Even though you guys were in the wrong from the start and violated the ceasefire first, we resolved every incident stemming from the actions of our members despite you guys being primarily at fault; because we didn't have hard proof of who was spying on our members, even if we knew who it was. Even before you managed to provoke the spy op, you guys had already violated the ceasefire by declaring on one of our nations for hitting an unaligned nation who wasn't under your protection.
What became clear quickly was you guys were going to keep attacking until a war a blew up between us. Then one of your leaders told a lie (or the truth, if he's lying now), in order to turn the focus of Kaskus towards M16. If M16 tries to expand this war, it will be blatantly obvious they are working together with goons to try rolling Kaskus. Making the CB solid. M16 can't claim not to be in on it, when rather than condemn goons for getting them attacked and free Kaskus up to hit the alliance responsible for falsely accusing them.; they instead make clear how happy they are to get a war with Kaskus.

If M16 didn't want this, they would of been open to peace when it was found out Ken spread misinformation to get them attacked, so they can focus on that issue. M16 acts like the accusation over them telling GOONS it was alright with Kaskus for them to hit LN doesn't matter, when that matters more than anything else brought up in this thread. Why would M16 lie and conspire to get LN & Kaskus into a war by telling goons it was fine to attack? Why would M16 remain allied with goons and focus on the wrong enemy if Ken did make that up completely?
M16 brought this war upon themselves, by remaining allied to the alliance who blamed them for lying about what Kaskus had told them, in order to shift blame when confronted by Kaskus. According to GOONS, M16 lied to them about Kaskus saying they could hit LN. According to M16 (& GOONS Now) it was GOONS who lied about everything, about both what M16 and Kaskus said. Regardless of if GOONS, M16 or both are lying; I don't think it matters when M16 supports the alliance who says they lied about M16 saying stuff about Kaskus, in order to give Kaskus the CB to hit them.
The reason M16 is being hit right now is GOONS told Kaskus information, which if true would mean M16 was conspiring to war Kaskus, by lying to GOONS in order to get them to trigger the war. So the Kaskus CB is a solid one. It would be even more solid against GOONS, if GOONS really lied and M16 stops playing along with their plots. However it remains solid due to the alliance between GOONS and M16, as well as M16 being fine with GOONS giving Kaskus false info about them in order to get Kaskus to fight them.
M16's 30 Day NS Chart looks like the drop on the edge of a steep cliff, starting with the Kaskus War, but at least GOONS gave Kaskus a solid CB to hit M16 with. The longer M16 wants to fight on the side of GOONS, it only adds more validity to the CB. GOONS saying they were lying when telling Kaskus about M16's treachery against them after the fact doesn't matter, or it would of only mattered if M16 wanted to halt the war when it became clear one of their allies got them attacked by claiming it was M16's fault they attacked LN.
So the war between M16 and Kaskus could end quickly, if M16 pulls their head out of the sand and realize they are fighting due to a blatant lie told by GOONS in order to get Kaskus to direct their firepower towards M16 rather than them. That M16 remains allied to GOONS means Kaskus had no reason to think GOONS would be lying about what an ally told them. Since unless M16 was in on the plot to spread that information to Kaskus, that generally isn't something allies do to each other.
GOONS have not only continued to prove me right they can't be trusted over and over again, they have also racked up countless CBs for many alliances to declare on them, including M16 if they weren't in on the plot by GOONS to get Kaskus to declare on M16. I would prefer to see more declarations on GOONS instead of M16, but as long as M16 works together with GOONS, they share the blame for the lies GOONS told.
So we should all be destroying GOONS right now instead, but M16 is currently directing the firepower from Kaskus towards them, in order to be a good meat shield. If M16 wants to keep fighting Kaskus even knowing what GOONS told Kaskus to trigger it, they can be crushed alongside goons as far as I'm concerned.

There is so much stupid in this post it's just amazing.

You don't have any proof that we spied your midget nations because we didn't, we have proof you spied ours.

If someone is pending on our AA he is off limits, I don't care what you think about it. You don't get to attack anyone pending on my AA without getting your face beaten in.

Multiple of your nations continued attacking our inactive guys you declared on long after the 5th as well.

That's 3 strikes. I would have let it go if you hadn't been constantly spouting off on the OWF that you were a big bad ass because we allowed you to hit our guys without countering as we worked out with smurf but you can't seem to shut your mouth and you pissed me off. As soon as we are done cratering your crap alliance we will walk away again and if you keep your hands to yourself and your allies can keep your mouth shut we will keep away.

Do what you did last time and we do this all over again.

No solid agreement was reached with Stonewall because Aesculus is our ECON guy. He relayed the info to us but we never made a decision, instead we decided to beat down your entire alliance for violating the peace agreement 3 times.

As for the Kaskus/MI6 debacle that's on smurf for not being able to wait to speak to MI6 AFTER Milton told him that we had a misunderstanding, which I have clarified multiple times in this thread alone.

Just because you are so intentionally dense you just can't understand what is going on, and you continue to run the same mouth which has gotten you beaten down multiple times now, is no ones fault but your own.
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