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Hey, I want to be a veteran


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His last hope just abandoned him.


Well, I guess there is at least one nice person left to save the day. 


buckaroo, do you use IRC? If so, what time are you usually on/what time so you think you could manage tonight? If not, go to this site: http://rialliance.net register an account and send me a PM.

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Wait is this the Same buckaroo nube who was in gjo who joined iron. Why don't you stick with iron. And stop hopping aa's this is why everyone hates you.

Technically, I don't even think he was ever an approved nation on the ingame aa.

Edited by Commander shepard
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Seriously, how old are you? You really should just delete this nation and create a new one w/ a different name and don't tell anyone you used to be buckaroo. You basically ruined your rep mainly because you lack common sense and you fusstrated those willing to help you.

You are making this game 1000x harder than what it is. It's a damn spreadsheet, I'd hate to see how much trouble you have figuring out how to play video games

Edited by Hamilmania
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Well, I guess there is at least one nice person left to save the day.

Take this from the one person who has tried harder than anyone else in all of CN, he can't be helped.
Maybe a while back, but at this point there is nothing anyone can do for him. Trust me, you'd be wasting your time. So Mich of it I have wasted...

At this point, the o.ly thing he can do is delete and come back as somebody else.
Trust me. I already went through the process of explaining how he has learned his mistakes. Which he did, but is now for some reason repeating them. Nobody cares. Nobody wants him. Nobody can do anything else to help him. Its all been done.
Now its up to him.

He can end up being a Tom Riddle, (although Tom actually has accomplishments) or he can reroll and actually do something in CN.
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It's a sad day when people deny the rights of being in this world to another nation simply for not agreeing with them.


Buckaroo, I have tried to help you and we did not exactly click quite well. You are hard headed and do not listen well. However that shows me you are much like me. You are a strong person and loyal to your cause. Many have been here before just like you. We are special and a minority in our own right. If I were a doctor, I believe it would be called "Too Real" also known as "Treal" and "Keeping it 300%". 


No but seriously, you exhibit the qualities of many others and myself who have been on this forum. You exhibit extreme amounts of Loyalty, Honesty, and Courage. To be 100% Truthful, you will occasionally butt heads with a few who also exhibit these qualities. However you will not make it in this OWF world endless you're Fake and Submissive. Trust me, many have been living in this world just like you and I. I can turn anyone I want to my side, I pick and choose who I view worthy enough. That is why I am so arrogant. I have built and crushed two worlds several times here.


Trust me, go to any of these people putting you down and they will submit to you within minutes. They can't handle it 1-on-1. I was speaking about this direct subject with another one of us on here. (If he wants to comment, he will) They will try to bring you down in groups as they are extremely jealous they do not share these 3 qualities. However when they're in a group of others like them, they will band together and try to take you down. It's just the way this game works. To be honest I can't tell you why, but I can only tell you what I have observed. 


If you want my completely honest advice, I would re-roll. You're already on a path to be like me, a high profiled target. You will never get anywhere because the third kind of people who witness the OWF users not like you and I will be cautious as they are non-confrontational in matters. That is why they don't get on the OWF. These kind lurk and read but are cautious to embrace anyone that could cause them confrontation. However when confrontation comes to them, they will choose the winning side. They do this to quickly get rid of the drama and return to their lives under a rock. While I do not agree with that and do not find interest in it, it makes them happy. Whatever makes someone happy should be supported as long as it harms none.


My point is Buckaroo, you need to re-roll. You're on a path to be the next me. Re-roll immediately and join an alliance. You're incredibly loyal, stay with that alliance. Become the leader of that alliance and then release the inner you. Yes I am asking you to fake it until you make it. I know this isn't your preferred state of being and that is why I don't do it. However once you're a leader, these OWF Cowards will be terrified. Even when you're wrong they will agree with you. Enless they convene in a small group and start agreeing to turn on you, you have nothing to worry about. That is how this world works.


Also if you wish to remain Buckaroo, began choosing friends wisely. You can basically pick and choose any of them who are not like you and I. I find it funny to face my opponents head on. However most of the other people like you and I will fall into being your friend quickly. The other people I've met like you and I usually agree on bravery and can accept being wrong or not agreeing on things to each other.


I have faith you will lead an alliance to greatness. I don't suggest starting another one because this peaks interest and a few outsiders will try to ruin things that have no consequence of being ruined. Join one. You have many traits of being an amazing leader, however your lack of understanding this place has lead the others to paint your name black this time. I wish you the best of luck sweetie. I was hoping to save you in when I jumped on Rey, but I am afraid I can't save you in the political world. 


Best of Luck Buckaroo,



(OOC) You will make it easily being famous in the real world. Those who are considered like us and not afraid to take an opinion will quickly make fame. People will call you an attention magnet, but they're also paying money to say it. Inspirational Video for you. (/OOC)


People like us have to stick together ;)



You waited for two months before deciding you want to join any alliance on the winning coalition.


I'm sure you'll be welcome with open arms as a great help and loyal alliance member.



The majority of the people who bully and harass this guy are on the Sith Coalition. Trust me, I've gotten to know him. He's not disloyal at all and he isn't one of those that choose the winning team. (Read Above)

Edited by Rotavele
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I heard NATO is relatively accepting of the more... competence-challenged folks such as yourself.

Humpy is their leader and Tsayka is gov, ffs.

After reading the first sentence I was outraged, however your second sentence has made me see the light, can I subscribe to your newsletter?

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The majority of the people who bully and harass this guy are on the Sith Coalition. Trust me, I've gotten to know him. He's not disloyal at all and he isn't one of those that choose the winning team. (Read Above)

Weellllllllll sorry to burst your bubble here, princess. But that's quite the equal opportunity event.

Beside's, per this accusation against us, Buckaroo made a concerted and proud effort to draw our attention. He chose to be antagonistic towards us. His wild claims that he masterminded the whole Polar attack and the shift in story that he was the distraction, etc etc .. He efforted to put himself in front of us in the most ridiculous ways over the past few months while everyone in every corner, not just our coalition, told him to lay low and stop making an ass of himself. Kinda like, kinda like you - when you open your mouth.

Nice try at demonizing us, though.

No one's claimed that he's disloyal - the problem is he doesn't have any discipline or self-control. Again, kinda like you. Comes out, makes stupid and annoying little posts poking his finger in peoples chest's for a reaction, then doesn't understand the negative backlash. Kinda like you.

Perhaps the only answer is for him to join the royal court.
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After reading the first sentence I was outraged, however your second sentence has made me see the light, can I subscribe to your newsletter?

Sure! Subscriptions are just $19.99 plus tax.

Also, my favorite part of this thread had to be where someone called R&R "reasonable". What kind of shit show are we running where people are starting to believe that?
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