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New Polar Order Declaration of War


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Nope its that I think its a bullshit reason for the people who don't know any better.

Not to tap the fishtank, but what exactly in the Hell does any of Polaris' beef with NSO --- in general, and Dilber (in PM, btw) in particular --- have to do with GATO?


It's not your fight.  Sleep it off.

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Not to tap the fishtank, but what exactly in the Hell does any of Polaris' beef with NSO --- in general, and Dilber (in PM, btw) in particular --- have to do with GATO?
It's not your fight.  Sleep it off.

Has nothing to do with GATO as far as I know. I haven't even been active for 6 months. I just see bullshit so I call bullshit.
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That's not the point. The point is there have been at least half a dozen times where Polar was actively plotted against and everyone knew. Does it not seem disingenuous to ignore all of those times and then one time when they may have a shade of an advantage...decide to use that as their reasoning? Does that not seem like a whole load of bull. I mean roll them if they pissed you off that much if you like but you look stupid putting the "they were a threat" line in there after all of those years of ignoring threats.


Disingenuous? We're talking about being pro-active when in a superior position and taking a more wait-and-see approach when in a weak position. It sounds like you're complaining that we didn't say this is because they pose a threat and we're in a position to go ahead and do something about it. Is that it? Unless you can provide me with some counter- examples, that pretty much goes without saying as a part of the context of every single war ever declared.

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If you have heard that I am one of the sexiest grumpy fat old bastards ever to grace this realm, then you are correct.  Most other assessments I find to be quite scandalous

I dunno, ya look like a big ol' bundle of sunshine to me, but that may be due to our present owf company.



Has nothing to do with GATO as far as I know. I haven't even been active for 6 months. I just see bullshit so I call bullshit.

GATO has never seen anything but bullshit, nor spoken anything but bullshit, so full of its own being are its eyes and mouths.

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It's really hard to not think less of GATO because of you MagicNinja. You seem to be making the exact same circular arguments, when that doesn't work you resort to petty attacks. You keep repeating this cycle until people forget that your circular arguments were already debunked.

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Has nothing to do with GATO as far as I know. I haven't even been active for 6 months. I just see bullshit so I call bullshit.

Fair enough, it's great to see you active again, mn.  Thought you mighta' been abducted by aliens.  :P


The fact is, Polaris' justification for this miltary adventure cannot be seen as anything but justified.  Poetic justice is an endearing thing.  Also, once again, as always, TOP proves their Playboy pin-up sexiness.  oof.  :wub:

Edited by mmansfield68
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Disingenuous? We're talking about being pro-active when in a superior position and taking a more wait-and-see approach when in a weak position. It sounds like you're complaining that we didn't say this is because they pose a threat and we're in a position to go ahead and do something about it. Is that it? Unless you can provide me with some counter- examples, that pretty much goes without saying as a part of the context of every single war ever declared.

Lol wait and see approach. That's as good a euphemism to "too scared to move" as I've ever heard. No, you should have said We don;t like them and are in a position to do something about it. That would have been the truth. I would've said fine let's do it then as would everyone else. You may have lost a few smaller fencesitters but I doubt enough to sway anything. They posed no threat. Now had NG and NPO stayed onboard and been actively trying to convince their allies on NSO's behalf as well you may have had a point. NSO wasn't doing anything on their own no matter how high you try to build Dilber up. This is bullshit.
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I used to sit across the table from AlmightyGrub as a 4-star General in the Polar military.  I can tell you this, smart guy, Grub is nothing like what you hear on the streets.  He's meaner than the meanest streets in all of Mean-Streetdom.  I'm talking about a guy who was put together, piece by piece, with spare parts of blown-apart Marines.  That guy is the 'Jason' in everybody's Halloween.


I know he comes across as a soft kitten.  But don't be fooled.



What are you on about? Grub is not mean in the slightest. He is blunt. Bob can use more of that. I have served under Grub and in Polar gov with him for a long time. He's a good man at heart, He is just opinionated and blunt. 



It is a truly simple concept. Polar has chosen to actually act on a threat being posed against them. The fact they chose not too for whatever reason in the past, with other alliances, is immaterial to this discussion. It's POLARS choice to act upon a threat. Not yours. Don't like that they chose to deal with NSO's threats against them? Tough cookies. This is a war you guys wanted, you tried to build for this. Polar beat you to the gate. It is also a filler while we wait for NSO's allies to come. You are coming right?

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What are you on about? Grub is not mean in the slightest. He is blunt. Bob can use more of that. I have served under Grub and in Polar gov with him for a long time. He's a good man at heart, He is just opinionated and blunt. 



It is a truly simple concept. Polar has chosen to actually act on a threat being posed against them. The fact they chose not too for whatever reason in the past, with other alliances, is immaterial to this discussion. It's POLARS choice to act upon a threat. Not yours. Don't like that they chose to deal with NSO's threats against them? Tough cookies. This is a war you guys wanted, you tried to build for this. Polar beat you to the gate. It is also a filler while we wait for NSO's allies to come. You are coming right?

He was praising Grub.

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What are you on about? Grub is not mean in the slightest. He is blunt. Bob can use more of that. I have served under Grub and in Polar gov with him for a long time. He's a good man at heart, He is just opinionated and blunt. 



It is a truly simple concept. Polar has chosen to actually act on a threat being posed against them. The fact they chose not too for whatever reason in the past, with other alliances, is immaterial to this discussion. It's POLARS choice to act upon a threat. Not yours. Don't like that they chose to deal with NSO's threats against them? Tough cookies. This is a war you guys wanted, you tried to build for this. Polar beat you to the gate. It is also a filler while we wait for NSO's allies to come. You are coming right?

Mejo, I'm not sure if you noticed... but I'm with Polar on this deal.  I never pass up an opportunity to deliver the smartass comment, and I take for granted that most people 'get it.' 


You didn't, and I will apologize shortly.  Wait right there.

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Lol wait and see approach. That's as good a euphemism to "too scared to move" as I've ever heard. No, you should have said We don;t like them and are in a position to do something about it. That would have been the truth. I would've said fine let's do it then as would everyone else. You may have lost a few smaller fencesitters but I doubt enough to sway anything. They posed no threat. Now had NG and NPO stayed onboard and been actively trying to convince their allies on NSO's behalf as well you may have had a point. NSO wasn't doing anything on their own no matter how high you try to build Dilber up. This is bullshit.

You of all people are in no position to try to paint strategy and pragmatism as fear. Again, nobody attacks from a position of weakness, even if they have something that could be used as a CB. If you're facing what would be an overwhelming force, but you're not sure whether you're actually going to have to deal with it or not, why would you pre-emptively attack and ensure that it becomes a reality?


As far as just declaring based on "we don't like you"...that's really not the whole story at all. You can believe whatever you want, but there's no evidence to suggest that we'd be fighting even if NSO had not actively tried to bring about our destruction.

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Mejo, I'm not sure if you noticed... but I'm with Polar on this deal.  I never pass up an opportunity to deliver the smartass comment, and I take for granted that most people 'get it.' 


You didn't, and I will apologize shortly.  Wait right there.

It was my bad, I misinterpreted  :) Late night and all :P

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No, it demonstrate how I'm an ass hole.


That is the single most intellectually honest statement you have made in this entire thread.  See, was that so hard?  Your evening meds must be kickin' in.


Has nothing to do with GATO as far as I know. I haven't even been active for 6 months. I just see bullshit so I call bullshit.


You have just openly admitted to having no frame of reference within the timeframe of most of this conflict's development, when it moved off the theory board and into the treaty-posturing stage, which NSO did as well.  Their collusion with Non Grata is of course the only one you are aware of, because your assessment of the events leading up to this war behind the scenes is nothing but apparently drug-addled conjecture based off of a cursory scan of the DoW and a furious need to feel relevant in a conflict that you have no part in.


All in all, it makes sense now that your posts sound like the ranting of a schizophrenic trying to reconcile in his own mind whether Abe Lincoln was asssassinated by aliens or by Hindus, and they make even less sense.  The saddest part about this is you have received countless rebuttals for your intellectually devoid and paranoid overreaction to this conflict (once again that has nothing to do with you at all), and many people from many alliances have attempted to give you the factual information that you by your own admission were not even present to receive yourself.  Considering our attempts to educate you and your continued increasingly erratic responses, it appears that you are not only vehemently rejecting reason but that there is actual fear within... whatever's left of your brain.

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I like this post because it demonstrates why you are an idiot without being an incomprehensible wall of what could be construed as a primitive attempt at language.


This was a very pleasing sentence to read, well done. I also agree with the statement but that's almost beside the point.

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This was a very pleasing sentence to read, well done. I also agree with the statement but that's almost beside the point.


I didn't ever think I'd find myself agreeing with you, Letterkenny, and yet here I am.  Pleasantly surprised.

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MN doesn't set trends.


Also speaking of cakeboys, how about that GATO performance last war?

Has there been a war in recent memory where GATO didn't perform like shit?


Magicninja, before you get your panties in a twist, the question is rhetorical.

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That's not the point. The point is there have been at least half a dozen times where Polar was actively plotted against and everyone knew. Does it not seem disingenuous to ignore all of those times and then one time when they may have a shade of an advantage...decide to use that as their reasoning? Does that not seem like a whole load of bull. I mean roll them if they pissed you off that much if you like but you look stupid putting the "they were a threat" line in there after all of those years of ignoring threats.

And therefore those skilled in war bring the enemy to the field of battle and are not brought there by him.
Sun Tzu

You have to pick your battles wisely. Not every conflict is worth turning into a major battle. There are certain battles which simply cannot be won no matter how much effort you put into them or what strategies you use. They are simply losing causes and fighting such battles does little to help you accomplish your ultimate objectives. The wise man will not let his pride get in the way of obtaining his goals, and fighting a battle which cannot be won is a prime example of allowing your pride to cloud your thinking.
Sun Tzu
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We should get a medal for being so kind and give people what they wanted..

We even started it in Oct-Nov, like you first wanted, just because of you!

Too bad your initial plans didn't work out otherwise we could be watching not an NpO DoW but one from NSO instead..


But meh, war is war, have fun!

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Still strikes me as odd to see Polaris and TOP roll out together....


Oh cmon, it isnt that odd, Polaris and TOP have rolled out together several times........Mainly on opposite sides but still on the battlefield together :P


Nothing new here on Planet Bob, all is well ;)

Edited by chefjoe
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