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Announcement from the Mushroom Kingdom

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I have a complaint.  The rogue MK sent our way has turtled the last few days and will not come out.  Please rectify this situation as soon as you can or send a replacement.  Thank you.


On a different note, although I’m no fan of MK, I will miss having you guys stir things up.  Don't forget to do the correct combination of air flips on the way out.



The complaints & grievances office is currently understaffed and have a bit of a backlog at the moment.


Please try to submit your complaint at a later date.


Thank you.

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So long MK didn't expect you guys to go this quickly but then again what's worth staying around for? You'd be like the weird 7th year undergraduate student, in a not Van Wilder cool way, so better just to move on. Good luck destroying TDO as they are completely worthless.

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So long MK didn't expect you guys to go this quickly but then again what's worth staying around for? You'd be like the weird 7th year undergraduate student, in a not Van Wilder cool way, so better just to move on. Good luck destroying TDO as they are completely worthless.


You should join our cause, brother.  Tell me with a straight face you don't want to strap one of these sigs like the one you see below me to your chest, charge towards the infidels, and shout "ALLARCHONU AKBAR!"

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Congratulations, fine gentlemen, you have made me laugh, for to win one hundred victories in one hundred battles is not the acme of military prowess. To subdue your enemy without fighting, is the acme of military prowess.


Reminds me of GGA, except this is a classier bunch.



You had a very good run, Kingdom.






(Thanks Goldiebabe.)

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You should join our cause, brother.  Tell me with a straight face you don't want to strap one of these sigs like the one you see below me to your chest, charge towards the infidels, and shout "ALLARCHONU AKBAR!"

Classy sig there Londo.

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Congratulations, fine gentlemen, you have made me laugh, for to win one hundred victories in one hundred battles is not the acme of military prowess. To subdue your enemy without fighting, is the acme of military prowess.


Reminds me of GGA, except this is a classier bunch.



You had a very good run, Kingdom.






(Thanks Goldiebabe.)


Indeed, we share many a similarity; MK and GGA. For that reason we reached out to them out of respect for the mortal acts that have bound us together.

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I havent even been here for about 2 years, but yeah i thought i'd put in some last words for you guys.


Love or hate, you were never boring. You kept people on their toes, and that for itself, makes you a great alliance. Sad to see you go (if this is not another joke announcement).

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Dear HoT
 Thanks for the plug. I have had many an interesting set of insulting and abusive threads with MK but I first came to them as ambassador when they were being put under the boot of NPO. I admired the moxy they displayed. I am sad the path they travelled , as it would not be ours but to revel in the disbandment of any alliance even the infamous /b/ is very poor sportmanship. All alliances bring a different flavour and perspective to Digiterra to lose any community is a loss for us all. I will not miss my embassy postings that garnered my ardent fans and their vulgarious accolades but there were many good people in MK and I shall miss what THEY brought to the table.
Dame Hime Themis


I'm going to have to disagree here. What leaves with MK can't be denied. They were, and I've never met anyone who thinks differently, one of the two if not the most influential groups this world has had.


However influential though, they never showed respect to anyone else and never demanded it for themselves (at least not the way other alliances had previously). Disrespect for all things including a disbanded MK seems to me to be keeping with their existence. MK never showed much respect for disbanded alliances and they certainly raided plenty of them. In turn, disrespect and raiding is fair turnabout.


If we move on to the respectful members, which they undoubtedly had and whom probably still reside on MK, it is unfortunate that they may get caught in the crossfire. I'm not willing to go so far as to say it is an improper thing to do though. That small minority wasn't able to get MK to respect anyone, it's not on us to get people to show respect for the punch in the turd bowl. Crossfire is the cost of the lives they chose to live.   

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Crossfire? Someone say Crossifire? http://shahidul.files.wordpress.com/2007/09/rab.jpg


0/ RAB 


Catch you under some Upazilla sometime....


And now there's this! We are under expropriate! Prepare for the combat Roadie!



Edited by HalfEmpty
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Crossfire? Someone say Crossifire? http://shahidul.files.wordpress.com/2007/09/rab.jpg


0/ RAB 


Catch you under some Upazilla sometime....


And now there's this! We are under expropriate! Prepare for the combat Roadie!




My goodness. If any of the people that did the great MK prop are still around, something must be done with this. 100 tech from me to whomever does it.

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My goodness. If any of the people that did the great MK prop are still around, something must be done with this. 100 tech from me to whomever does it.

Delendum. AVFC1 & SuperTwigs were the karma era prop people iirc. As part of forum reshuffle on our boards i'm going to dig out old threads for people to see in the public section. NoCB/Karma prop threads will be included.

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You became what you claimed to oppose, and went from bring an alliance harboring many shit-posters but at least with a purpose to an alliance composed almost exclusively of shit-posters that contributed nothing but ossification to the world.


You should have done this a lot earlier. Goodbye.

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Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world.


Seems to summarize the situation quite nicely.  Mushroom Kingdom certainly made things interesting, which is more than many did.

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