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Hello Planet Bob this is Broncoskid8



I have some news for you all.

Let's just say I found something on CNtel that deserves some attention

Without further ado...



<Holton> hey
<Holton> are you around
<Holton> rota
<Rotavele[NSO]> Hey
<Holton> So guess what
<Holton> you're important again
<Holton> I need you to spy on another alliance
<Rotavele[NSO]> Which one? 7.png
<Holton> LPH
<Rotavele[NSO]> Wait for real lol
<Holton> yeah
<Holton> like seriously
<Rotavele[NSO]> Why lol
<Holton> I just need you to access their gov forums
<Rotavele[NSO]> For what
<Holton> and see if there's anything about them and TOP/coalition against NSO
<Rotavele[NSO]> They wouldnt do that 18.png
<Holton> Dude
<Holton> I'm asking if you will do it or not
<Holton> not for your opinion
<Rotavele[NSO]> Then no.
<Holton> dude
<Rotavele[NSO]> ?
<Holton> You can either spy for us
<Holton> or we'll declare you a traitor and place you on an EZI list
<Rotavele[NSO]> Lol. Go for it.
<Holton> man
<Holton> i like you
<Holton> just do it
<Holton> so the rest of gov doesnt EZI you
<Rotavele[NSO]> ...
<Rotavele[NSO]> Alright.
<Rotavele[NSO]> I already have an account with gov access on their forums that they don't know about.


Guess what NSO? you got some explaining to do.



Have fun :P




Edited by Broncoskid8
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Oh, don't forget this:

[22:32] <broncoskid8> Drege: you're the leader?
[22:32] <Drege> no, I'm government
[22:33] <broncoskid8> share it with your gov
[22:33] <Drege> I did
[22:33] <broncoskid8> You're welcome

[22:33] <Drege> just kidding, I shared it with one person
[22:33] <Drege> and they discredited it
[22:33] <broncoskid8> who?
[22:33] <broncoskid8> Who!?
[22:33] <Drege> no worries about who it was
[22:34] <broncoskid8> ...It was Holton wasn't it?
[22:34] <Drege> No, it was Red of the NPO
[22:35] <broncoskid8> damn
[22:35] <broncoskid8> aww thought I found something awesome?
[22:35] <Drege> We're conspiring with the TOP/coalition against NSO


On behalf of Drege, I do not condone anything Drege said above.


Drege, out.

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[22:05:58] <broncoskid8> Hello
[22:06:12] <broncoskid8> I found something on CNtel you should know about
[22:06:50] <broncoskid8> http://s4.zetaboards.com/CNtel/topic/9913683/1/
[22:07:21] <broncoskid8> Tell them an "anonymous source" gave this critical intel to you
[22:07:37] <broncoskid8> oh unholy Sith Emperor
[22:07:43] <broncoskid8> Rayvon[NSO]:
[22:08:25] <broncoskid8> let's just say somebody in your alliance blew it broski
[22:16:04] <broncoskid8> And
[22:16:07] <broncoskid8> You
[22:16:08] <broncoskid8> are
[22:16:09] <broncoskid8> fucked
[22:42:01] * Rayvon[NSO] sniffles
[22:42:05] <Rayvon[NSO]> I am skurred
[22:42:19] <Rayvon[NSO]> Do you have any fucking clue what you're looking at? Do you have any fucking clue what you're talking about?
[22:42:31] <Rayvon[NSO]> Moron.
[22:42:56] <Rayvon[NSO]> Do you even realize how old those threads are?
[22:48:25] <broncoskid8> yes
[22:48:31] <broncoskid8> You spied on LPH
[22:48:38] <broncoskid8> You gave the orders
[22:48:44] <broncoskid8> and now all of CN knows
[22:49:15] <broncoskid8> I'm looking at war
[22:51:43] <broncoskid8> just admit it "I owe broncoskid8 the emprorshipishness of NSO in exchange for him not leaking precious intel"


Come at me, LPH. Balls in your purse court.



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I know if I were a spymaster I would deploy someone intelligent, reliable, and above all else stable (such as Rotavele), who is able to get access to the general membership of a major and well-connected alliance who is sure to be at the center of any coalition (such as LPH). It seems like you found us out. Well done.

Edited by Rebel Virginia
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Hey guys I found some additional logs that will unravel yet another layer to this fascinating story.


<Rotavele[NSO]> sup?
<broncoskid8> I'm going to post logs showing you spied
<broncoskid8> on lph
<Rotavele[NSO]> wut why???
<broncoskid8> cuz you have scorned me and my attempts to whoo you
<Rotavele[NSO]> no one will believe you anyway
<Rotavele[NSO]> i put out to everyone
<broncoskid8> then why not me?
<Rotavele[NSO]> because i have found my one true love!
<broncoskid8> *gasp*
<broncoskid8> who???
<Prodigal_Chieftain> it is I!!! Rota's one and only soulmate


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So can we settle this by me declaring and nuking Rey over and over and Rayvon can nuke Rotavele and we can all be happy?

Seriously though can we do this?


Interestingly enough, Rota's in my range -- and so is broncoskid  :ehm:

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