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An Announcement from the Viridian Entente


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"Viridia entering this war.. *pft*.. didn't they learn the last time when I smashed Impero to half my size that it's generally a bad idea to fight the Pacific?" He steps on one of their nations and takes it down 10% of its life on the first day of battle. "Yeah there'll be nothing left of this guy in ten days." He puts other foot on a fallen umbrella. "Umbrella's are prickly, but this one is very breakable. I think I'll steal all his nukes, they don't like being disarmed. At least I'm finally in the fight now though." He grinned while blood dripped from tooth and claw.

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And that's Mael for you. At least he backs up his words. And congrats VE! Have at AI while you can. If things go my way, we'll be taking all of your war from them, since they don't really deserve anymore fun in my opinion.

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Chefjoe, you do realize Umb only did that once, and it wasn't to protect puppet's from taking damage, it was to deal damage to him ourselves, right?


Let me highlight something for you to read again.



Yep, AI started this by filling M9P's slots so he could get to PM every time, in fact everyone agrees with you......ohh wai...except Admin whom deleted those wars and everyone else NOT fighting on your side  :rolleyes:


Edited by nutkase
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I had fun fighting VE nations in our last encounter and I hope to have just as much fun this time. As to easy peace terms, Alliances that enter wars in order to honor their commitments deserve respect, regardless of their political affiliations. Last time, VE fought all out for the time they were in the conflict and got out easy as a result. I hope that our leadership sees fit maintain the same policy this time around. Regardless, I offer salutations to those nations I meet on the field of battle and hope that the respect I began to feel for VE last time will increase as a result of this engagement.

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I had fun fighting VE nations in our last encounter and I hope to have just as much fun this time. As to easy peace terms, Alliances that enter wars in order to honor their commitments deserve respect, regardless of their political affiliations. Last time, VE fought all out for the time they were in the conflict and got out easy as a result. I hope that our leadership sees fit maintain the same policy this time around. Regardless, I offer salutations to those nations I meet on the field of battle and hope that the respect I began to feel for VE last time will increase as a result of this engagement.


Easy peace is what allowed the rise of DH to begin with. I'll give them this, they know how to put the screws to their potential opponents and severely decrease their threat level.

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Hopefully VE doesn't have another pre-arranged easy peace waiting this time. Crazy to give them that last war when everyone knew they'd be fighting them again next war.



Don't you get it? No matter how difficult people make it for us to leave a war, we'll always be there for the next one. So long as there exists a world where people insist on hitting our allies, there will be a world where we will go balls to the wall to defend them.


Call me crazy, but there was a time when an alliance was let off the hook after an aborted war, only to end up being again a part of the opposition in a war a short time later. That alliance fought admirably, even though we all knew they had a huge role in being antagonists before, and they were overwhelmed but still given painless terms by the victors. That was TPF, just a couple of years ago. I guess VE can be hugely to blame for being a major part of setting precedents where wars could end for non-primary combatants without reps or terms, because we'd done it for you guys (in BiPolar) and a dozen other alliances in the past. But yea, Equilibrium and everything.

Edited by goldielax25
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Are you referring to maybe UJP in that first part? Having only been in TPF for 5.5 years now I missed that one.


Are you referring to the Christmas war when we got jumped on for one of the most paper thin CB's from the manufactured CB era? Because we committed an act of war, while at war? That wasn't a particularly easy time at all for us, that war was actually fairly crippling because we were coming off fighting 100+ days of nuclear war and then paying reps in Karma, where we had 1 nation left with a war chest over 100 million dollars. That one ended when our coalition finally was able to get it's stuff together to put out a mass DoW.


In BiPolar, you eventually attacked us and we eventually surrendered. You offered what you did to get us out of the war. We didn't (to my very best of knowledge) have a pre-arranged deal to get a quick peace post war like you guys did last war.


Outside of those events I'm not sure what you mean. In Karma we went for over 100 days of nuclear war. In DH/NPO we did the same thing.


The DH side, and this is giving them credit, smartly fought wars to cripple the hell out of their opponents. We'd have been much much better off if we'd gotten the same terms for Karma that MK got for WoTC. But they didn't allow anything less than scorched Earth. Then when we got back on our feet DH/NPO pre-empt splintering off from one of your crusades against Polaris was another crushing blow. It's why NPO has no top tier.


You're pre-arranged war during Dave didn't strongly hinder you and here you are again fighting NPO and it's allies with the strength you were able to hold onto. It's bad for business in the future if you keep letting people who hit you off with a warning. DH and company realized this and have ran things for 4 years now because of it.

Don't you get it? No matter how difficult people make it for us to leave a war, we'll always be there for the next one. So long as there exists a world where people insist on hitting our allies, there will be a world where we will go balls to the wall to defend them.


Call me crazy, but there was a time when an alliance was let off the hook after an aborted war, only to end up being again a part of the opposition in a war a short time later. That alliance fought admirably, even though we all knew they had a huge role in being antagonists before, and they were overwhelmed but still given painless terms by the victors. That was TPF, just a couple of years ago. I guess VE can be hugely to blame for being a major part of setting precedents where wars could end for non-primary combatants without reps or terms, because we'd done it for you guys (in BiPolar) and a dozen other alliances in the past. But yea, Equilibrium and everything.


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To: Nobuna From: MastaPulva Date: 1/26/2013 2:16:55 AM

Subject: Unescorted Bombing Attack Report
Message: An unescorted aircraft bombing run has been launched against your nation by MastaPulva. In the attack you lost 0 defending tanks, 0 cruise missiles, and 0.00 infrastructure. You destroyed 50 attacking bombers. Any existing peace offers that were on the table have been automatically canceled.

Are you guys VE or GPA?! Edited by Nobuna
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Ugh, hey man, you really don't want to start busting out individual reports. We're trying to keep it classy here and it wont be pretty.


Unless you are 100% sure that AI has performed perfectly this war, I'd listen.


(HINT: You've been good, but nobody is perfect and lol does one report about an AI member come to mind)

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Good natured ribbing is a natural part of war. I don't fear it. Neither should you. Besides, VE is on my short list of favorite alliances to war on account of the fun exchanges with their members.

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We ride for our allies once more. No animosity here, just doing what we gotta do.


This I respect.


This is a period in Cybernations that, perhaps more so than ever, marks a true change in the way events unfold. Gone are the days when alliances committed themselves to any goal outside of political shelter and convenience. The thought of not winning so cripples people that they will do whatever they need to do, say whatever they need to say, and align with whoever they need to align with solely to make sure they end up victorious in the end. This era of instant gratification and fulfillment of short-term goals at the expense of the long-term stability of themselves and Cybernations itself is upon us, and it is a dark time.

But not everyone is held back by such attributes. There is still room for valor in this world, cowardice and self-preservation do not have to take the day. There is still room for righteousness in this world, we can defend our allies with vigor and not hide behind alliances we hardly know. We know that pain today is the fertilizer for success tomorrow, and that trying to achieve that success without earning it through pain is to take the coward's way out.

Our allies are in need of relief, and we will be there to provide it for them. We will not run, we will not hide, we will not let others fight our wars for us. Rather we will fight, and we will continue to attempt to embody forgotten virtues like valor and friendship while we combat those alliances united only by hatred and convenience and who embody cowardice.

It is with that in mind that I invite you all to celebrate my birthday with me as we declare war. VE revolves around war, everything else is antebellum and anticipation. We know we will have fun, and we can only hope that our foes will be fighting for something as important as we feel we are fighting for. We will have fun, as will our opponents, and we will be stronger as a result.



This, well I don't even know what to say about this.

Edited by iamthey
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