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Toodles, Cupcakes

Ernesto Che Guevara

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Beyond what happened you deserved privacy. I truly feel for you. Putting everything you got here was erased in a single post. Take the good advice. Collect, hibernate, and in a month or so see if this is still home. If not you will have lost little time in just a few collections and you can let tour nation slip. If you still have the fire, hate will keep you warm.

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Oh Chax, the irony here is palpable. Remember Peggysus? Now remember how you guys treated us during that.

Alright, you can go. I just wanted you to connect the dots and realize how things appear to come around.

Edited by Dexomega
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[quote name='Dexomega' timestamp='1358298480' post='3077257']
Oh Chax, the irony here is palpable. Remember Peggysus? Now remember how you guys treated us during that.

Alright, you can go. I just wanted you to connect the dots and realize how things appear to come around.

The difference being, of course, that PeggySue was an incompetent buffoon.

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[quote name='Wu Tang Clan' timestamp='1358298832' post='3077261']
The difference being, of course, that PeggySue was an incompetent buffoon.
An "incompetent buffoon" that took 8/10 high government and 3/5 deputies with her. People tend to graze over that part of history.

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Check out all the UPN members just [i]reveling[/i] in the glory of character assassination.

Also, Chax, I'm not okay with this. I don't really like the idea of a friend essentially being chased out of this game, especially by this lot of people. You deserve better then this. If you really want to go, then do, but do us all the favor of coming around and saying hi from time to time.

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For what it's worth Chax you were a good man, and an active member of this community. We may have disagreed on many things, but you will always have my respect, I think a break will do you wonders mate.

If this really is in the end than I wish you nothing but the best.

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Dear anybody using this thread to contest Chax's character

You're dumb. Stop. The fact that his main accusers split and that UPN is using this to try and be OWF relevant should be telling.

Best of luck out there, Chax

Edited by Neo Uruk
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[quote name='Dexomega' timestamp='1358299039' post='3077264']
An "incompetent buffoon" that took 8/10 high government and 3/5 deputies with her. People tend to graze over that part of history.

that would be about correct. Peggy took lots of our high government, and if some members weren't there for when her regiem ended the alliance might have collapsed or near collapsed. For all her faults it is impossible not to acknowledge that she at least had the hearts of most of her government firmly with her.

When Chax got booted I didn't see an entire branch of the alliance stand up for him, and damn near bring the alliance to civil war.

Anyway point is if he was really such a great alliance mate, how come no one put there name down to defend him even when logs were brought? Make some fake logs of me betraying the UPN and try to get my alliance to kick me out... I'd bet every last pixel they laugh and tell you to shove it.

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Remember buddy its just a [OOC]Game[/OOC]. Take it easy and enjoy a break. Hell Id suggets you collect taxes pay bills and hit peace mode and walk away for a SOLID 20 days (set a reminder in your diary/phone etc). Then and only then come back and take a took around and see what you think. The break could do you well.

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ECG, I've made a few screw ups and have been humiliated for them in my time, but what I have found is that you can really fall from grace, but then as long as its not a structural problem with a player, they can always find a new home and in a few months come back to influence if they have talent. So, I earnestly encourage you to change your mind and stay in CN even if its just in a state of temporary retirement.

However if you do choose to go, I wish you nothing but the best in RL and hope you learned a few things from CN that you can apply to there.

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I appreciate the well wishes and I apologize for my snap at the Sparta guy on the first page. Little defensive lately, ya know? ;)

Honestly, I've got foreign aid stuff right now pending so I can't delete and I'm already in PM, so if at the end of 15 days I decide to stick around (or 20, actually), I will. As of now, I can't see that happening. I'm simply burnt out. Sniper Joe and I put way too much effort into the last two weeks and in fact the last six months to be paid back this way. If anything I'll stick in Int or join MK with the other war criminals (haha get it?), but again, that's rather unlikely. Just sorta done.

Thanks for the well wishes in this thread, people. Means a lot that some of you care. The UPN detractors who can't even act decent at a metaphorical funeral are just embarrassing themselves further. I hope you grow up sometime soon.

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People always try to blame someone else for their mistakes, isn't never their fault.

[OOC]This is what you accomplishes for taking this game too serious, I hope this serves as a warn for everyone else who does the same thing.[/OOC]

Edited by D34th
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