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[quote name='Commander shepard' timestamp='1356982121' post='3069876']
The tech totals in play would be pretty close. if there was a skirmish between the two.
Certainly not deserving of the word "dominate".

WRC's, moon bases are better.
Certainly not deserving of the word "dominate" either, better odds of coming out on top? definitely.
MK has more than a 3:2 advantage in both tech and WRCs.

TPF makes up for it in NS with more infra, land (once you remove timmehhh), soldiers, tanks, and navy. Those will be destroyed far more quickly than tech.

Obviously in a big war, we're not likely to only be fighting TPF.

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[quote name='flak attack' timestamp='1356897693' post='3069507']
Anyone that legitimately thinks TPF is anything close to a match to MK should never be allowed to make military decisions. You have barely 60% of our tech. You would get dominated.

LOL, I know we are a close match. Last war when I fought MK I had easy pickings, in fact of the 2 people the entire war I fought that gave me any fits, one was from Athens and I think the other one was from Goons. All MKers, including the ones who had more tech than me never gave me much of any battle, and the Goons were extremely predictable when they would fight..... 2 days out of every 10.

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[quote name='NationRuler' timestamp='1355675241' post='3064576']

I very rarely agree with Arexes, but this an accurate assessment of this behavior. Umbrella, for one, is extremely open within the alliance and it would be a terrible shame for an event like this to cause that to end.

Any alliance that changes their internal policies over this thread is ignorant and way too paranoid. Alliances who are open should have nothing to hide as the majority of CNs political active players will know where they stand.

Regardless, kudos for trying to stir up the plot. But I fear the plot will not stir without something of game changing magnitude and this good sir is not game changing.

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[quote name='supercoolyellow' timestamp='1357146740' post='3070459']
Since MK is confident they can take TPF. You all should just declare on them :)

This is a catch 22, because then they would have to shed pixels for someone they care so little about, despite providing enough insult to convince one otherwise.

Edited by IYIyTh
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[quote name='Emperor Marx' timestamp='1357187052' post='3070799']
But what about that plot where tech was kept from you that never happened? You are caving in that easy?

No, we're not caving in. We just have more flexibility on this than most other alliances as a result of the TPF war. Athens set the precedent that thinking about doing something is a CB and that it can be acted upon well after the thinking occurred. Equally important in this case is that MK's backing of Athens in that war is viewed by us as recognition from Castle Hall of the validity of that type of CB. That we have not yet redeemed the CB Coupon, does not mean we won't.

In truth, that is a terrible precedent to perpetuate and acting on such a CB constitutes a gross abuse of power, but we can all still enjoy some adversarial discourse over it.

Edited by Roadie
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[quote name='Kilkenny' timestamp='1357174197' post='3070657']
LOL, I know we are a close match. Last war when I fought MK I had easy pickings, in fact of the 2 people the entire war I fought that gave me any fits, one was from Athens and I think the other one was from Goons. All MKers, including the ones who had more tech than me never gave me much of any battle, and the Goons were extremely predictable when they would fight..... 2 days out of every 10.

Hey, remember that time when you said goons were !@#$ and i ZI'd you? If you have forgotten here's a reminder. You sucked during that war and don't pretend you are some great fighter. If you fought MK 1v1 it wouldn't end in your favor. A blind man could see that.


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Hell I been zi'd more than 5 times, weird that it carries some weird weight.

Edit: And you take screen shots? Sweet jebus, you are correct in your leave timing.
Take pictures of your children, that will be way more important too you in 5 years.

Edited by HalfEmpty
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[quote name='HalfEmpty' timestamp='1357224649' post='3070915']
Hell I been zi'd more than 5 times, weird that it carries some weird weight.

Edit: And you take screen shots? Sweet jebus, you are correct in your leave timing.
Take pictures of your children, that will be way more important too you in 5 years.

He sucked during that war, I believe i fought him for 2 cycles (i think it was him) Yet here he is pointing out how bad others are.

I take screen shots to mock others with, forgive me for spending a whole 30 seconds to take a screen shot and upload it via that handy addon for photo bucket. The horror, the shame, my kids will never forgive me for not spending that 30 seconds taking more photos of them.

You're right, that 30 seconds is to valuable to waste on him though.

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That's funny. Someone bragging about ZIing someone else (and taking screen shots). Happens to most anyone on the wrong side of a long lopsided war, absent peace mode.

Not sure if I've got you beat Half for number of times to ZI. It'd be close.

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[quote name='Hiro Nakara' timestamp='1357219413' post='3070907']
Hey, remember that time when you said goons were !@#$ and i ZI'd you? If you have forgotten here's a reminder. You sucked during that war and don't pretend you are some great fighter. If you fought MK 1v1 it wouldn't end in your favor. A blind man could see that.

It's not that difficult to find a ZI'd TPFer. it doesn't mean we're terrible at war it just means we've fought in a lot of wars and some of them were lopsided. I know i've been ZI'd my fair share of times. I'd also like to point out that the person who actually does that ZI'ing contributed very little to actually getting him there, it's the beating up top that means the most.

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