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Declaration from Vox Populi


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On this date in August 2008, 11 rulers declared their contempt for a world and a system which repressed discourse, ruthlessly crushed not just opposition but the appearance of opposition, and resulted in some of the most notorious crimes of history.
Within 48 hours, hundreds upon hundreds of nations from across the political spectrum had joined in the outcry, transforming a suicide charge of a very few into a 9-month movement never yet matched in its intensity or impact.

These nations were the voice of the people crying out against tyranny and decadence. The movement was Vox Populi, the August Revolution.


Within a matter of days, Vox Populi transformed the perception of the future on Digiterra, shattering the bleak assumption of perpetual Continuum dominance by striking down the Pacifican golden cow, and placing kingzog into the Red Senate, and Cylon into the Green Senate.

As our voice grew louder, ranks swelling, the backlash by those with everything to lose came swiftPZI, EZI, permanent war, 0 tech, promises of an utter inability ever to be part of Digiterra again. But once a ruler knows true freedom, no threat can imprison his heart again. For us, every threat was a knew promise of greater freedom.

As time wore on, many who joined for the initial kicks shuffled off; off to the comforts of peace, or off the mortal coil. Once exploding in every direction, our leaner organization gained focus. From exuberant rallies to cutting essays, from the battlefield to a massive underground of spies and [i]agents provocateur[/i]. A brief account of our history and activities is needed for my purpose today, but it is not my purpose; you can read of our many exploits from links here: http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/Vox_Populi_%282nd%29

Vox was not an alliance in the traditional sense, and it was never Vox's mission or place to become an institution to captain or demand the direction of Digiterra post-Continuum. With the certain defeat and dismantling of the Continuum, Vox Populi [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=58165"]suspended operations[/url] on May 20, 2009.

In the wake of Karma, a fear grew up in the hearts of Pacifica's enemies. Though she was defeated, her allies scattered, her Emperor resigned, SuperFriends, Compaints & Grievances, and their partners could not bring themselves to approach the world with a new way at the break of its new dawn. Intent upon keeping NPO down, SF and C&G maintained a shaky alliance, subjugating internal conflict to the ex-Hegemony Boogeyman.

In this period, the rhetoric of Karma fell by the wayside. No longer checked in power by the Continuum or held to the decorum of the past, the alliances of "SuperGrievances," Doom House, and Pandora's Box began to run roughshod over the world. Full-scale attacks on alliances were labeled "techraids," reparations were demanded at the end of a gun over broken trade circles, wars were declared over events which occurred in the middle of previous wars, reparations were demanded of any defender who dared stand in the way of a beatdown.

And all the while, just as during the Continuum era, the power for all of these offenses, and more, was given to the main actors by the many clingers-on. Four years is a long time; the message of Vox Populi faded in the hearts of men, the dreams we all shared forsaken.

Today, we stand again on a new dawn, Digiterra wakes again from war. Now the time is ripe for the alliances of the world to step boldly forward, to commit to putting away the modes of the past.

In the past, too many have forgotten that the abuses of power are not native to specific alliances, rather, they are native to power itself. The names do not matter. Pacifica is not the problem, Mushroom Kingdom is not the problem, GOD is not the problem. The system is the problem, the pursuit of power for power's sake is the problem. We must all commit again to the vision of Vox Populi, for which so many thousands gave everything, I invoke the parting words of Vox:

[quote name='Doitzel' timestamp='1242858637' post='1543237']
To the world at large, we give warning. This is not the end of the struggle, for the struggle which Vox Populi has embraced is unending. It is a struggle against those who would take what is not theirs, those who would take advantage of all situations, those who seek nothing but personal gain without heed to the needs, thoughts, feelings, and well-being of others. It is a struggle against the purest form of practicality and pragmatism, which drives man to covet without any attention to morality, justice, or fairness. It is a struggle that shall end only when our kind are wiped from the planet for it is something we are all capable of.

And that is our warning. Do not relax your guard against this mentality. Do not dismiss the possibility of its creeping up and overtaking yourself or those close to you. To fall victim to the idea that the ends always justify the means where the means is your own self-promotion is something that comes easy and silently, but seldom can be snuffed out. Maintain your watch, keep in check those of this mindset, and prepare yourself always for a time when we must again take arms against such a threat -- for that is what it is. It is a threat to all of us, each and every one, and wherever this philosophy takes root so takes root a danger for all that we hold dear, in our own ways, to be cast down at our feet.

This victory is not permanent, and those who fight not would do well to keep that in mind. Divisions are unavoidable, but remember that we are only as strong united as we are weak divided. Do not again allow ambitious powers to slowly pick off opposition, one-by-one, and hoodwink you into conceding. Stand your ground always, tall and true to your ideals. Never, ever, ever give in, for as long as there is one other by your side you shall have purpose. Remember always when you took on the forces of oppression and let the strength of that memory spur you on. We may forgive, but we should never forget. And should the time come that men cannot speak their dissent, should the time come that alliances' sovereignty is revoked, should the time come that communities are destroyed or repressed let those of noble spirit rise again to spearhead another Glorious Revolution against the darkness that engulfs them.[/quote]

War is over, now the time of reflection comes again.

That is our charge, my charge, and my charge to you. I admonish you each, you leaders, you electorates, we can break the beat of history. The Viridian Entente has taken a step. Pacifica is taking steps. Duckroll has stood firm during this last war.

Reflect. Find the purpose of your alliance. Define it. Find your identity. Become firm in a commitment to stand by the ideals of your alliance, not to act without reflection. Cancel the treaty which makes no sense. Leave the alliance whose actions do not represent you.

This is our new struggle as we face the future, this is our charge, and our burden. The prize of victory in this battle is what we all say we want: A dynamic world. A world with more freedom. A world with more war, but less persecution. A world in which we all share in the [i]experience[/i] of defeat and glory. Where being a Legionnaire, being a Pacifican, being an ODNista, being a Viridian [b]means [/b]something.

Edited by Schattenmann
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Ah, a very good read. No nation ruler on Bob can truly know freedom until put into the situation Vox was in. And great things we did with that freedom. I can honestly say I've never had quite as much fun in CN as I did in Vox. It was a great and fun alliance and while I'm glad nothing like Vox Populi is currently needed, I do have to admit I greatly miss the alliance.

[quote name='Jonathan Brookbank' timestamp='1344892582' post='3021656']
Your praise for the actions of VE sours the taste of your entire message. What VE has done is contrary to the very nature of what Vox Populi fought for, so it seems counter-intuitive to offer praise as you call for a resurgence of Vox Populi ideals.

While I do somewhat agree with what you are saying, this is not the time nor place. This is a topic of remembrance of a great alliance that stood true to it's ideals, not a topic of political hodgepodge.

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[quote name='Nintenderek' timestamp='1344893652' post='3021662']
Ah, a very good read. No nation ruler on Bob can truly know freedom until put into the situation Vox was in. And great things we did with that freedom. I can honestly say I've never had quite as much fun in CN as I did in Vox. It was a great and fun alliance and while I'm glad nothing like Vox Populi is currently needed, I do have to admit I greatly miss the alliance.

While I do somewhat agree with what you are saying, this is not the time nor place. This is a topic of remembrance of a great alliance that stood true to it's ideals, not a topic of political hodgepodge.

All I am saying is that it detracts from his attempted message here.

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[quote name='Jonathan Brookbank' timestamp='1344894766' post='3021666']
All I am saying is that it detracts from his attempted message here.

Not really. In fact, I don't think there ever was a Voxian stance either way on the whole Friend Before Infra thing and if I had to guess, former Vox members are probably on both sides of the VE thing. So while I do agree, it was a kind of rude thing of VE to do, I don't see how Schatt's supporting of the move takes away from the statement at all. In reality, Vox Populi meant different things to different people within the alliance, as evident by the fact that there are Vox Populi members all over the current treaty web and in all honesty, that diversity was one of my favorite things about Vox Populi.

Edited by Nintenderek
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[quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1344896652' post='3021672']
[color="#0000FF"]Actually they are the problem. Someone ought to do something about them.[/color]

I see operation Embed the Sith is well underway my friend...

/me gives a wink and starts a complicated hand shake with RV and keeps on walking :ph34r:

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Brb finding someone who gives a damn...


Nobody found to give a damn...

Mismanagement by dozens of alliances over the years has created a treaty web where everyone is one or two ties from everyone else. The web is widely exploited to direct certain alliances towards certain targets during a war.

Honestly we should cancel all treaties and watch CN descend into anarchy...

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[quote name='SirWilliam' timestamp='1344896993' post='3021674']
Oh goody, another announcement about Vox. This one will certainly be as meaningful as the last several, of that I'm sure.

Really though, this wasn't what I was expecting (a reformation), and for that I'm disappointed.
If you want us to reform you will have to try harder.

Let us celebrate the August Revolution. Truly a good time to be a part of this world. My favorite time period.

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I agree with the general message of breaking down the tight knit power structure and encouraging a more diverse, dynamic CN. I just don't see how it can be done. For years, the goal of FA and politics in CN has been to entrench ones alliance. It'll be hard to break that culture.

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[quote name='Starfox101' timestamp='1344898216' post='3021687']
If you want us to reform you will have to try harder.

Try harder? I haven't tried in the first place. That's not to mention that it makes little sense that I would put effort into you or the others reforming the AA.

I just miss semi-competent opposition to the system.

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[quote name='SirWilliam' timestamp='1344899599' post='3021691']
Try harder? I haven't tried in the first place. That's not to mention that it makes little sense that I would put effort into you or the others reforming the AA.

I just miss semi-competent opposition to the system.

Ah well, I kind of want a boogeyman to motivate me. It's tough these days.

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I disagree with the assessment that power corrupts. Power doesn't corrupt, but rather, it attracts the easily corrupted. Those who were perhaps corrupted to begin with.

Anyways, I know you've never been our biggest fan, Shatt... but good luck with whatever it is you're trying to do.

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[quote name='Ayatollah Bromeini' timestamp='1344900010' post='3021695']
I disagree with the assessment that power corrupts. Power doesn't corrupt, but rather, it attracts the easily corrupted. Those who were perhaps corrupted to begin with.

I think personally its just that a lot of people act nice and honorable because they simply do not have the power to get away with being evil jerks. You realise fast though the true nature of a man after you grant him total power or remove the likelyhood of consequences of actions. He will then simply do what he [i]really[/i] wants and the real person is revealed. It's not that the power corrupted the man but more it allowed him to finally be himself.

I always liked this quote, I think it pretty well sums up how I see it...

[quote]"Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power."

— Abraham Lincoln[/quote]

o/ Vox

Edited by King Wally
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[quote name='Kowalski' timestamp='1344901874' post='3021705']
Look at me! I'm still relevant!
Ignores political essay in order to refocus on Schattenmann...

To let Schattenmann know he's irrelevant :psyduck:

We're stuck in a classic prisoner's dilemma, where just about everyone seems to know Vox had it right, but no one wants to be the first to take the risk of cutting some ties for a more honest foreign policy. But take a deeper look at who's been prospering lately and who's been getting worn down, and you'll start to see that being in the web is actually bad for your long term health.

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