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[quote name='Krack' timestamp='1323889032' post='2877925']
Aside from Gramlins, no alliance has lost its respectability as quickly and as completely as Ragnarok has. They've gone from respected power broker to low-rung alliance in the meatshield bloc.

All a matter of perspective.

Who's arguing? I'm laughing. This is hilarious to anyone with a memory.

Let me know when you move on from 2008 or 2009 or whatever past you're living in.

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[quote name='WarriorConcept' timestamp='1323889194' post='2877926']
Let me know when you move on from 2008 or 2009 or whatever past you're living in.

Sure. GOD's getting ripped apart today and the one alliance it was loyal to (over all others) is doing a victory dance because it gets to veto which other alliances get to carry out the destruction. And you're gonna get rolled next because you have no real friends and we both know the alliances you are treatied to would turn on you in an instant if it was politically expedient. As a neutral observer, it's pretty funny.

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[quote name='Krack' timestamp='1323889717' post='2877935']
Sure. GOD's getting ripped apart today and the one alliance it was loyal to (over all others) is doing a victory dance because it gets to veto which other alliances get to carry out the destruction. And you're gonna get rolled next because you have no real friends and we both know the alliances you are treatied to would turn on you in an instant if it was politically expedient. As a neutral observer, it's pretty funny.
You're delusional. God being ripped apart is a clear overstatement, and hugely disrepresentetive of the truth. GOD is practically intact, as it's strength does not lay in it's National Strength statistics, but of each individual member nations' intellectual and social contributions, and the power derived from having a great close-knit community.

And regarding us being rolled next, hah, this seems a lot like the typical farkistani wishful thinking that brings you to a timespace where you're fooling yourself. Truth is on our side. Victory will be ours. The enemy will be destroyed.

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[quote name='Krack' timestamp='1323889717' post='2877935']
Sure. GOD's getting ripped apart today and the one alliance it was loyal to (over all others) is doing a victory dance because it gets to veto which other alliances get to carry out the destruction. And you're gonna get rolled next because you have no real friends and we both know the alliances you are treatied to would turn on you in an instant if it was politically expedient. As a neutral observer, it's pretty funny.

You really aren't as wise as you think you are, but do keep up. Makes it all the more amusing for us knowing we have another fan next to schatt.

[quote name='janax' timestamp='1323890094' post='2877939']
I do not think this word means what you think it does.

You assume he thinks and isn't living in 2009 where FARK is rolling everyone and being hailed.

[quote name='Zoomzoomzoom' timestamp='1323890151' post='2877940']
This is Farkistan we're talking about.


[quote name='Sir Sci' timestamp='1323890352' post='2877942']
I fail to see the problem here. VE and GOD are on good terms and clearly have talked about this and VE has entered the war following a treaty. This is pretty cut and dry, folks.

Some people live to complain. Alas, I've already exchanged PMs with my opponent and we're both set on having a fun time this war and shaking hands when it's all done with.

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[quote name='commander thrawn' timestamp='1323857294' post='2877655']
3rd string chain against an alliance of 71 with your 236 nations plus GATO?

Yep. Completely necessary.

Although I will say this, Asgaard and our allies must be pretty awesome when it takes RnR, FOK and VE to counter (<200 of) us.

Thrawn -- the things you learn about a person on IRC, eh?

Thanks for saying what everyone in The Apparatus is thinking. We are extremely proud of our allies and the fact that we are a couple of small alliances jumping into a war with the big boys and holding our own. Funnier still that we had originally thought VE would counter us if we had came into the other side of the war via our alliance with you guys, eh?

Guess VE just loves Apparatuses that much :)

o7 ASG

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[quote name='Phaedron' timestamp='1323895002' post='2877988']
Thrawn -- the things you learn about a person on IRC, eh?

Thanks for saying what everyone in The Apparatus is thinking. We are extremely proud of our allies and the fact that we are a couple of small alliances jumping into a war with the big boys and holding our own. Funnier still that we had originally thought VE would counter us if we had came into the other side of the war via our alliance with you guys, eh?

Guess VE just loves Apparatuses that much :)

o7 ASG
I want to invade your apparatus. This is only natural.

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[quote name='EgoFreaky' timestamp='1323870542' post='2877747']
Yeah it does make this comment look a bit silly right?

But oh well, you couldn't have known your side was likely to pile on a small alliance i suppose :rolleyes:
How does it? I think FoK hitting TSA is ridiculous and I think VE hitting Apparatus is ridiculous.

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[quote name='Solaris' timestamp='1323890373' post='2877943']
You're delusional. God being ripped apart is a clear overstatement, and hugely disrepresentetive of the truth. GOD is practically intact, as it's strength does not lay in it's National Strength statistics, but of each individual member nations' intellectual and social contributions, and the power derived from having a great close-knit community.
I think I'll use this one the next time an ally gets attacked: "We don't need to defend you, because your [i]real[/i] strength was in your heart all along!" It makes me feel warm and tingly just thinking about it.

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[quote name='Heft' timestamp='1323898244' post='2878013']
I think I'll use this one the next time an ally gets attacked: "We don't need to defend you, because your [i]real[/i] strength was in your heart all along!" It makes me feel warm and tingly just thinking about it.
I'm glad to know you get aroused so easily. You obviously fail to recognize the fact that we and GOD are in very, very good terms. Regardless of your tingles.

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[quote name='Ezequiel' timestamp='1323900791' post='2878046']
How cute, GATO couldn't handle us so they called TLR and VE In. We shall still win...

o/ MHA
o/ App

To victory my fellow cyborgs!


Hey, you forgot to mention Non Grata. Just an fyi and no, you will not win.

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[quote name='Solaris' timestamp='1323900451' post='2878042']
I'm glad to know you get aroused so easily. You obviously fail to recognize the fact that we and GOD are in very, very good terms. Regardless of your tingles.
I'm sure you are on good terms, you two have much in common.

GOD's approval of your actions is immaterial though, as is every opinion GOD may have on anything. I'm just disappointed to see VE latch on to an opportunity to save its skin and salvage some modicum of credibility rather than actually fighting a worthwhile fight. Not disappointed morally or whatever, and certainly not surprised - it's just not very entertaining.

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[quote name='Guffey' timestamp='1323876293' post='2877812']
I think its more that everyone arguing against VE for not defending GOD really just want to see VE burn by being on the curbstomped side.
For several months in several discussions with various alliances I've been saying that this was VE's chance to shine and finally, for once, discover that their graphics put "loyalty" and "honor before victory, and finally put loyalty and honor before victory in their actions. I have looked forward to this war for months not to watch VE burn, but to watch VE Rise from the legacy of spineslessness and disbandment in the face of adversity and of throwing out allies and of opportunistic survivalism. VE's finest hour, not to burn, but to shine and restore itself.

Kerfuffle. How foolishly optimistic I was.

[quote name='Solaris' timestamp='1323890373' post='2877943']
You're delusional. God being ripped apart is a clear overstatement, and hugely disrepresentetive of the truth. GOD is practically intact, as it's strength does not lay in it's National Strength statistics, but of each individual member nations' intellectual and social contributions, and the power derived from having a great close-knit community.

And regarding us being rolled next, hah, this seems a lot like the typical farkistani wishful thinking that brings you to a timespace where you're fooling yourself. Truth is on our side. Victory will be ours. The enemy will be destroyed.
A lot of huffing and puffing; how do you intend to destroy the enemy when you're incapable of discerning who the enemy is?

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[quote name='Heft' timestamp='1323898244' post='2878013']
I think I'll use this one the next time an ally gets attacked: "We don't need to defend you, because your [i]real[/i] strength was in your heart all along!" It makes me feel warm and tingly just thinking about it.
But...but....NSO always defends its allys...=\

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[quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1323838245' post='2877298']
Hahaha, oh boy.


Didn't Impero have the guts to post this DoW himself?

Hey, Valhalla, VE's busy; looks like you can impose whatever terms you want on GOD, now.
Hey, Schatt,

I'm ready whenever you are. :smug:

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[quote name='Krack' timestamp='1323888422' post='2877913']
Anybody who was a participant in the "friendly" FARK/VE meet & greet in late 2008 has to be rolling on the floor laughing right now. I know I am. Those were the talks that arose because FARK had some hesitation that VE might not be a great fit for SuperFriends and was, therefore, blocking them from membership. The first question that was asked of the VE spokesman was (paraphrase - it's been 3 years) "Assume VE is in SF. What would be VE's course of action if one of its other MADP treaty partners attacked a SF alliance?" As we all know, the correct answer was "SF rolls together, regardless of other treaty obligations." The answer that was given was "We don't have to think about that because we (VE) would never let a situation like that that happen." The "friendly" chat ended with Xiphosis calling FARK's membership every pejorative he could think of and then attacking the FARK leadership for letting its general membership ask the VE diplomats questions. Fun times.

EDIT: As an aside, all VE had to do was give the correct answer to that one question and they were in.
Dont forget the hiatus they went on!

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[quote name='goldielax25' timestamp='1323839416' post='2877345']
Because that's exactly what our history is filled with, hitting token alliances and saving our stats.

You used the "we used to be honorable" argument in the last war as a reason for not entering... your credit only goes so far.

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