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[quote name='Kalasin' timestamp='1322993975' post='2862101']
I say precisely what I think on these forums. That doesn't win me many friends, a fact of which I am well aware. Decide for yourself how accurate you think my analysis is.
Well, I think it's less your ability to place your foot in your mouth and moreso your ability to burn people that stick their neck out for you that reflects badly on you, Fran. That being said, this discussion isnt about you, it's about...Oh look,

[quote]I've been pondering this move for 24 hours now, and I still can't figure out why FARK & friends chose this route. [/quote]They forgot that some people can pick their friends. Well, it's certainly a different tact, but it was definitely more appealing than the railroad that had already been prepared ahead of time.

Nothing to do now but see how the dominoes fall from here on out. Heh.

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[quote name='TehChron' timestamp='1322994737' post='2862111']
That being said, this discussion isnt about you, it's about...Oh look,

Quite so.

Whether or not Fark's move really will change the treaty web or result in a different outcome for them in this war, I am glad they did this because it was a surprising move which alleviated a little of the monotony of this community. Frankly though if they're hoping this will swing things in their favour, it won't. I'm not sure FAN cares though.

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[quote name='Crymson' timestamp='1322994307' post='2862107']
I've been pondering this move for 24 hours now, and I still can't figure out why FARK & friends chose this route.


Every great magic trick consists of three parts or acts. The first part is called "The Pledge". The magician shows you something ordinary: a deck of cards, a bird or a man. He shows you this object. Perhaps he asks you to inspect it to see if it is indeed real, unaltered, normal. But of course... it probably isn't. The second act is called "The Turn". The magician takes the ordinary something and makes it do something extraordinary. Now you're looking for the secret... but you won't find it, because of course you're not really looking. You don't really want to know. You want to be fooled. But you wouldn't clap yet. Because making something disappear isn't enough; you have to bring it back. That's why every magic trick has a third act, the hardest part, the part we call "The Prestige"."


Edited by Charles Stuart
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[quote name='Kalasin' timestamp='1322989734' post='2862052']
You are an incompetent fool. SoL implied Fark and FAN gained tactical advantage from attacking NPO and I asked how. Their dislike of NPO is irrelevant to my question. Stop trying to play the victim. NPO is not disliked anymore. In fact, it is cool to like NPO at the moment. You are currently in the process of sucking up to the dominant power structures and it is succeeding to the extent that your a[b]ge-old enemies in C&G and MK may even go to war for you.[/b]

The same enemies, of which they hold two ODP's with?

[i]For the times they are a-changin'[/i]

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[quote name='Kalasin' timestamp='1322995231' post='2862117']
Quite so.

Whether or not Fark's move really will change the treaty web or result in a different outcome for them in this war, I am glad they did this because it was a surprising move which alleviated a little of the monotony of this community. Frankly though if they're hoping this will swing things in their favour, it won't. I'm not sure FAN cares though.

See, this is what people find so annoying. First you ask clarification on what exactly the move constitutes, and then a little bit afterwards you act like you know exactly what you were talking about all along. Frankly speaking, you're no better than Brehon.

You've completely misread what Ive been saying this entire time. Fark's move is [i]not[/i] about changing the treaty web. It's far more cynical and short-term than that. Sheesh.

Why do people like to project motives around here, rather than just analyze the facts of the situation and figure out what explanation fits the pattern that the facts present? Enjoying the breath air is fresh and all, but that kind of sentiment rings hollow if you don't recognize the act for what it is. Now I may be wrong, and therefore making my statement ironic, but the sentiment itself is still right, at least.

So, Fran, a little service. When coming to a conclusion, assume that the people acting are intelligent enough to plan out the repercussions of their actions. In that light, how on earth does this move translate into changing the treaty web? Please explain that conclusion of yours.

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[quote name='Kalasin' timestamp='1322989734' post='2862052']
You are an incompetent fool. SoL implied Fark and FAN gained tactical advantage from attacking NPO and I asked how. Their dislike of NPO is irrelevant to my question. Stop trying to play the victim. NPO is not disliked anymore. In fact, it is cool to like NPO at the moment. You are currently in the process of sucking up to the dominant power structures and it is succeeding to the extent that your age-old enemies in C&G and MK may even go to war for you.

Yeah NPO really sucked up to CnG and MK. :rolleyes:

NPO are good people these days. You're just butthurt because you couldn't cut it as a Pacifican under Cortath.

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[quote name='Londo Mollari' timestamp='1322996364' post='2862131']
Yeah NPO really sucked up to CnG and MK. :rolleyes:

NPO are good people these days. You're just butthurt because you couldn't cut it as a Pacifican under Cortath.

I don't believe Mary to be the "suck up" type. She can be really mean at times. :(

Why is it so hard to believe that two former rivals can sit down together and have open and blunt discussions about our differences? These discussions would eventually allow us to overcome those differences and lead to a healthy fruitful friendship with one another.

Edited by Jgoods45
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[quote name='Jgoods45' timestamp='1322996741' post='2862133']
Why is it so hard to believe that two former rivals can sit down together and have open and blunt discussions about our differences? These discussions would eventually allow us to overcome those differences and lead to a healthy fruitful friendship with one another.

I guess it's hard to believe others can get over their differences when you cannot get over your own.

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[quote name='Zeta Defender' timestamp='1322969259' post='2861385']
Well we all know how it ended for /b/ so yeah...

Oh yay this is going to be fun!

Dropped in to say that FAN are pulling their weight in their aggressive wars. Kudos to them. Fark on the hand... pic related explains. Seriously Fark?!?!! This is the first page of your warstats


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[quote name='Charles Stuart' timestamp='1322995340' post='2862120']
Every great magic trick consists of three parts or acts. The first part is called "The Pledge". The magician shows you something ordinary: a deck of cards, a bird or a man. He shows you this object. Perhaps he asks you to inspect it to see if it is indeed real, unaltered, normal. But of course... it probably isn't. The second act is called "The Turn". The magician takes the ordinary something and makes it do something extraordinary. Now you're looking for the secret... but you won't find it, because of course you're not really looking. You don't really want to know. You want to be fooled. But you wouldn't clap yet. Because making something disappear isn't enough; you have to bring it back. That's why every magic trick has a third act, the hardest part, the part we call "The Prestige"."

Wanted to let you know that this was a quality response to Crymson's post. Well done!

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OK, so, we have now gone 25 pages arguing,analyzing, rationalizing, cheering and complaining as to Why FARK and FAN, WHY? A few of you have figured it out because you have applied the KISS principle and considered the players involved.

I am going to attempt to clarify this for the rest of you and I am confident that many of you will understand, believe and accept. The rest of you will continue to ponder much like Dr Sheldon Cooper from The Big Bang Theory. (As an aside, Penney is soooo hawt!!!).

Anyway all this has happened, not as a preemptive strike, not as a way to dodge treaties. FAN?? Treaties? I laugh in your general direction. Anyway, back on track here, this war happened for fun. For laughs. Because there are so many more buttons that can be pushed in CN when you are at war. [b]THAT's It!!!!!![/b] FARK and FAN like to have fun. We like to laugh and a great way to do that is to cause an ZOMG incident in CN. All the trolls come out from under their bridges and we have a ball.

Hell, a guy named Tom Farrar sent one of our folks a taunt pm that made me laugh so hard for so long I may have given myself a hernia. Best taunt ever Tom Farrar!!! Buoys and Gulls, you just don't get all this stuff at peace.

So, there you have it. believe it, don't believe it, accept it as truth or not. Tis the season to be jolly. I thank you all for keeping this smile on my face as my pixels crumble all around me. [img]http://fangamers.net/images/smilies/jt.gif[/img]

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[quote name='KosmoKenny' timestamp='1322992325' post='2862077']
Or his inability to launch a ground attack. Im pretty sure all of NPO just maintains nations so they can crap all over the forums.

I don't know bro, the two Fark nations I attacked (nice blitz btw) haven't done !@#$ either. Your alliance is not exactly blowing anyone away with their prowess. That said I do like the two guys I am fighting, or trying to fight. I really don't think they wanna :/

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[quote name='Princess Doomee' timestamp='1323020149' post='2862350']
OK, so, we have now gone 25 pages arguing,analyzing, rationalizing, cheering and complaining as to Why FARK and FAN, WHY? A few of you have figured it out because you have applied the KISS principle and considered the players involved.

I am going to attempt to clarify this for the rest of you and I am confident that many of you will understand, believe and accept. The rest of you will continue to ponder much like Dr Sheldon Cooper from The Big Bang Theory. (As an aside, Penney is soooo hawt!!!).

Anyway all this has happened, not as a preemptive strike, not as a way to dodge treaties. FAN?? Treaties? I laugh in your general direction. Anyway, back on track here, this war happened for fun. For laughs. Because there are so many more buttons that can be pushed in CN when you are at war. [b]THAT's It!!!!!![/b] FARK and FAN like to have fun. We like to laugh and a great way to do that is to cause an ZOMG incident in CN. All the trolls come out from under their bridges and we have a ball.

Hell, a guy named Tom Farrar sent one of our folks a taunt pm that made me laugh so hard for so long I may have given myself a hernia. Best taunt ever Tom Farrar!!! Buoys and Gulls, you just don't get all this stuff at peace.

So, there you have it. believe it, don't believe it, accept it as truth or not. Tis the season to be jolly. I thank you all for keeping this smile on my face as my pixels crumble all around me. [img]http://fangamers.net/images/smilies/jt.gif[/img]

So simple-minded. You think Fark's decision to do this was unrelated to the ongoing war? Fark was making a fairly politically wise move here, and for assistance they dragged you along because they know you're still so butthurt over how badly NPO owned you for two years that you're still willing to tag along with an attack like this. You guys have a pretty long history of being used as pawns; I guess you learned nothing from when Pacifica decided to throw you away once you ceased to be useful to them.

EDIT: I'm not saying you're wrong, Jack, I know you're in this war for the fun of it, and I don't fault you for wanting a good war after almost a year of boredom (and with your all-time rival, nonetheless). I'm just saying you're probably the only one thinking that way right now.

Edited by Stonewall Jaxon
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[quote name='Princess Doomee' timestamp='1323020149' post='2862350']
OK, so, we have now gone 25 pages arguing,analyzing, rationalizing, cheering and complaining as to Why FARK and FAN, WHY? A few of you have figured it out because you have applied the KISS principle and considered the players involved.

I am going to attempt to clarify this for the rest of you and I am confident that many of you will understand, believe and accept. The rest of you will continue to ponder much like Dr Sheldon Cooper from The Big Bang Theory. (As an aside, Penney is soooo hawt!!!).

Anyway all this has happened, not as a preemptive strike, not as a way to dodge treaties. FAN?? Treaties? I laugh in your general direction. Anyway, back on track here, this war happened for fun. For laughs. Because there are so many more buttons that can be pushed in CN when you are at war. [b]THAT's It!!!!!![/b] FARK and FAN like to have fun. We like to laugh and a great way to do that is to cause an ZOMG incident in CN. All the trolls come out from under their bridges and we have a ball.

Hell, a guy named Tom Farrar sent one of our folks a taunt pm that made me laugh so hard for so long I may have given myself a hernia. Best taunt ever Tom Farrar!!! Buoys and Gulls, you just don't get all this stuff at peace.

So, there you have it. believe it, don't believe it, accept it as truth or not. Tis the season to be jolly. I thank you all for keeping this smile on my face as my pixels crumble all around me. [img]http://fangamers.net/images/smilies/jt.gif[/img]

You are trying way too hard to sell that steaming pile. It's almost as bad as that "swan song" garbage.

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[quote name='KosmoKenny' timestamp='1322982571' post='2861938']
Hey brehon, launch a ground attack you coward.

I used up my !@#$ on Smontag, don't get your panties in a bunch you will get yours. And don't results to smears, smontag and I are having fun, why ruin it with !@#$%baggery?

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As for TehChron and Kalasin:

Keep up the good work. It's every day I thank Admin you two aren't in Pacifica and remind me of everything I hate about CN know it all wannabes like you two. Its not a matter of being intelligent or not intelligent. It is not the frustrated school teachers in you about grammar or spelling. It is the fact you actually think, believe and promote you are intelligent and have any sort of prominence in the game. For keeping yourselves in the know and on the cusp as you imply with your posts, you two are completely lost, condescending and generally pathetic. Each of you does such a great disservice to your alliance it causes me to feel immediate pity for them and simple loathing for you.

I gave a simple example, I didn't say it was "why", I said it was what I could see. I could see validity in it, I could see cause and reason. To say otherwise is fooling yourself. I never played victim (are you seriously going back to that one, get new material Fran, don't make me actually take some time to completely own you again, walk away). I don't believe in victims.

So while I can understand your need to give me crap, I am simply not going to acknowledge either of you from this point, so enjoy the blathering of your bs.

Edited by Brehon
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[quote name='Matt Miller' timestamp='1323024366' post='2862410']
You are trying way too hard to sell that steaming pile. It's almost as bad as that "swan song" garbage.

You really should crawl back under your bridge before some other [s]troll[/s] person with nothing nice or pertinent to say steals it. Believe it or not some people want to carry on an intelligent conversation here. OK, maybe that part is just a dream but you aren't even a third rate troll so go way!

Edited by Princess Doomee
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[quote name='Brehon' timestamp='1323025345' post='2862418']
As for TehChron and Kalasin:

Keep up the good work. It's every day I thank Admin you two aren't in Pacifica and remind me of everything I hate about CN know it all wannabes like you two. Its not a matter of being intelligent or not intelligent. It is not the frustrated school teachers in you about grammar or spelling. It is the fact you actually think, believe and promote you are intelligent and have any sort of prominence in the game. For keeping yourselves in the know and on the cusp as you imply with your posts, you two are completely lost, condescending and generally pathetic. Each of you does such a great disservice to your alliance it causes me to feel immediate pity for them and simple loathing for you.

I gave a simple example, I didn't say it was "why", I said it was what I could see. I could see validity in it, I could see cause and reason. To say otherwise is fooling yourself. I never played victim (are you seriously going back to that one, get new material Fran, don't make me actually take some time to completely own you again, walk away). I don't believe in victims.

So while I can understand your need to give me crap, I am simply not going to acknowledge either of you from this point, so enjoy the blathering of your bs.

Having them both on ignore does wonders, they're not worth anyone's time (not a hurrdurr they're irrelevant post, mainly they are terrible at civil debate)

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[quote name='Princess Doomee' timestamp='1323027305' post='2862434']
You really should crawl back under your bridge before some other troll steals it. Believe it or not some people want to carry on an intelligent conversation here. OK, maybe that part is just a dream but you aren't even a third rate troll so go way!

I am not trying to "troll" you. I am merely pointing out that I find what you stated to be transparently false. I do find it ironic that you wish to have an intelligent conversation yet act like a petulant child, however.

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