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3rd Triannual Report of the Eighth Year of Order

Sir Paul

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[quote name='Crymson' timestamp='1314509345' post='2789780']
While I congratulate you on your achievements as an alliance, the inclusion of Vektor on this list seems empty in light of the numerous times your Regent has slandered him behind his back---even more so because Vektor's chief crime, in your Regent's eyes, was leaving the NPO. One would think that Vektor deserves better after his years of hard work in service of your alliance.

This announcement covers a series of events, including changes in the Imperial staff, of which VektorZero was a part. Many of us are pleased that Vektor found a happy home in TOP and wish only that he is as a hard worker for you as he was for us.

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It's nothing to be scoffed at, so I offer a very sincere congratulations on your growth and success. I'm sure it will continue well into the future.

[quote name='Sir Paul' timestamp='1314493980' post='2789634']
Unfortunately, we can never to forget the past, but we do know what happens if one does not forgive the past. The Foreign Affairs cadre has asked that I specifically recognize those who have worked to come and find out if Pacifica has taken the learning to heart:

Of R&R: DemonSpawn[/quote]
He's going to have a smug look on his face for days. Great.

[quote name='Sir Paul' timestamp='1314493980' post='2789634']
They also recently won an inter-alliance competition with RnR, TIO, Invicta and TPF. The Order won with 41, narrowly beating RnR with 37.[/quote]
We... erm... felt like you needed a win - yeah, that's it. You deserved a win.

It suffices to say, we will get you next time. :ph34r:

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I don't understand why you insist on trying to build an upper tier. Infra is expensive and will only be easily destroyed in war. You don't have enough tech and thanks to those Karma war terms, you never will, to house a succesfull upper tier. Its the sad truth of the matter. If I were Pacifica I would focus on building as many nukes as possible in the mid tier so that anyone who tries an attack on you again has to face thousands of nukes week in and week out for months. Wearing down a mid tier is something that mass alliances can do very well, but instead you grew five hundred thousand infra in two months, all of which could be undone in less than two weeks.

So if I were you, I would try and keep to below 7k infra, and create some kind of program to give the youngins money enough for MPs while still importing tech. ~100 people at 6k infra with ~3k tech would be hard as hell to take down if they had all wonders (mp, sdi, hnms, fafb, etc) while a spread thin army peaking at a bunch of 14k infra 5k tech nations won't do much at all.

I guess its to late for this advice to take hold but whatever

Edited by Natan
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[quote name='Natan' timestamp='1314543796' post='2789956']I don't understand why you insist on trying to build an upper tier. Infra is expensive and will only be easily destroyed in war. You don't have enough tech and thanks to those Karma war terms, you never will, to house a succesfull upper tier. Its the sad truth of the matter. If I were Pacifica I would focus on building as many nukes as possible in the mid tier so that anyone who tries an attack on you again has to face thousands of nukes week in and week out for months. Wearing down a mid tier is something that mass alliances can do very well, but instead you grew five hundred thousand infra in two months, all of which could be undone in less than two weeks.

So if I were you, I would try and keep to below 7k infra, and create some kind of program to give the youngins money enough for MPs while still importing tech. ~100 people at 6k infra with ~3k tech would be hard as hell to take down if they had all wonders (mp, sdi, hnms, fafb, etc) while a spread thin army peaking at a bunch of 14k infra 5k tech nations won't do much at all.

I guess its to late for this advice to take hold but whatever[/quote]

[quote]Our Nuclear-Buildup is our current primary cash programme, and will remain so for the next few months. It aims to bring all our MP-holding nations to an infra level where they can build up warchests, buy tech and support their nuclear-arsenal; in essence making them combat-worthy and putting that MP to use. [/quote]

It's like we were already doing this for a couple months or something.... A fair amount of our infra has been toward rebuilding smaller nations and some of our banking nations rebuilding to stupid levels that do nothing but add to bills.

Timber :wub:

Also, this is our 'shout out' to Rush, Mandellav, and Voodoo of TLR. Blame Rush accordingly. :)

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[quote name='Jasmines Jewels' timestamp='1314546973' post='2789975']
It's like we were already doing this for a couple months or something.... A fair amount of our infra has been toward rebuilding smaller nations and some of our banking nations rebuilding to stupid levels that do nothing but add to bills.

Timber :wub:

Also, this is our 'shout out' to Rush, Mandellav, and Voodoo of TLR. Blame Rush accordingly. :)

You only have to look a the first page of pacifica to see that most nations have uselessly high amounts of infra, and it gets worse the deeper you go.

All I'm saying is maybe even a WRC push isn't that useful at this point, you want a strong hard to take down mid tier, not some weird infra heavy upper tier. WRC's are important but there is no use pushing <3k tech nations towards them.

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[quote name='Letum' timestamp='1314506199' post='2789751']
Despite your best efforts to portray us as such, the NPO is not some vengeful hate machine that will froth at the mouth at the sight of former enemies. If we were, we would not be making the diplomatic strides we have with Doomhouse, who were far more involved in our misfortune....[/quote]

Good grief, a shining example of Pacifica just not getting it. If you wish to find the author of your misfortunes, perhaps a glance in a mirror might provide a clue.

As to the 'diplomatic strides' you're making with Doomhouse....hang on, I'm the one who's delusional? You think anyone in that group of alliances will ever trust you again? Wow, impressive.

About the rest, anyone who was witness to my attempt to get a discussion going with Pacifica knows the truth. I suggested we move past disagreements, while your members obsessed about them. You were as civil with us as you were with VE, and round about the same time, too.

Let's try again, though. Let us resume the dialogue. I'll begin with an apology.


I'm sorry you're a liar in an alliance filled with liars. I'm also sorry that few people outside your own alliance believe anything you say.

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[quote name='Lady Red' timestamp='1314540978' post='2789935']
This announcement covers a series of events, including changes in the Imperial staff, of which VektorZero was a part. Many of us are pleased that Vektor found a happy home in TOP and wish only that he is as a hard worker for you as he was for us.

Typical PR response, especially when your Regent said the opposite, which resulted in me getting slammed on the NPO's little radio show in the first place. He said and I quote.

[quote]Vektor - I said you schemed and you lied, which you did. You lied about where you were going post NPO..[/quote]

So yeah, you guys sure are happy that I went to TOP.

Ashoka said it perfectly. The NPO is an alliance full of liars.

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[quote name='Lady Red' timestamp='1314540978' post='2789935']
This announcement covers a series of events, including changes in the Imperial staff, of which VektorZero was a part. Many of us are pleased that Vektor found a happy home in TOP and wish only that he is as a hard worker for you as he was for us.
[color="#0000FF"]Oh please. Tell the truth for once. You're resentful that anyone would leave your happy little family, and you are resentful that someone who did leave did not head over to one of your little satellites such as Invicta (whose current President is ex-NPO) or Legion (at the time he left they were still your puppy).

Like a cult the NPO has never taken to kindly to anyone leaving, especially its more prominent members. For years you have harassed and slandered anyone who departed (even those whom you chased out). Nor will you take any sort of criticism kindly. Your treatment of two of your former Emperors exemplifies this.[/color]

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[quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1314568624' post='2790175']
[color="#0000FF"]Oh please. Tell the truth for once. You're resentful that anyone would leave your happy little family, and you are resentful that someone who did leave did not head over to one of your little satellites such as Invicta (whose current President is ex-NPO) or Legion (at the time he left they were still your puppy).

Like a cult the NPO has never taken to kindly to anyone leaving, especially its more prominent members. For years you have harassed and slandered anyone who departed (even those whom you chased out). Nor will you take any sort of criticism kindly. Your treatment of two of your former Emperors exemplifies this.[/color]

First off:


Second off:

Red's words were "Many of us are pleased that Vektor found a happy home in TOP". I count myself in that number, while the Regent is not in that number. For instance, I had a fun and cordial relationship with Doitzel despite his apostasy. We even sang a duet when he was leading the charge to destroy my alliance. *shrugs* These things happen, andI believe Bob works best when people are doing things that make them happy and active, not chained to an alliance they feel is not allowing them to explore their full potential.

Heck, RV, I even changed the text from blue to red so as not to infringe upon your trademark. If I was really after apostates like you, I'd mandate that blue would be the official colors of all Pacifican publications.

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[quote name='Natan' timestamp='1314543796' post='2789956']
I don't understand why you insist on trying to build an upper tier. Infra is expensive and will only be easily destroyed in war. You don't have enough tech and thanks to those Karma war terms, you never will, to house a succesfull upper tier. Its the sad truth of the matter. If I were Pacifica I would focus on building as many nukes as possible in the mid tier so that anyone who tries an attack on you again has to face thousands of nukes week in and week out for months. Wearing down a mid tier is something that mass alliances can do very well, but instead you grew five hundred thousand infra in two months, all of which could be undone in less than two weeks.

So if I were you, I would try and keep to below 7k infra, and create some kind of program to give the youngins money enough for MPs while still importing tech. ~100 people at 6k infra with ~3k tech would be hard as hell to take down if they had all wonders (mp, sdi, hnms, fafb, etc) while a spread thin army peaking at a bunch of 14k infra 5k tech nations won't do much at all.

I guess its to late for this advice to take hold but whatever

Couldn't agree more, unfortunately common sense isn't so common these days.

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[quote name='Ashoka the Great' timestamp='1314562344' post='2790114']
About the rest, anyone who was witness to my attempt to get a discussion going with Pacifica knows the truth. I suggested we move past disagreements, while your members obsessed about them. You were as civil with us as you were with VE, and round about the same time, too.
TBF, it was mostly koona and I that made fun of you, and I'm in NSO now so! Though demanding that Pacifican members stop defending themselves and confess to every misdeed you wanted to attribute to them seems like a funny way of moving past disagreements.

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[quote name='WorldConqueror' timestamp='1314581129' post='2790286']
TBF, it was mostly koona and I that made fun of you, and I'm in NSO now so! Though demanding that Pacifican members stop defending themselves and confess to every misdeed you wanted to attribute to them seems like a funny way of moving past disagreements.

You would be surprised how common that mindset actually is. Or maybe not.

Generic whiner: NPO, you are evil!
NPO: Why?
Generic whiner: You did this to me [viceroy/ZI/PermaZi/attacked my alliance].
NPO: Well, we apologise for that but you were our enemy and you were plotting against us.
Generic Whiner: NOT GOOD ENOUGH!!!!
NPO: Well, what would be good enough?
Generic whiner: You have to admit responsibility.
NPO: I thought I just did that?
Generic whiner: NO!!, you have to take total responsibility, even for my actions.
NPO: You want us to admit we are totally responsible not just for our actions but also for your actions too?
Generic whiner: Yes.
NPO: No.
Generic whiner: YOU ARE EVIL!
NPO: But you are allied to some of our former allies?
Generic Whiner: They only did it because they were afraid of you.
NPO: Ah, do they have to apologise too?
Generic whiner: No, it is all your fault because you are NPO.

Repeat around ten times and you get the general idea, certain individuals edit it slightly and accuse NPO of being genocidal maniacs guilty of "war crimes" (yes you shinra) but the general idea remains the same.

Edited by Charles Stuart
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[quote name='Charles Stuart' timestamp='1314582779' post='2790297']
You would be surprised how common that mindset actually is. Or maybe not.

Generic whiner: NPO, you are evil!
NPO: Why?
Generic whiner: You did this to me [viceroy/ZI/PermaZi/attacked my alliance].
NPO: Well, we apologise for that but you were our enemy and you were plotting against us.
Generic Whiner: NOT GOOD ENOUGH!!!!
NPO: Well, what would be good enough?
Generic whiner: You have to admit responsibility.
NPO: I thought I just did that?
Generic whiner: NO!!, you have to take total responsibility, even for my actions.
NPO: You want us to admit we are totally responsible not just for our actions but also for your actions too?
Generic whiner: Yes.
NPO: No.
Generic whiner: YOU ARE EVIL!
NPO: But you are allied to some of our former allies?
Generic Whiner: They only did it because they were afraid of you.
NPO: Ah, do they have to apologise too?
Generic whiner: No, it is all your fault because you are NPO.

Repeat around ten times and you get the general idea, certain individuals edit it slightly and accuse NPO of being genocidal maniacs guilty of "war crimes" (yes you shinra) but the general idea remains the same.

Alright I chuckled.

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[quote name='Ashoka the Great' timestamp='1314562344' post='2790114']
As to the 'diplomatic strides' you're making with Doomhouse....hang on, I'm the one who's delusional? You think anyone in that group of alliances will ever trust you again? Wow, impressive.
Nobody said anything about trust, technically, diplomatic strides with Doomhouse means they don't roll Pacifica again next year.

[quote name='Ashoka the Great' timestamp='1314562344' post='2790114']
Let's try again, though. Let us resume the dialogue. I'll begin with an apology.


I'm sorry you're a liar in an alliance filled with liars. I'm also sorry that few people outside your own alliance believe anything you say.

And this makes you any better than them at all? You and Koona? I can see that conversation going well <_<

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[quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1314568624' post='2790175']
[color="#0000FF"]Oh please. Tell the truth for once. You're resentful that anyone would leave your happy little family, and you are resentful that someone who did leave did not head over to one of your little satellites such as Invicta (whose current President is ex-NPO) or Legion (at the time he left they were still your puppy).

Like a cult the NPO has never taken to kindly to anyone leaving, especially its more prominent members. For years you have harassed and slandered anyone who departed (even those whom you chased out). Nor will you take any sort of criticism kindly. Your treatment of two of your former Emperors exemplifies this.[/color]

Where do you come up with this stuff? Do you just make stuff up as you go and hope it's true?

And how exactly have we treated Dilber and Moldavi like crap? wtf?

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