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Is This Legit?


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[quote]Even without the context of the rest of the thread, you really have to work to spin it as us attempting to subjugate Mj. It says he wants a world that isn't dominated by any single party (like it was with Xiph and SF during the last war).[/quote]

We didn't dominate the world during the last war. Just sayin'

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[quote name='Banksy' timestamp='1313041297' post='2777335']
In the context of the thread, it means assuring FOK that we think they are a valuable ally and that we are not going to be suddenly following a pro-Mj agenda. This post was in a thread that had a lot of FA discussions and was a response to queries regarding our new treaty with Mj. I can assume that Mj know this, FOK certainly knows this.

Even without the context of the rest of the thread, you really have to work to spin it as us attempting to subjugate Mj. It says he wants a world that isn't dominated by any single party (like it was with Xiph and SF during the last war). If things occur like they appear to be (they won't, but w/e) Mj will come out on top. We want to work with our allies in NoR, and friends in the rest of the bloc alongside our traditional allies in FOK and C&G. To say we are actively trying to subjugate a bloc is comically ridiculous, especially when you consider how much support we have for them within the alliance.

Reading your post I formed the follow image in my head:

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[quote name='WarriorConcept' timestamp='1313041521' post='2777338']
You're stretching quite a bit there.
[quote name='Xiphosis' timestamp='1313041527' post='2777339']
We didn't dominate the world during the last war. Just sayin'
Oh please, you dominated peace talks and war plans. You were punching far above your weight class politically and making the entire war and subsequent peace process far more difficult than it needed to be through a mixture of vindictiveness and power-grabbing.

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[quote name='D34th' timestamp='1313041683' post='2777341']
Reading your post I formed the follow image in my head:
Yes, but you have always been a fan of non sequitur posting. Your head is probably addled with bizarre associations.

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[quote name='Banksy' timestamp='1313041687' post='2777342']
Oh please, you dominated peace talks and war plans. You were punching far above your weight class politically and making the entire war and subsequent peace process far more difficult than it needed to be through a mixture of vindictiveness and power-grabbing.

Nah man. Latter part maybe but for like a 48-72 hour window only then it properly returned to a copacetic state of normalcy. I mean yea, there are some actual things of that war's genre that can be mentioned in the context your aiming at, but the above aren't them.

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[quote name='Banksy' timestamp='1313041687' post='2777342']
Oh please, you dominated peace talks and war plans.

That's a pretty amazing claim. Wonder if Impero and Natan, who actually orchestrated virtually the entirety of the war, would concur with you on that?

Edit: Ninja'd by the man himself.

Edited by Xiphosis
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[quote name='WarriorConcept' timestamp='1313039590' post='2777301']
The people who were considered to be supporting the white supremacists were NoR, not MK. They just disliked you for the association of it.

Heck, in that same thread in which you're referencing even NoFish points it out in the following post:
[quote name='WarriorConcept' timestamp='1313040026' post='2777310']
You mean the response he gave when he found out that a now former member of NoR was a co-founder of the American Front, a national neo-nazi organization full of individuals who commit hate crimes every day? Considering it kind of hit close to home I'd say it was warranted.
And then as the last post in the thread Big Z said:
"If you want to associate with despicable characters then mask it in some thin veneer of an argument about it only being an online game, that's fine, it's a crystal clear reflection upon your own character (or lack thereof) and what means you'll go to in order to achieve your goals.

If that's not a clear and strong personal attack on him because of the association, I don't know what is.

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[quote name='Azaghul' timestamp='1313042196' post='2777349']
And then as the last post in the thread Big Z said:
"If you want to associate with despicable characters then mask it in some thin veneer of an argument about it only being an online game, that's fine, it's a crystal clear reflection upon your own character (or lack thereof) and what means you'll go to in order to achieve your goals.

If that's not a clear and strong personal attack on him because of the association, I don't know what is.

Of course it's a personal attack based on association. Is it even close to calling him a white supremacist? No.

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[quote name='Omniscient1' timestamp='1313040265' post='2777316']
That and the fact MK is actively trying to get their allies to prepare to take out SF and XX. I mean sure everyone on the street already knew that, but now it's impossible for them to deny it.
The only thing that Ardus talked about in the OP with regards to XX was their association with SF. He even expresses a wish to keep Sparta out of it because we have a favorable opinion of them. By no means did he express a desire to "take them out."

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[quote name='supercoolyellow' timestamp='1313016766' post='2776991']
Hyperion, it doesn't bother you that these moves are against your bloc?
He has bigger fish to fry, he is quite mad that NSO continue to provoke him by existing and being rude worthless dickbags. He will have his revenge, even if it kills Sparta to do it! Right Hyppy?

Also, what do you have against our horse?

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[quote name='Vol Navy' timestamp='1313040192' post='2777314']
I am still thinking the bombshell out of all this is MK's plan to keep Mj subjugated after Mj fights a war for them.
I'm not sure where you got the idea that we'd be fighting a war for anyone except ourselves, if we do indeed fight one.

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[quote name='MaGneT' timestamp='1313043553' post='2777363']
I'm not sure where you got the idea that we'd be fighting a war for anyone except ourselves, if we do indeed fight one.

He is saying that MK expects Mj to fight for them not that he does personally.

MK seams to certainly think they have you ready to order around here.

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[quote name='Chickenzilla' timestamp='1313046252' post='2777392']
This whole thing is exactly what we did in Vox. Make up a rumor to start arguments against alliances we didn't like. The rumor mill did wonders.

Taking bets on who posts first to say Vox did nothing of note.

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[quote name='King Wally' timestamp='1313044583' post='2777382']
He is saying that MK expects Mj to fight for them not that he does personally.

MK seams to certainly think they have you ready to order around here.
It's at least as likely that we'll end up following Mj's lead, or any of our other ally's lead, on something as they will be to follow ours. We were very central players in the last two major wars, it's not our turn any more.

Edited by Azaghul
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[quote name='Banksy' timestamp='1313041297' post='2777335']
In the context of the thread, it means assuring FOK that we think they are a valuable ally and that we are not going to be suddenly following a pro-Mj agenda. This post was in a thread that had a lot of FA discussions and was a response to queries regarding our new treaty with Mj. I can assume that Mj know this, FOK certainly knows this.

Even without the context of the rest of the thread, you really have to work to spin it as us attempting to subjugate Mj. It says he wants a world that isn't dominated by any single party (like it was with Xiph and SF during the last war). If things occur like they appear to be (they won't, but w/e) Mj will come out on top. We want to work with our allies in NoR, and friends in the rest of the bloc alongside our traditional allies in FOK and C&G. To say we are actively trying to subjugate a bloc is comically ridiculous, especially when you consider how much support we have for them within the alliance.

Honestly what you say here might have been more credible if it wasn't prefaced by this statement.

[quote]I hope for a future cemented on the interests of those I've been most concerned for since I started working FA for the Kingdom: C&G-DH-PB. To add the developing Pillowfort to that perspective would only make me happier.[/quote]

It seems to be saying that MK is going to attempt to assure C&G-DH-PB power and hopefully bring PF into the fold but keep Mj in a less influential state.

It's hard to spin it any other way than that. MK's FA goals seem to be to assure their power, assure PB-DH and PF power but to eliminate SF, reduce XX and make Mj nominal.

There is nothing wrong with that, it's old fashion Pacifica politics that allowed them to run the joint for 1-2 years. It makes sense upon your side finally springing leaks like tC/NPO sprung that you guys play it pretty much the same way.

And honestly, I have very little love for SF, and less for XX. Mj is okay because I always liked Valhalla, DT seems pretty good, NoR has made major strides and became someone to respect and I don't really know the rest of the bloc members so I have no dislike for them.

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[quote name='Vol Navy' timestamp='1313048067' post='2777415']
Honestly what you say here might have been more credible if it wasn't prefaced by this statement.

It seems to be saying that MK is going to attempt to assure C&G-DH-PB power and hopefully bring PF into the fold but keep Mj in a less influential state.

It's hard to spin it any other way than that. MK's FA goals seem to be to assure their power, assure PB-DH and PF power but to eliminate SF, reduce XX and make Mj nominal.

There is nothing wrong with that, it's old fashion Pacifica politics that allowed them to run the joint for 1-2 years. It makes sense upon your side finally springing leaks like tC/NPO sprung that you guys play it pretty much the same way.

And honestly, I have very little love for SF, and less for XX. Mj is okay because I always liked Valhalla, DT seems pretty good, NoR has made major strides and became someone to respect and I don't really know the rest of the bloc members so I have no dislike for them.
I'm sure our FA objectives could accommodate a more influential and powerful MJ just fine. You're acting like we actively want to keep them isolated after the war which is not the case. It's more prophetic than anything.

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[quote name='Azaghul' timestamp='1313049847' post='2777429']
I'm sure our FA objectives could accommodate a more influential and powerful MJ just fine. You're acting like we actively want to keep them isolated after the war which is not the case. It's more prophetic than anything.

You say that here, your Prince seems to indicate differently when he thought it was private.

As for me acting like you are actively wanting to keep them isolated after the war...I don't think it's me acting that way. I can't imagine any other meaning out of that statement. Your Prince wants 3 blocs and the non-bloc bloc DH to secure power. SF destroyed, XX reduced and Mj with less influence.

He literally stated that as one of your FA goals. Not that he wanted a more influential and powerful Mj. Sure you could accommodate that but Ardus' seems to have a plan that doesn't include you accommodating it.

What you could do and what you plan on doing seem to branch. You could do a lot of different things, but seem to plan on the course of action Ardus laid out for FOK.

It seems to have convinced FOK to drop their Fark treaty. So good work on that front.

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You're trying way too hard.

[quote name='Vol Navy' timestamp='1313048067' post='2777415']
It seems to be saying that MK is going to attempt to assure C&G-DH-PB power and hopefully bring PF into the fold but keep Mj in a less influential state.[/quote]
Or it could be what I said it was; convincing FOK that we aren't going to be changing our FA direction to suit NoR and that we still value our core allies (who are in PB and C&G).

[quote name='Vol Navy' timestamp='1313048067' post='2777415']
It's hard to spin it any other way than that. MK's FA goals seem to be to assure their power, assure PB-DH and PF power but to eliminate SF, reduce XX and make Mj nominal.

There is nothing wrong with that, it's old fashion Pacifica politics that allowed them to run the joint for 1-2 years. It makes sense upon your side finally springing leaks like tC/NPO sprung that you guys play it pretty much the same way.

And honestly, I have very little love for SF, and less for XX. Mj is okay because I always liked Valhalla, DT seems pretty good, NoR has made major strides and became someone to respect and I don't really know the rest of the bloc members so I have no dislike for them.
The irony of you claiming we're spinning when you've mentioned "assure their power," "pacifica politics," "tC" and then directly compared us to the NPO in one post. It's like a competition to see how many buzzwords you can drop.

The amount of effort you're putting in for what is rather an inconsequential post is ridiculous. MK's FA goals are entirely transparent. We support our core, hope to expand it, while reaching out to those in Mj who aren't our traditional allies. Big !@#$@#$ shock.

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[quote name='Azaghul' timestamp='1313047491' post='2777411']
It's at least as likely that we'll end up following Mj's lead, or any of our other ally's lead, on something as they will be to follow ours.

Not unless SF/XX decides to pre-empt DH/PB and everyone else just sits back and watch two duplicitous groups wipe each other out.

Edited by Alterego
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[quote name='Banksy' timestamp='1313051356' post='2777436']
You're trying way too hard.

Or it could be what I said it was; convincing FOK that we aren't going to be changing our FA direction to suit NoR and that we still value our core allies (who are in PB and C&G).

The irony of you claiming we're spinning when you've mentioned "assure their power," "pacifica politics," "tC" and then directly compared us to the NPO in one post. It's like a competition to see how many buzzwords you can drop.

The amount of effort you're putting in for what is rather an inconsequential post is ridiculous. MK's FA goals are entirely transparent. We support our core, hope to expand it, while reaching out to those in Mj who aren't our traditional allies. Big !@#$@#$ shock.

The post is hardly inconsequential. You MKers are trying to play it that way. But the sheer response it's getting show that it isn't at all.

It's hard to take words from your very high Gov about plans for several blocs as inconsequential.

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