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Declaration of War

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[quote name='janax' timestamp='1301108132' post='2676658']
What if they give you white peace right now?
Nothing stops them from attacking you again in a month, once you are all out of peace mode.
Or 2 months, or 3.

At some point, there will have to be some trust. It's that simple.
You either stay in peace mode forever, surrender in some fashion and take some licks, or hope they just white peace out and forget about you. There aren't many other options.

You are partially correct, but you seem to be ignoring a rather important detail. The "price" of whatever peace agreement we agree on, and what we get for that price.

The price of Doomhouse's offer is our entire upper tier (and its rebuilding & fighting capacity), and what we get for it is, as I explained, a future that is not likely to be very peaceful. On the other hand, the price of a white peace is pretty much nothing - so even if we do face an uncertain future after it, the agreement is much more attractive. And to go to the other extreme; if we were to be faced with opponents with less keen on (and less vocal about) our being crippled, what we would get after peace might be worth more, and thus worth paying a higher price for.

Trust is needed at some point, yes. But trust has many different levels to it, so it is not "that simple". Trusting people in one area does not equate to trusting them in all areas. In our position, we need to carefully consider what we have to give and what we get for it, and decide if it is worth it.

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[quote name='Carnoly' timestamp='1301115194' post='2676805']
please explain to me why there is a need for MK, VE, TOP, FOK, and Umbrella to be on us.

Well, if you really need it explained...

MK and Umbrella are not on you, you are on them. Since you declared war on them, others then declare on you. We call this "a large war". Now, that leaves only VE, FOK, and TOP actually on you. TOP is mostly high end, and, well, they wrecked yours so now they simply don't have very much to do. VE and FOK, on the other hand, just got done fighting a two month long fully engaged war together, with the latter half being almost entirely in the low tier. Since both our low ends are so well acquainted working with one another and we each enjoy proficiently breaking things, it only makes sense to flip the switch once again and fill that vacancy in coverage.

I hope that helps.

Edited by Il Impero Romano
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[quote name='Il Impero Romano' timestamp='1301119333' post='2676938']
Well, if you really need it explained...

MK and Umbrella are not on you, you are on them. Since you declared war on them, others then declare on you. We call this "a large war". Now, that leaves only VE, FOK, and TOP actually on you. TOP is mostly high end, and, well, they wrecked yours so now they simply don't have very much to do. VE and FOK, on the other hand, just got done fighting a two month long fully engaged war together, with the latter half being almost entirely in the low tier. Since both our low ends are so well acquainted working with one another and we each enjoy proficiently breaking things, it only makes sense to flip the switch once again and fill that vacancy in coverage.

I hope that helps.

The correct answer was MK, Umbrella, and TOP were losing and they needed people to bail them out before NADC single handedly wins this war.

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[quote name='WarriorConcept' timestamp='1301119885' post='2676947']
The correct answer was MK, Umbrella, and TOP were losing and they needed people to bail them out before NADC single handedly wins this war.

TOP already surrendered to Nebula-X, what the hell are you talking about?

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[quote name='janax' timestamp='1301108863' post='2676676']
I doubt we'd be in for the fight of anything. You don't even have anyone in your alliance within range of our average nation strength. You literally have only 800 more tech as an alliance than one of our members have in his nation.

You could nip at our heels a little bit, but not much else.

To be fair, Janax they're actually pretty decent people and a very active alliance. They're on a much higher level than, say, NADC, and I definitely do have some respect for them.

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[quote name='SyndicatedINC' timestamp='1301026817' post='2675681']

You are going to need a bigger [s]boat[/s] Honda Civic.
We have the death machine.

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[quote name='Guffey' timestamp='1301149047' post='2677132']
Something like this perhaps:


I'm sure janax was thinking more along the lines of:


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[quote name='Letum' timestamp='1301118210' post='2676899']
You are partially correct, but you seem to be ignoring a rather important detail. The "price" of whatever peace agreement we agree on, and what we get for that price.

The price of Doomhouse's offer is our entire upper tier (and its rebuilding & fighting capacity), and what we get for it is, as I explained, a future that is not likely to be very peaceful. On the other hand, the price of a white peace is pretty much nothing - so even if we do face an uncertain future after it, the agreement is much more attractive. And to go to the other extreme; if we were to be faced with opponents with less keen on (and less vocal about) our being crippled, what we would get after peace might be worth more, and thus worth paying a higher price for.

Trust is needed at some point, yes. But trust has many different levels to it, so it is not "that simple". Trusting people in one area does not equate to trusting them in all areas. In our position, we need to carefully consider what we have to give and what we get for it, and decide if it is worth it.
I love that no matter how many times this principle is clearly explained, the whole of lolhouse goes ahead and completely ignores it. Usually so they can call us "peace mode cowards" or some other stupid attack.

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[quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1301264754' post='2678528']
I love that no matter how many times this principle is clearly explained, the whole of lolhouse goes ahead and completely ignores it. Usually so they can call us "peace mode cowards" or some other stupid attack.

Tell you what, get your side to stop claiming that we have lost because we are no longer capable of declaring war on your obliterated war mode nations, and we will stop calling your pristine and unviolated peace mode nations cowards.


Edited by WalkerNinja
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[quote name='WalkerNinja' timestamp='1301289973' post='2678877']
Tell you what, get your side to stop claiming that we have lost because we are no longer capable of declaring war on your obliterated war mode nations, and we will stop calling your pristine and unviolated peace mode nations cowards.

That's a broad brush you're using there.

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[quote name='WorldConqueror' timestamp='1301290619' post='2678887']
That's a broad brush you're using there.

Your folks dropped it. It is still usable. As my sainted grandmother used to say:

"Use it up;
Wear it out;
Make it do or;
Do without."

The broad strokes of the current plan is to:
"Use NPO allies up;
Wear NPO allies out;
Make NPO allies do as they are instructed or;
Make NPO allies do without tech, infra and $$$."

I suggest that your NPO allies look into their pacifican crystal balls. Even the most die-hard NPO types, deep from within in the dark caves of the pacified-mode, should be able to see that far ahead. Perhaps you could personally enlighten them, if they cannot or refuse to see. You appear to have the touch of reason.

[size="1"]edited to correct the deficiencies pointed out by World Conqueror[/size]

Edited by Antonio Salovega VI
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[quote name='Antonio Salovega VI' timestamp='1301291693' post='2678895']
Your folks dropped it. It is still usable. As my sainted grandmother used to say:

"Use it up;
Wear it out;
Make it do or;
Do without."

The broad strokes of the current plan is to:
"Use NPO allies up;
Wear NPO allies out;
Make NPO allies do as they are instructed or;
Make NPO allies do without tech, infra and $$$."

I suggest you look into your pacifican crystal balls. Even you NPO types in the pacified-mode should be able to see that far ahead.
I'm sure that was very hard-hitting and witty, however I'm afraid it may have lost some of its sting since I am not in the target alliance. I'll allow you a second to cast your eyes to the left, to the 'Alliance Name' field, and then down, to my signature. I'm reasonably certain that there you will find some clues to aid you in your time of confusion. See where you went wrong? OK, good. So, as I am one of those NPO allies, it would seem odd to try and attack me for things NPO are/were apparently doing to me.

You see, as tantalizing as it must be for you to have a chance to get in a cheap shot at me, in your haste you've inadvertently made a fool of yourself with the most elementary of mistakes. Now, I'm sure it does your agenda, and you yourself, no favours to have all that bluster stripped away so immediately and so publicly, so for both our sakes, let's try to get it right next time? :)

Now that we've got that out of the way, I'll set you straight on the intent of my original post. With one sentence WalkerNinja had implied that the entire NPO coalition had been claiming that DH and co. had lost because they couldn't hit any of the NPO coalition, and that each alliance in the NPO coalition had a large contingent of perma-peacemoders. What my earlier post was saying, in a very non-confrontational manner, was that he was making sweeping generalizations about a number of alliances and therefore quite a few nations, generalizations which do not recognize, for instance, that most of us aren't silly enough to claim victory by virtue of having been beaten down out of DH's declaration range. Perhaps if you could introduce a bit more substance to your post, rather than conducting a thinly veiled attack on an AA, we could have a much more pleasant discussion, Mister Antonio Salovega Six.

Edited by WorldConqueror
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[quote name='shaneprice' timestamp='1301291656' post='2678894']
So nice to see that the Viridian Entente is now becoming the Iran and/or Libya of Planet Bob.

IRAN disbanded some time ago, the only "Libyas" I can find are several small unaligneds. I don't see what they have to do with each other or the Viridian Entente.

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[quote name='shaneprice' timestamp='1301291656' post='2678894']
So nice to see that the Viridian Entente is now becoming the Iran and/or Libya of Planet Bob.
What is this 'Leebya?' My scholars are unable to find anything on the subject.

Edited by Felix von Agnu
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