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King Wally

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Blog Comments posted by King Wally

  1. I try to smile and count my blessings and all that, but it's pretty hard to be optimistic when everything is just going the wrong way.

    It depends if it is things going the wrong way that were in your control or outside your control. If these are things specifically outside your responsibility (you wake up and your parents are dead or something) then you've just got to pick yourself up and start recognising that sometimes life does suck - but that's ok and its normal.

    Now if it is things in your control, say you've flunked school, or lost your girl friend or something then hey its a learning experience man. Take some time to work out what you did to really screw up and throw it in the bank for later. The only real mistakes in life are the ones you keep making over and over again. The ones that leave you a little wiser are often totally worth it particularly in your youth.

  2. The world was never meant to be a fair, or easy or fun ride. It's just what it is, life, and we only get out of it what we perceive. My daughter made me smile today, she got back from the doctors with the missus and my wife walks in to me and says "Wally the doc recons she is stuck with this chest cough for the next 3 months" to which my daughter replied "well at least its not 4 months" and smiled. Honestly that's all you can do in life. Look at that dam glass and enjoy the half full goodness. I'm not saying life is all dandy but accept the !@#$ as part an parcel of the game we all play and focus on the little joys that are already around you.

  3. Seriously Margrave this happened an age ago, and was only barley a talking point back then. Some !@#$ happened, people moved on. Marx did a lot of good for \m/ as well, which as an ally at the time was duly noted.

    One such example was earlier in the same war when \m/ put aside its old grudge with Polar to assist RoK against SLCB. For many reasons they could have chosen to leave us to our own devices in that war but they threw themselves in for us on a front that wouldn't have been popular or rosey odds wise and they saw it through to its conclusion at the peace deal with SLCB before later on venturing into the NPO side. As an ally at the time it was much appreciated and remembered.

  4. I think the lines between offense and simple RP satire can often be drawn differently defending on how long ago and how extreme the theme was that you are trying to mimic.

    A 1930's mafia theme could fly where a 1930's nazi one would sink.

    Likewise this is why Zulu gets away with his drawing seamingly only humour as its based on events from the 1800's. Horrific events if they happened 10 years ago but 100 years + and its open for satire I think. Then again as I said it comes down to the severity of the theme you seek to wear. Something that encroached on say slavery no mater how old wouldn't fly.

    The Nuclear Proliferation League of which I am part also moves into satire of questionable topics, no doubt survivors of Japan circa 1945 wouldn't find many of our jokes very funny. I can only hope its again, of an era long enough ago and of an event that doesn't cause too much legitimate offense. If it does I can only apologise.

    The issue with MQ here is that they in truth cross the line of being a current theme of the current generation, with many players here being effected in their RL one way or another and also in severity with the theme being involved now in hundreds of thousands of deaths and maiming's across nearly every part of the world. Hell I had lunch last week with a man who had his leg blown off and girlfriend killed by an Al Qaeda affiliate, and then 10 minutes later I log onto CN to read MQ threads. Not even my family and I found it uncomfortable to have to read. I can only ask myself how I would feel if I had a closer connection to the theme.

  5. Yea I know: Flashlights, radios, food, water, etc. But how long does that stuff usually last? You should also take into consideration perishable foods. In most instances when there are power outages for long periods of time, riots and looting begin. I understood everything else you said though.

    Main thing is you have water. We get used to eating a hell of a lot of crap we don't really need to to survive. Worst comes to worst fluffy the cat from across the road will fry up nicely and cover you for a week. Throw in some pigeons and assorted bugs and you'll be looking nice and lean for summer but plenty alive.

    1. I'm afraid that you oversimplify things. A jacket isn't going to protect you for long, and keeping my lawn mowed would be the least of my worries.

    The human race didn't get to where it is by being soft and pushoverish, if your cold trust me you will find enough warm stuff to get you by even without the reverse cycle air con.

    2. I know specifically mean radios and all of those things. My main point is how would you have time to protect all of that stuff when this could happen at any time?

    You don't need any of that stuff to survive is all im saying, radio is handy but not needed.

    I'm afraid this would most likely be a nationwide thing. People would be reduced to wild animals, doing anything to survive. I live in the boondocks and I don't even think we would be safe.


    Doesn't matter if its a EMP thing, earthquake, jebus rising from the dead for judgement day etc... just follow the basic rules of a disaster and you'd be fine.

    1 - shelter ... you got a house your set here, house wiped out or too dangerous try friends first or a community shelter if your stuck.

    2 - Water ... even a day without water will leave you sapped of your energy... a few days and your toast. Store it while your able and don't leave the house without a supply. If you have to use unclean water filter and boil the hell out of it.

    3 - secure your environment.... don't hide in the corner with the gun at the door.... get our in your street and door knock, work out who needs help and who can help you and get some people working together. If you get your street working together that will tide you over till local authorities get their stuff back in order (which can take days +). If a few clowns start acting up get your street together to show them they aren't welcome. Most looters are like rats and will scurry off if you show some spine. Remember the looters are the exception not the rule, don't write off everyone around you just cause your scared of your wild animal vision.

    4 - help out. if theres a city full of ruin around you or such rock up for the clean up and lend a hand. If everyone does that you end up back on your feet a hell of a lot quicker, power and water get restored, roads back open and life generally back to normal.

  6. We probably wouldn't even be able to retaliate, because all of our systems would be damaged. We would be completely in the dark. Idk, unless you've been trained to survive without electricity; you're pretty much screwed. It would take a pretty huge solar flare to cause an EMP, as most of the solar flares we have don't usually do anything except take out a couple satellites.

    The military ensures they harden key vital systems from EMP, not everything mind you, just the real vital stuff. Their nuclear retaliation systems would be one of those for sure.

    Also trust me you don't need training to survive without power, just a little common sense, and hopefully a little bit of preparedness around the house. Millions of people around the world do it every day. Theres a big difference between things you "need" and things you "want". I'm not sure about the US but in Australia every second house has a rainwater tank and a gas fired BBQ, that's essentially all you need and life will be dandy.

    Regarding the solar EMP... Its something that we've not had time to gague realy seeing as our modern electronic network has only existed for about 100 years however it does seam that such events do happen at speratic intervals and that its more a case of if Earth by chance happens to be in the path of the solar storm or not.

    One example in the modern age


    ^ you could argue that if that same storm hit again in today's environment that the consequences would be pretty major to the power network. It's much like an earthquake or tsunami though, you can get plenty of small ones like you say that muck up the satellites then one day every 200 years one will come and knock you to your ass and you'll realise the power there. Time will tell I guess.

  7. A couple of problems with this:

    1. Depending on the season, it's usually either dangerously hot or dangerously cold outside.

    2. I do know about the Faraday cage, but how can you stuff all of the electronics you need inside of a one? How much time do you have, considering the fact that most people will never know when these types of things happen.

    3. A lot of people will die. Even if you choose to stay inside your house for safety, people can still break into your house. Unless you have some type of protection (a gun, etc).

    1. Cold = throw on a jacket and your mums favourite mittens, Hot = do your outside jobs at morning or dusk

    2. How do you fit all the electronics you need in the cage? Easy... you don't need any of them. Problem solved. Your twitter updates will just have to wait till the Nuclear War is over... DISLIKE! DISLIKE!

    3. Your now at war with another country... lets say Pakistan just dropped that nuke in your atmosphere... trust me you have bigger worries then if Tommy the local street thug is planning to brake in and steel your plasma TV. Go sign up at your local army recruitment stand... they are about to need you!

  8. If people are detonating atmospheric nukes above you the least of your worries will be your smart phone, in all likelihood it would mean that a significant nation has engaged you In nuclear war and that would most likely result in retaliation perhaps even retaliation on retaliation until you wished you could crawl into that microwave and flip the switch.

    Trust me no power is fine, as long as you can control the idiots that would start taking to the streets waving their hand guns around, its the full scale nuclear war I'd be more worried about.

    This is the reality of a nuke generated EMP.... the loss of power is nothing compared to what would probably be going on around you global war wise. The scenario where you would focus on the electrical effects moreso would be a solar induced EMP that was strong enough to topple the national power network and for a real crisis drop the water supply. There are plenty of American city's with 10's of millions of people present and literally no water stockpiles residentially. Forget anything else, this would be the concern, particularly for more frail residents that lack the ability to run 3 blocks and return with supplies. Once people start drinking dirty water from stagnant duck ponds and the like you then get very serious dehydration issues as folks end up strapped to a toilet emptying both ends into a bowl that they now realise doesn't empty anymore . Yeah the loss of mains water is really the killer in such a scenario I think.

  9. Well it was totally unprovoked... he just starting swinging (although he recons Myles was twisting his knees in the tackles, its hard to prove really)... so id say it will be a few weeks. Hopefully low enough so he can play in game 2 though. I want to see if anyone gives him a tap on the chin as payback!

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