EMP threat
An Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) attack is a scary doomsday scenario that is often discussed, but people rarely take into consideration. One of the ways one can be delivered is by detonating a nuclear weapon above the Earth, unleashing a pulse of electromagnetic energy. Once the pulse passes the Earth's atmosphere it damages the electrical grid and all electronics.
We as a society have come to a point that we cannot last a day without technology. If some outside entity was to unleash a nuclear EMP on us, our entire society would be thrown into complete chaos. Riots, looting, killings, economic collapse. I don't know about you, but my life is screwed up when the power is out for a couple of days. Imagine if the power was out for months, possibly even years. No internet, no computers, no cell phones, no HVAC, no running water. Nothing. My advice for you would be to not take anything we enjoy as a society for granted, and to be prepared for anything.
This is From the Mind of Loki,
God Bless
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