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Nerds of Cyber Nations Unite! Spoilers Alert

Phil Coulson


So I'm noticing more than a few people with names or avatars with themes that are from movies or TV shows or comics that can be described as well nerdy. You have Centurius as Rumple from "Once Upon a Time", Loki Laufeyson from Marvel, and me from "Grimm" not to mention numerous mods and other players with names, avys, and sigs from sci-fi and fantasy. No one else in my personal life is as big of a nerd as I am so I figure I'll get my nerdgasms out of my system here.

  • Agents of Shield: I can't believe Loki hasn't watched this show. It's awesome. I really liked Phil Coulson since the first Iron Man movie so I'm thrilled he's on my TV every week. As an office drone who is also often the most highly educated but lowest paid person in the room, it's nice to see someone in a similar situation kick ass. It's sort of like why I enjoyed the show "Chuck." It's also nice to see a nice guy finish first. I have to admit it's extremely tempting to donate to change my name to "Phil Coulson" because I like the character and also because it'd be fun to annoy Loki.
  • Grimm: Before "Agents of Shield" started, this was my favorite show and now it's a solid #2. I really like urban fantasy so the whole magical animal spirits living in certain people really appeals to me. The show reminds me of "The Dresden Files" crossed with "The X Files" and I like how it blends fantasy with reality. My favorite character is obviously Monroe. Monroe is a Blutbad which is basically a werewolf crossed with a vampire who keeps his bad impulses in check by avoiding all meat products and doing pilates. He's done some bad things in the past (most likely killed someone) that he's not proud of that he's trying to atone for now. He is also extremely eccentric and gets the best lines.
  • Once Upon a Time: Centurius is a big fan of this one. I almost lost faith last year when they offed August Booth because he was a great character but the bit in Neverland was quite cool. However, considering we're in the third season, I kind of think the time for flashbacks is over. I would like to see how Henry went from the delivery room on Arizona to Storybrooke though...

So on to the discussion:

  1. What do you all think is going on with Agent Coulson? I've heard clone, life model decoy, android, (set to become Vision), revived using necromancy, and cyborg. Considering he just got kidnapped by Centipede, we'll soon find out. Apparently his vitals tested fine but his iron was high. Also, I feel totally stupid, I just rewatched Iron Man 3 last night and finally realized that the crap they were taking in the movie was the same stuff that was being dispensed using the Centipede device.
  2. Any guess as to who the clairvoyant and the leak are on "SHIELD"? I think the clairvoyant might be the guy that got busted out of jail at the beginning of the last episode because he got that look TV people get when they're seeing visions when the woman in the flower dress held his hand. The leak would have to be relatively high in SHIELD or perhaps they hacked it and don't have an actual person at all. The agent in the preview for the January episode who is saying that no one agent is that important is my pick for the leak.
  3. What do you all think is going to happen with Renard and the royals and Renard and Adiland on "Grimm"? They repeatedly tried to kill him and he arranged the assassination of his brother so they can never be BFFs but his family don't seem too upset at Eric's death either. Renard and Adiland don't see eye to eye but the child is either his child or niece or nephew and I don't think he wants to leave it to a life with the royals. I also think he had serious issues with how the Resistance executed their spy. He seemed to have a "I cut ties with my family to avoid this kind of BS and you're no better!" kind of look to him.
  4. What's going on with Nick on "Grimm"? He seems to be half zombie which can't be healthy. He's also a murder suspect, which for some reason doesn't seem to be on anyone's minds at the moment. I don't know why he hasn't told Rosalee what's going on. I wonder if it has something to do with the herbs being used to make the cure being old.
  5. What do you all think of the last episode of Once Upon a Time? It was nice to see Emma and Henry happy together and it's awesome they sent Hook but I hate it when shows do arbitrary passages of time like "One year later."
  6. Are there any shows I should be watching? You all should be watching the shows above as well as "Almost Human," "Sleepy Hollow," both the US and UK versions of "Being Human" and "Misfits."


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I think Coulson got the supersoldier serum.

That had occurred to me as well. I suspect he's bulletproof and hasn't noticed. In the episode with the blackhole in the basement, he fired at the same time as a guard and only one of them went down.

Incidentally, Clark Gregg is pretty active on Facebook and Twitter and is quite amusing.

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Idk why I've never watched Agents of SHIELD. Believe it or not, I'm more of an Arrow/Tomorrow People guy.

I might have to check out Tomorrow People. I really like Greg Berlanti's other work (Everwood and Green Lantern). Arrow's one that's been on my maybe list to check out. Hulu keeps recommending it. I mainly don't watch it because the network it's on is such a train wreck that everything I've ever liked on it gets canceled so I don't want to get invested.

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I fell out of love with Grimm for some reason. I don't know why, it just kind of stopped being interesting somehow. Misfits captivated me until the series finale, which just aired. (You can watch Misfits for free on Hulu btw).

Right now I'm just waiting for the next season of Shameless (American version)...next year, while I catch up on Dr. Who episodes. :/

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I fell out of love with Grimm for some reason. I don't know why, it just kind of stopped being interesting somehow. Misfits captivated me until the series finale, which just aired. (You can watch Misfits for free on Hulu btw).

Right now I'm just waiting for the next season of Shameless (American version)...next year, while I catch up on Dr. Who episodes. :/

Two words: Juliet's amnesia. That whole "He still loves her but she doesn't remember him," thing really got old in 2. But everyone's been on the same page since the last 3 episodes of season 2 and it's been fun having Nick, Hank, Rosalee, Juliet, and Monroe work together to solve stuff.

I have the last two Misfits on my Hulu queue. What season do you recommend I start with for Dr. Who? My brother loves it but I don't have time to catch up on +4 seasons.

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I might have to check out Tomorrow People. I really like Greg Berlanti's other work (Everwood and Green Lantern). Arrow's one that's been on my maybe list to check out. Hulu keeps recommending it. I mainly don't watch it because the network it's on is such a train wreck that everything I've ever liked on it gets canceled so I don't want to get invested.

Arrow is really good, you should check it out; especially if you're into comics. I just got into Tomorrow People, although it could be written better, it has a lot of promise and I hope they go places with it.

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Arrow is really good, you should check it out; especially if you're into comics. I just got into Tomorrow People, although it could be written better, it has a lot of promise and I hope they go places with it.

I don't particularly care for the new species of human in hidng type show. I like people who use their abilities to help others.

Lets be honest here, we play a politically orientated text based nation simulation game, we're all rampant nerds, or at best closet nerds in denial!

I'm more of a weirdo but yeah, everyone here is at least a gamer.
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Two words: Juliet's amnesia. That whole "He still loves her but she doesn't remember him," thing really got old in 2. But everyone's been on the same page since the last 3 episodes of season 2 and it's been fun having Nick, Hank, Rosalee, Juliet, and Monroe work together to solve stuff. I have the last two Misfits on my Hulu queue. What season do you recommend I start with for Dr. Who? My brother loves it but I don't have time to catch up on +4 seasons.

Hmm, maybe I'll catch up on Grimm and give it another chance then. I'm not all that far behind really.

As far as Dr. Who goes, you really should watch all of the new ones - when it started back up in 2005. (7 seasons currently) If you must skip forward, my personal favorite companion/Dr team is Matt Smith with Amy Pond and they're like season 5+.

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heh, I'm actually watching all the shows mentioned in the OP and the comments. :P

Grimm is my favorite so far, especially now that the greater story is starting to unfold. Agents of shield is a bit of a "meh", a bit too cheesy for my taste, but still enjoyable enough to watch, mainly because it's in the same universe as Thor. :P

Out of Arrow and Tomorrow people I like Arrow the most so far, Initially I only watched Arrow for the flashbacks, but it has gotten a lot more interesting lately. Tomorrow people has a really nice story, but dont like the actors or their acting a lot. (seriously the whole tomorrowpeople crew looks like a bunch of pushovers, my grandma could probably beat the crap out of all of them at the same time. :s )

Never gave Once upon a time a chance, mainly because the cover and description of the first episode made it look like it's one of those lady-sci-fi shows, where drama/romance come first and sci-fi/story second, but since you guys posted it alongside these other shows i'll give it a try. :)

My opinion on Dr Who is a bit extreme, imho Dr Who should be hung from a tree, shot, gutted and run over by a Buick. :P

Some ongoing or recently finished shows that fit this list you guys might not know of,




-revolution (crappy acting, but really nice story)

Looking forward to a show called 100s which should start in January.

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lol.. I tried to watch Agents of Shield, but it was too transparent, too generic, and seeing Phil and an occassional character from Avengerz isn't a good enough gimmick to keep me watching that other 40 minutes of bs in each episode.

Arrow is even worse. I'm not sure there is an orginal thought in that series they just ripped off and mashed up a bunch of old stories/characters. TBH I haven't watched much of the series that closely but my lil bro is into it and I've noticed some things, like for example:


^ Death Stroke much?

I don't know about those other shows, but Chuck was pretty good. Had some iffy moments towards the end but I did enjoy that series.

Unfortunately, I don't think there is much choice right now in the way of new Sci-Fi/Hero shows. I suppose SHIELD and Arrow may be the best out there currently.. but that isn't saying much. :P

Sucks that Heros ended abruptly, now that was an awesome show.

edit: I suppose I'm just jaded. Sorry for the criticism, but I actually have been discussing this in real life lately, so couldn't help myself. :)

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lol.. I tried to watch Agents of Shield, but it was too transparent, too generic, and seeing Phil and an occassional character from Avengerz isn't a good enough gimmick to keep me watching that other 40 minutes of bs in each episode.

Arrow is even worse. I'm not sure there is an orginal thought in that series they just ripped off and mashed up a bunch of old stories/characters. TBH I haven't watched much of the series that closely but my lil bro is into it and I've noticed some things, like for example:


^ Death Stroke much?

Considering the fact that most comic book adaptations are, well, based off of comic books this is a pretty dumb criticism. If anything it's good that they are staying as close to the comics as possible, while introducing original characters like Diggle and Felicity; and coming up with new concepts.

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I don't particularly care for the new species of human in hidng type show. I like people who use their abilities to help others.

Meh, to each his own I guess lol. The writing is pretty substandard at times, but I see it getting better as the series goes on. I recommend it.

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Considering the fact that most comic book adaptations are, well, based off of comic books this is a pretty dumb criticism. If anything it's good that they are staying as close to the comics as possible, while introducing original characters like Diggle and Felicity; and coming up with new concepts.

Ah I didn't realize it was a comic book adaptation. That makes a lot more sense.

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I fell out of love with Grimm for some reason. I don't know why, it just kind of stopped being interesting somehow. Misfits captivated me until the series finale, which just aired. (You can watch Misfits for free on Hulu btw).

Right now I'm just waiting for the next season of Shameless (American version)...next year, while I catch up on Dr. Who episodes.

The finale of Misfits was great. I loled at Seven when Finn was almost dumped under the overpass and Greg the probation worker hooked up with the closeted probation worker. Totally called it. It was cool to see them all become relatively decent human beings.

My opinion on Dr Who is a bit extreme, imho Dr Who should be hung from a tree, shot, gutted and run over by a Buick. :P

Some ongoing or recently finished shows that fit this list you guys might not know of,




-revolution (crappy acting, but really nice story)

Looking forward to a show called 100s which should start in January.

Fringe was great, I haven't seen the other ones but I've heard of them. Once Upon a Time is girl sci-fi but it's also very well done.
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