April and May have been killer months for us Indians, literally.
The death toll is at 500 and counting. Not a large number but then it is the cause that is depressing, we are undergoing a heat wave that has lasted most of two months now. The place i live in has recorded its highest ever temperature so far in May, 43 C was common enough for us in the summer but this year we have touched 45C and gone beyond it a bit.
In certain parts of the country people have been dropping like flies, mainly th
Source: What Was So Bad About the Gold Standard?
Like everything else under the sun, the response to this is "It Depends".
Out here Gold has value because the women folk cannot do without it. If our women one fine day simply threw away their golden ornaments, i believe the world price would crash so drastically, it would beggar anyone still on the gold standard. I have read statements from bankers and traders which put the estimated quantity of privately held Gold in India (majority of which i
You, sir. Are an Idiot.
Going by what is being whispered around regarding your shoddy housekeeping and even worse your laziness or outright malefic intent.
Hi there
Just thought i would let you all know (in case you guys dont). Whenever i watch CN related content on youtube, youtube always reccomends that i also watch content related to Norway.
I guess that is what is called, scarred for life, eh? I wonder if it works the other way round as well.
While there are a lot of good artists in the CN community, there are a few that come to mind immediately when i think of CN art.
Be it forum signatures, alliance flags, forum banners, forum tags whatever, there is one who has such a vast body of work all over the community, creations of his being used by so many that i feel he deserves special mention.
I talk of course about the snappy Bazilian. D34th.
A treasure trove of his work can be found at the following location on the internet.
Or "sorry jerdge but now do you see why i had to leave the GPA".
Someone pls shoot me.
This is on a full work day when i am rushed for time and have too much going on to be able to breathe properly.
I think i need help.
PS: jerdge is the best.
Rape is considered to be a heinous crime, one of the worst things a human can do to another. Society is unanimous in its condemnation of the act, and the convicted.
Unfortunately, this condemnation and abhorrence for the act by society is not a deterrent, and neither is the law and order apparatus. Rape happens, and with alarming frequency. The where, why and the how of it are as varied and numerous as can be.
Recently, a couple of days back, on a moving bus in New Delhi, the national capital
Incorrect : "Without further Adieu" : Adieu is farewell... without further farewell?
Correct: "Without further ado"
Incorrect: "Shear stupidity" : a shear is a scissor or a hedge trimmer. It is also a tool to cut the wool from a sheep. Now if one were referring silliness involved while tending to farm animals or hedges, it would be correct.
Correct: "Sheer stupidity"
Incorrect: "Rouge attack" : rouge is either a cosmetic or a color, unless one is referring the act of being assailed by cosmet