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STA March Press Conference

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[quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1299170625' post='2651194']
What side? We have 1 military treaty that doesn't even have any typical language, and an econ treaty (unless you mean sphere unity puts you on, say, RoK's "side"), and our position in this war is only precipitated by your broad and unwarranted imperialist aggression (or if Azaghul is to be believed, "attempts to save the planet"[i] FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF[/i] :lol1: ). The simple fact of the matter is that no one was doing anything with it, and won't be despite your war, and if you think that MK and GOONS get a special corner on the !@#$posting market, get over it, you don't. ODN gov doesn't even bother with it anymore, why should anyone else? So you have a foil? Whammy. You built up a new hegemony characterized by lawlessness and a loud, proud, pointed, deliberate discarding of formal discourse in absence of any body to hedge against, now you can sit and stew in the memes like :smug: and deal with it and whatever-else that you've propagated. As much as I like some in MK, if I had a penny for every time a member of MK complained about the situation(s) that MK created, I'd have as much money as it's taken to prop GOONS up to fight your war for you.

So, because we did something first, you have to do it over and over again? Can't you get some new material? You, of all people, self proclaimed messiah and reporter extraordinaire, you're going to make me believe you're OK with the general discourse of politics on Bob going down the drain? You really want the d34th, the HoT and other Alteregos to run this joint?
And before you get into it, I'm not saying our side doesn't have bad posters, I'm saying you're side (and you know exactly what I'm talking about so don't play dumb with me) has a !@#$ ton of those and letting them run their mouth like they're the bee's knees isn't really helping.

PS: I really don't want to get into a debate over our CB again. This is not the time nor the place. I believe you know my position on it and if you want more details you know how to find me.

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[quote name='potato' timestamp='1299172966' post='2651240']
So, because we did something first, you have to do it over and over again? Can't you get some new material? You, of all people, self proclaimed messiah and reporter extraordinaire, you're going to make me believe you're OK with the general discourse of politics on Bob going down the drain? You really want the d34th, the HoT and other Alteregos to run this joint?
And before you get into it, I'm not saying our side doesn't have bad posters, I'm saying you're side (and you know exactly what I'm talking about so don't play dumb with me) has a !@#$ ton of those and letting them run their mouth like they're the bee's knees isn't really helping.[/quote]
Not at all, I'm saying that the Voyteks, flakattacks, Luciuses, Snibbmeisters, and flipwiches [b]already[/b] run the show, so what's your problem with an Alterego or two? It's not our job to make things interesting for you. There was no opposition until you declared war, and once the war is over it will be right back that way until you decide you need more money again. So stop whining about it, I'm tired of it. You're not happy when you're not the ones getting stomped anymore, you're not happy when you're the ones doing the stomping, you're not happy when every treaty looks like an illuminated manuscript, you're not happy when your posting style gets emulated and adopted for general discourse. I don't wanna hear about it. You say you don't like it but you [i]must,[/i] you promote it. What's next? I post pics of you and the fam on our forum, CoJ squats on them, then MK complains? That's pretty much the pattern--"stop copying us!" You wanna talk to us about level of discourse--[i][b]people in MK [/b][/i]want to talk to [i]us [/i]about level of discourse? Get a life, man, take a hike. This place is a regular shimmering beacon of civility regardless of my personal opinion of the way things are--my opinion stopped mattering when I stayed on the bottom while my contemporaries shot to the "top" or didn't you notice? Let's make a bet on what kind of response I get from MK, GOONS, Umbrella, VE, Athens, ODN, and GOD if I start a Campaign to Restore Formality. You're way out there, brother, I want some of that stuff. When was the last time you saw a reply to ChairmanHal that wasn't an ad hom? When was the last time you saw a NPO thread that went more than 1 page before a "no u"?

[quote name='potato' timestamp='1299172966' post='2651240']
PS: I really don't want to get into a debate over our CB again. This is not the time nor the place. I believe you know my position on it and if you want more details you know how to find me.
What CB? :smug: [size="1"](Sorry, you stepped right into that one.)[/size] And no I don't, give me 5 minutes to delete a PM so you can lay that out for me.

Edited by Schattenmann
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[quote name='blueski' timestamp='1299171534' post='2651215']
If the quotes are entirely out of context, what [i]was[/i] the context?

I think Tyga answered this whole line of thinking pretty well elsewhere:

Protecting NPO was never our motivation. It doesn't take much to work out that calling TPF in to our defence at that stage was only going to bring all hell down on them which would have reduced their ability to assist us at all. You guys had already been jabbering about bringing "Big P" in via our front so referring to such an event as what you guys wanted is not untrue.

The bottom line is that calling TPF in on our front would have given no real nett benefit to the STA or TPF which was the motivation for decisions made at the time. You guys not getting at "Big P" via the channels you had hoped was just an amusing bonus for me really.[/quote]

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[quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1299174584' post='2651258']
Not at all, I'm saying that the Voyteks, flakattacks, Luciuses, Snibbmeisters, and flipwiches [b]already[/b] run the show, so what's your problem with an Alterego or two? It's not our job to make things interesting for you. There was no opposition until you declared war, and once the war is over it will be right back that way until you decide you need more money again. So stop whining about it, I'm tired of it. You're not happy when you're not the ones getting stomped anymore, you're not happy when you're the ones doing the stomping, you're not happy when every treaty looks like an illuminated manuscript, you're not happy when your posting style gets emulated and adopted for general discourse. I don't wanna hear about it. You say you don't like it but you [i]must,[/i] you promote it. What's next? I post pics of you and the fam on our forum, CoJ squats on them, then MK complains? That's pretty much the pattern--"stop copying us!" You wanna talk to us about level of discourse--[i][b]people in MK [/b][/i]want to talk to [i]us [/i]about level of discourse? Get a life, man, take a hike. This place is a regular shimmering beacon of civility regardless of my personal opinion of the way things are--my opinion stopped mattering when I stayed on the bottom while my contemporaries shot to the "top" or didn't you notice? Let's make a bet on what kind of response I get from MK, GOONS, Umbrella, VE, Athens, ODN, and GOD if I start a Campaign to Restore Formality. You're way out there, brother, I want some of that stuff. When was the last time you saw a reply to ChairmanHal that wasn't an ad hom? When was the last time you saw a NPO thread that went more than 1 page before a "no u"?

You're talking apples and oranges, here. I'm not complaining, or whining as you eloquently put it, about stomping people or getting stomped. I'm merely talking about this place, right here, right now. Not the backroom politics. THIS place. And the !@#$hole it has become. Who cares who started it? Why do you have to continue? I didn't say we weren't guilty of it but, seriously, if copying lines ("u mad", :smug: or "do something about it"...) we dropped a while ago is the best you can do then I'm disappointed. I thought more of you.
As a note, my posting this has nothing to do with my AA, your AA or any other AA. I don't care if you're in MK, NPO, CoJ, GOONS, Umbrella, VE, ODN, GOD, NpO, BAPS, Invicta or any other alliance. This is me, potato, saying I wouldn't mind if people stopped using the "stop whining" when someone disagrees with them. You don't like it and think it's top notch political discourse and a great argument? Fine, be my guest. I disagree.

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[quote name='potato' timestamp='1299172966' post='2651240']
you're going to make me believe you're OK with the general discourse of politics on Bob going down the drain? You really want the d34th, the HoT and other Alteregos to run this joint?
And before you get into it, I'm not saying our side doesn't have bad posters, I'm saying you're side (and you know exactly what I'm talking about so don't play dumb with me) has a !@#$ ton of those and letting them run their mouth like they're the bee's knees isn't really helping.

That's frickin rich. It was you 'too cool for school' fools who decided running with the likes of /b/ and \m/ was a good thing. Since that rise of the lulz crews, we are where we are.

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[quote name='conistonslim' timestamp='1299176942' post='2651279']
You fellas have any more questions regarding the STA?

Why don't you love me as much as I love you? I really feel like this relationship isn't going anywhere. Is there somebody else in your life?

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[quote name='blueski' timestamp='1299110527' post='2650081']
You're right about the bias and hostility. I've never cared for STA. Even going back to when I was tied to them eight ways from Sunday, I always resented them for their preachy moralism and general hamstringing of efforts I was involved in. It turns out that just like suspected most of it was a an insincere ruse. For an alliance promoting their "honor" as much as they do they can't keep the lies they're telling straight.

One thing I've never been is a hypocrite, if you'd like to give an example feel free, otherwise save your bs for people who still care.

I still care.

And u still seem mad.

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[quote name='Penkala' timestamp='1299003931' post='2648324']
If nukes could shut somebody up a nuclear firefight between you and me would be one of best things that could ever happen. Also, Damsky and Wasdrogan would no longer be talking which would be great.

You would have been gone a good time before them then. That would be great.

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[quote name='O-Dog' timestamp='1299176861' post='2651278']
That's frickin rich. It was you 'too cool for school' fools who decided running with the likes of /b/ and \m/ was a good thing. Since that rise of the lulz crews, we are where we are.

The only similar thing between /b/ and \m/ is the fact their name is surrounded by fancy little \/s. So, please, do come back when you know what you're talking about.

For the record, the "lulz" crew is also among the best and most efficient alliances on Bob. Just because we're laid back and don't invent make believe ideologies that change with the wind doesn't mean we take this seriously.

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[quote name='Omniscient1' timestamp='1299178205' post='2651307']
What are STA's thoughts on the DT, NAC, and KoH's peace terms?

Clearly, they thought it was an agreement they could live with. We are so far removed from that situation, and so busy with the NpO war that it is so hard for us to focus on that war.

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[quote name='Scorponok' timestamp='1299178535' post='2651314']
Would you say your opinion of TIO 2.0 has changed or remained the same? If it has/hasn't what is the feeling?

Sorry for the "Do you like my alliance" question, but given our history and time line, I am intrigued.

We don't answer "do you like my alliance" questions in our press conference. I say it every month, and then I didn't this month because I figured it wouldn't be necessary, but really. You guys ask every month, regardless of whether or not we ask you not to.

STA thinks you care way too much what we think about you.

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[quote name='potato' timestamp='1299177455' post='2651293']
The only similar thing between /b/ and \m/ is the fact their name is surrounded by fancy little \/s. So, please, do come back when you know what you're talking about.

That's actually true, sorry my mistake. I meant Gen[M]ay. The Unjust Path never went anywhere good and leading up to The Unjust War, you were all as bad as one another.

Anyway, I guess this is the wrong place. My apologies, STA.

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[quote name='O-Dog' timestamp='1299178968' post='2651328']
That's actually true, sorry my mistake. I meant Gen[M]ay. The Unjust Path never went anywhere good and leading up to The Unjust War, you were all as bad as one another.

I was ODN gov't at the time so yeah... But I guess you're too blinded by your own propaganda and your will to score cookie points with whoever. So have fun with your fantasy world.

With that said, back on topic. I said what I had to. Sorry, pez, for going off topic.

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[quote name='potato' timestamp='1299172966' post='2651240']
So, because we did something first, you have to do it over and over again? Can't you get some new material? You, of all people, self proclaimed messiah and reporter extraordinaire, you're going to make me believe you're OK with the general discourse of politics on Bob going down the drain? You really want the d34th, the HoT and other Alteregos to run this joint?
And before you get into it, I'm not saying our side doesn't have bad posters, I'm saying you're side (and you know exactly what I'm talking about so don't play dumb with me) has a !@#$ ton of those and letting them run their mouth like they're the bee's knees isn't really helping.

PS: I really don't want to get into a debate over our CB again. This is not the time nor the place. I believe you know my position on it and if you want more details you know how to find me.
Two things. The first and Im sure he will agree, dont associate me in any way shape or form with schatt. Im not on his side, their side or your side. Im on no ones side, not even my own. The second thing, nobody is [u]letting[/u] me run my mouth off. I say what I like and answer to no one. If anyone wants to shut me up they know where to find me.

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[quote name='Thrash' timestamp='1299027569' post='2648857']
Did they boot you? :P

No, I left.

[quote]In a press conference, I just ignore the folks who attempt to move off focus. It works 100% of the time. I suggest you do so as well. [/quote]

He must have forgotten that monthly press conferences are only for "What kind of caek do you like BEST?" type questions.

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Has Tyga found his agenda yet?

[quote name='potato' timestamp='1299176631' post='2651274']
You're talking apples and oranges, here. I'm not complaining, or whining as you eloquently put it, about stomping people or getting stomped. I'm merely talking about this place, right here, right now. Not the backroom politics. THIS place. And the !@#$hole it has become. Who cares who started it? Why do you have to continue? I didn't say we weren't guilty of it but, seriously, if copying lines ("u mad", :smug: or "do something about it"...) we dropped a while ago is the best you can do then I'm disappointed. I thought more of you.
As a note, my posting this has nothing to do with my AA, your AA or any other AA. I don't care if you're in MK, NPO, CoJ, GOONS, Umbrella, VE, ODN, GOD, NpO, BAPS, Invicta or any other alliance. This is me, potato, saying I wouldn't mind if people stopped using the "stop whining" when someone disagrees with them. You don't like it and think it's top notch political discourse and a great argument? Fine, be my guest. I disagree.
It's too late to switch to the "hey, I'm talking to everyone regardless of side" line. You began this line of discussion with a shot at the posters of "our side" for being detrimental to the discourse of this forum, despite the fact that it is already overrun by the lulz brigades. I could not agree more that the "u mad" and :smug: are getting very, very old no matter who they're coming from... But the potshot at "our" posters specifically is incredibly rich considering that those memes were originally proliferated by "your" posters. ("stop whining" whenever someone disagrees, of course, predates both current "sides")

I'm glad you want to up the level of discourse here, but good Lord, take a look around.


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[quote name='BamaBuc' timestamp='1299195336' post='2651623']
Has Tyga found his agenda yet?

It's too late to switch to the "hey, I'm talking to everyone regardless of side" line. You began this line of discussion with a shot at the posters of "our side" for being detrimental to the discourse of this forum, despite the fact that it is already overrun by the lulz brigades. I could not agree more that the "u mad" and :smug: are getting very, very old no matter who they're coming from... But the potshot at "our" posters specifically is incredibly rich considering that those memes were originally proliferated by "your" posters. ("stop whining" whenever someone disagrees, of course, predates both current "sides")

I'm glad you want to up the level of discourse here, but good Lord, take a look around.


His post was literally the damnedest thing I've ever saw on here from a hypocritical point of view. Complaining about the very world they made? They and their allies are the very picture of that type of posting, and flooding the forums with it on a daily basis. They abandoned political discourse long ago and now to get upset about the lack of it in the very place where they destroyed it? Wow.

Looking back I can only imagine that MK was at least somewhat different at the Gov level. They even had decent discourse in our forum right up until the Christmas war.

Honestly I can only assume it was those relationships at the highest level that allowed the STA to keep it's treaty with them before the abandonment for the lulzyness by MK. As MK's general membership rampaged around these forums acting like monkeys just escaped from the zoo for a goodly while before hand.

So I ask, did the STA ever consider a treaty cancellation with MK before the MK drop? It appeared your FA and general worldview were at 180 degree ends of the spectrum since Karma.

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[quote name='blueski' timestamp='1299168916' post='2651173']
This is a press conference, the focus is answering questions isn't it? Its a simple question,[b] how do you feel about being on record lying to most people asking if there was any attempt to keep NPO out of the war?[/b]

The warmongers are mad that they were lied to?

Edited by Charles Stuart
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[quote name='potato' timestamp='1299062171' post='2649478']
That's the line of logic these days: according to people like d34th, you disagree with someone on the other side, you're whining or "mad". So much for upping the political discourse...

Stop whining. :v:

There are ways and ways of disagree with someone, but of course you know this.

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