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Valhalla DoW on Kronos

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Valhalla was forged in a fire of hate. noWedge was a nut, and Legion got screwed over because of him. They are still paying the price of his actions today.

With that said, I am impressed at what Valhalla has become. I look forward to the day where I can call Valhalla a "great alliance". I believe that day is coming soon.

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[quote name='supercoolyellow' timestamp='1298936643' post='2647197']
Shoulda put CSN in the title. You could have built a house with all the bricks that would have been !@#$ed. Congratulations on the four years.

It was considered, this one is better though.

Kronos was the first AA to really give us a new start post Karma. It's something we could never thank them enough for.

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Congratulations to my good friends over at Valhalla. It has been a pleasure to call you gentlemen friends throughout my time here.

4 years is quite an accomplishment, and you guys are still going strong. Congratulations my friends!

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Wow...congrats Valhalla its awesome to be as close to you all as Olympus is. In some of our shakiest moments you all were steadfast allies that not only said the right things...but did them. Thank you for rocking and parting with us.

Congrats to QH on a well deserved shiney!!!! Pansy you are half the woman she is :P

Goes back to only partially paying attention.

o/ Valhalla!!!!

sup bud?

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[quote name='Biff Webster' timestamp='1298945892' post='2647367']
Four years should be long enough to learn that DoW jokes aren't funny :P

Congrats Chairman Halvalla.


A note of interest...

My nation was founded on Feb. 13th, 2007. It predates Valhalla by just 15 days. I have also now been at Valhalla for more time than any of the other alliances I was a member and indeed, I've spent more time being a Valhallan than anything else I've done on Planet Bob combined, that includes leading two different sanctioned alliances.

Being around this group of drunken arse kickers has taught me a lot about myself. I'd like to thank Chefjoe for taking a chance on burnt out old Ragnarok refugee. I'd like to think I've proven there is still some fight in this dog. To all those who welcomed me into Valhalla with open arms, and you know who you are, you've been good friends both IC and out.

[i]OOC: To Valhalla eternal...may we continue on until all the bars close, the server shuts down, and there are simply no arses left to kick...and I'd say and there are no sheep left for Pansy, but the sheep are already nervous enough as is.... :unsure: [/i]

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