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Doomhouse 12 step recovery program.

Maelstrom Vortex

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1. Admit you have been evil..
2. Change your alliance affiliation to Coalition PoW.
3. Rebel and [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BWP-AsG5DRk"]Walk like an "Egyptian in Tahrir"[/url] from your former masters. (After all you are being liberated.) Instate new NPO friendly government.
4. Decommission all nuclear weapons.
5. Do the Macarena.
6. Decommission all navy, tanks, aircraft and only keep minimum soldiers
7. Dance to the following song. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=60og9gwKh1o
8. Post your surrender in the OWF surrender thread... "I [Ruler Name] surrender to [Alliance Name] and will not re-enter any conflict."
9. Dance to this song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sOnqjkJTMaA
10. Do not re-enter any current conflicts. This includes aid, spying or any military acts.
11. Declare publicly to the world that your former government got your arses kicked by NPO and our divine Emperor Cortath as part of step 8.
12. Personally thank Maelstrom Vortex for composing the Doom House 12 step program as part of step 8.
(It is generally good to look your best while doing parts 3, 5, 7, and 9.)

If you fulfill all the following above steps we will consider you to have recovered from the Doom House pandemic. All music videos delivered to you courtesy of the Dragonisian cultural department and DragonTube. We'll assume that if you've done the others you've also done 3,5,7 and 9. If you haven't.. SHAME ON YOU!

Disclaimer: Completing Maelstrom's 12 step program does not guarantee results! Results may vary based on the individual, their habits and their overall levels of decrepitude!

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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Nah, I'm a casualty in recovery! I'm reloading the fungicide.

Ran out of ammo. (Don't you hate that?)

[quote]2/13/2011 1:12:28 AM

[Team: Red]
Ruler: Maelstrom Vortex
New Pacific Order

[Team: Green]
Treasure Island
Ruler: Craig
Mushroom Kingdom
War Expired

The record of my last war. And I give Craig credit. He was a challenging opponent.

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Doom House-Itis

Definition: A fungus often found on keyboards, Nintendo controllers, and often found on the screens, seats, and office equipment of leaders of the Mushroom Kingdom. Highly contagious.

Symptoms: A desire for henchman ship, evil, and reasonless mayhem. A fungus present on the flag of infected nations. Leadership that look like the walking dead or plant life. Persistent desire to argue fallible points and justify the actions of the infected. Paranoia.

Triggers: Thoughtless greed and an unfounded fear of someone or a group of someones who are better performing than the person who has been infected.

Cures: The only cure for Doom House-Itis to date seems to be Pacifican willpower and blood.

The degree of contagion associated with this fungus requires a 12 step program for those of non-Pacifican heritage who have been infected. Pacificans have developed a natural resistance to the disease.

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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[quote name='Systemfailure' timestamp='1298427403' post='2642300']
step 7 and 9 dont work
Step 7: http://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=KmtzQCSh6xk
Step 9: http://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=sOnqjkJTMaA

Take out the space at the end of watch otherwise CN makes the link weird :P

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