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Alliances destined for eachother

Ryan Greenberg

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[quote name='R3nowned' timestamp='1297412853' post='2629174']
Not Sparta, but certain MK members seem to hate on TOOL for no reason. Maybe cause TOOL is better than them. Dunno.

Maybe it's because it's such a cool acronym for such a sissy name.

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[quote name='Ryan Greenberg' timestamp='1297382912' post='2628482']<SNIP>
Neutrals and Everyone :P[/quote]
It's Neutrals and No one, silly boy.

[quote name='Crymson' timestamp='1297398730' post='2628887']And here's the typical Polaris refusal to take responsibility for anything.

TOP has always been slow to anger. Polaris was the [i]first[/i] alliance we [b]ever[/b] actively pursued war with, and this was after months and months of antagonism, threats and backroom dealings on the part of Polaris against us (oh, and there were also the dozens of other alliances whom you pissed off with similar behavior; the fact that so many alliances were eager to go to war against you in the WotC probably should have taught you that). And then after amends were attempted, we were the subject of the blackest betrayal by your alliance.

As much as you'd like to act as if it were "destiny" that our alliances would be enemies, the truth is that it's due to your alliance actions. Of course, it does not surprise me in the slightest that your alliance would never admit this. You've always been terrible at taking responsibility for your actions and great at playing the victim in everything.[/quote]
This thread isn't about the supernatural origin of IC rivalries, "probably".

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[quote name='R3nowned' timestamp='1297412853' post='2629174']
Not Sparta, but certain MK members seem to hate on TOOL for no reason. Maybe cause TOOL is better than them. Dunno.
We were slated to counter-attack TOOL the miniute they entered the Worst War Ever (or whatever it was called) and we all stayed up at update for almost a week waiting for TOOL to enter and they never did.

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There is no destiny, any two given alliances given the right set of circumstances and proper diplomacy on the part of an interested party could either become allies or go to war with each other. And to an uninformed observer this may superficially appear to be destiny, there is in actuality only the wheels within wheels of the complex diplomatic process at work.

Nothing happens by chance, everything has a cause and every action has a reaction. This is the reality of politics and diplomacy.

Alliance A goes to war with alliance B because alliance A beat them in a previous war or someone influential committed a faux pas of some kind that offended the wrong people (or right people depending on the intent).

Edited by Prime minister Johns
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GOONS (new one) and Fark. GOONS 1.0 won the last go around, it would be fun to see GOONS 2.0 take a shot.

NPO and MK: Through their policies of isolation and the exceptional penchant for disaffected Pacificans to flock to MK shores, NPO very much created MK in their own image. They very much created their greatest enemy.

[quote name='ChairmanHal' timestamp='1297397254' post='2628857']
Three total nations...that's actually a bit sad.
Looks like they're squatters. Look at the grammar on the charter. Reminds more of someone I've seen before.

[quote]We, the sovereign nations of the Grand Global Alliance, unite under this charter to promote the values of peace, stability, unity,honor and prosperity for all members who make Grand Global Alliance,home. [/quote]
Someone doesn't know how to use commas.

Edited by Duncan King
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[quote name='Locke' timestamp='1297442982' post='2629422']
To be fair, it's better than a complete lack of punctuation.

To be more fair, there's only 2 errors (Ignoring the blatant lack of spaces between some words). :P

Also, yea, Invicta going at it with Alchemy was probably destined to happen eventually. I'm honestly surprised at just how much bad blood there is, though (which, I think, in large part was the reason of the huge arguments when they DoW'd UPN in bipolar; we all thought they were our friends, regardless of poor choice in protectors <_< but I'm getting off topic). We never had a clue they hated us this much ^_^

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[quote name='Duncan King' timestamp='1297439828' post='2629385']
GOONS (new one) and Fark. GOONS 1.0 won the last go around, it would be fun to see GOONS 2.0 take a shot.

I was wondering how long until somebody posted something to this effect. We have absolutely zero interest in a conflict with Farkistan. I have a great respect for Fark, they are one of the most reasonable alliances I've talked to.

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[quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1297447101' post='2629462']
I was wondering how long until somebody posted something to this effect. We have absolutely zero interest in a conflict with Farkistan. I have a great respect for Fark, they are one of the most reasonable alliances I've talked to.
Yeah, not saying it would happen but it would be amusing. A FOK-GOONS-FARK war would be amusing too. Sort of a battle of the invasion alliances.

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