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Valhalla Announcement


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[quote name='Jesper' timestamp='1296981947' post='2621875']
Oh Schatt, your persistent drive towards picking on people at EVERY little chance is as certain as the law of gravity, and I'm sure that without your inspiring posts we'd all be floating out into empty space lost, confused and aimless, thank you ^_^
Actually I like Valhalla, but I honestly don't see why you would flaunt your refusal to honor treaties while a war is still on, it's not really an admirable trait.

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[quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1297016884' post='2622365']
Actually I like Valhalla, but I honestly don't see why you would flaunt your refusal to honor treaties while a war is still on, it's not really an admirable trait.

Honor treaties? Disregard the fact we have very good reasons for not entering into this conflict.


Please go find me the Val treaty that obligates us to fight in this mess....

Pm it to me when ya dig that up. kthxbye....

Edit- as for the announcement, can you not appreciate dry sarcasm and irony? Lighten up when people are trying to have some fun that doesnt oppress others eh?

Edited by chefjoe
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[quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1297016884' post='2622365']
Actually I like Valhalla, but I honestly don't see why you would flaunt your refusal to honor treaties while a war is still on, it's not really an admirable trait.

I for one would like to see proof that we actually turned down a formal request to honor a treaty....

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[quote name='ChairmanHal' timestamp='1297018598' post='2622404']
I for one would like to see proof that we actually turned down a formal request to honor a treaty....
Oh, ok, I didn't realize that we had gone the "they didn't ask" route. My apologies, carry on! Congrats, Bud, you're a cool guy. Next term, Hal, next term!

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[quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1296980557' post='2621858']
And NoR, and ML, and Olympus, and Invicta, and TPF. I've made my own decisions, you're not bothering me a bit. Anyway, I knew you'd do as I command, my personal hate machine pet, my coin-operated boy.

Don't forget Exodus, BTA or MCXA either.

"but we considered all these treaties as ODPs"

If there's an amusing but constantly running theme throughout this entire war Schatt, it's that alliances so often manage to become exactly what they so despised just a short while ago.

edit: I forgot DT as well.

Edited by KainIIIC
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[quote name='ChairmanHal' timestamp='1297018598' post='2622404']
I for one would like to see proof that we actually turned down a formal request to honor a treaty....

I would like to think MCXA made it pretty obvious that we could really use your help while taking three times our NS.

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[quote name='KainIIIC' timestamp='1297021905' post='2622499']
"but we considered all these treaties as ODPs"

Incorrect. We considered them exactly what they are: Non Chaining MD(oA)P's.

When people who you have a non chaining clause with choose to pick up a separate non chaining or optional clause, then you're under no obligation.

This is all really simple. Isn't this why Alliances prefer non chaining clauses? So they DON'T get drawn into wars for people they dislike?

Edited by Lord Levistus
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[quote name='Lord Levistus' timestamp='1297027345' post='2622641']
Incorrect. We considered them exactly what they are: Non Chaining MD(oA)P's.

When people who you have a non chaining clause with choose to pick up a separate non chaining or optional clause, then you're under no obligation.

This is all really simple. Isn't this why Alliances prefer non chaining clauses? So they DON'T get drawn into wars for people they dislike?
If you consider yourself to have no obligation because of a non-chaining clause, you consider them ODP's. This is why you often have something to the effect of "in the event of a treaty chain, defense is [i]optional[/i]" in non-chaining MD(oA)P's. In other circumstances you would treat them as mutual, but in this particular instance, you [i]are[/i] considering the treaties optional, thus making them ODP's.

Optional is optional is optional is optional, no matter what the rest of the treaty says. The relevant clause is an ODP, thus you are treating it as an ODP.

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