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To the Allies of the New Pacific Order


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[quote name='Moridin' timestamp='1296422989' post='2611496']
Why does anybody think these sort of idiotic callout threads will actually bring about some meaningful change from the other side? Or, if you don't think they will, why make them?

For our amusement? Because they're frustrated that no one will dance to their tune? Because there's nothing else they can do?

They're comedy gold. FAN are the funniest though.

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[quote name='Rocky Horror' timestamp='1296473236' post='2612852']
NPO's side had 2mil NS on us as of the day the !@#$sphere massed on GOONS.

Whenever MK's in a war, it has to be a curbstomp. Fight a defensive war against TOP, taking the hits from the greatest upper tier in the game's history and holding out long enough to force a surrender? Curbstomp. Fight on the smaller side of a war and win because the other side abandons its lower tiers? Curbstomp. If MK wins, it has to be because it had three times as many nations as the opposition, it certainly couldn't be because they're a strong, effective alliance, because that would be ridiculous.

My comment had nothing to do with MK? I think you're getting too reactionary from all the detractors.

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Two things:

They're hoping that the GOONS will bow down/crumble before Pacifica's resolve wanes. Interesting gamble, for sure, but one they will lose unless Pacifica gets some reinforcments. Which leads me to the second point...

Pacifica can't get reinforcments because they are afraid it will draw some of our other (Umb's, MK's) allies in. That's also why the entire top tier of several AAs on Pacifica's side is sitting quietly in peace mode.

War takes patience and sacrifice. It's not the most glorious tactic but, if I was in Pacifica's shoes, it's a strategy I'd probably consider worth taking. Especially as it makes me a martyr for the cause in the eyes of many.

Edited by Yevgeni Luchenkov
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[quote name='Yevgeni Luchenkov' timestamp='1296491846' post='2613072']
Two things:

They're hoping that the GOONS will bow down/crumble before Pacifica's resolve wanes. Interesting gamble, for sure, but one they will lose unless Pacifica gets some reinforcments. Which leads me to the second point...

Pacifica can't get reinforcments because they are afraid it will draw some of our other (Umb's, MK's) allies in. That's also why the entire top tier of several AAs on Pacifica's side is sitting quietly in peace mode.

War takes patience and sacrifice. It's not the most glorious tactic but, if I was in Pacifica's shoes, it's a strategy I'd probably consider worth taking. Especially as it makes me a martyr for the cause in the eyes of many.

Lets hope the warchests of these brave 40k+ nations are fortified enough for months in PM because there is blood in the water and the sharks are circling.

Edited by tamerlane
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"Ok, time from a report from our Valhallan military analyst coming to us live from the Pwani Resort complex outside New Jericho. Good morning, ChairmanHal."

Good morning, Karen.

"Tell us, why are so many alliances piling on stop GOONS in the war?"

Well, it's pretty simple. Not many people actually like GOONS outside of their allies. As an alliance that raids heavily and has talked a lot of trash in the media, it's only natural that they would draw fire simply as a matter of principle. But beyond that, they constitute something of an expose flank for Doomhouse and Pandora's Box.

"How so?"

Presently all the other members of both blocs are engaged in nuclear wars and are not capable of mounting any sort of significant counter attack. Nuclear anarchy prevents it. So for the time being, anyone who has a vendetta against GOONS for any reason can pretty much launch an attack without worrying about the consequences in the short term.

"Do you sense any sort of strategy behind the attacks beyond this?"

Perhaps. It could well be that those attacking GOONS are hoping to knock them out of the war. Doing so would be a significant P.R. blow to MK and its allies, and may encourage other alliances and/or blocs to join the cause of those fighting on the side of the Orders.

"Does that include your own bloc Duckroll?"

Unlikely. Actually I don't make that sort of call anymore, it's above my paygrade. But if I did, I would likely continue to keep Duckroll on the sideline.

"Thank you for your time to day, ChairmanHal."

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[quote name='ChairmanHal' timestamp='1296493074' post='2613094']
Absolutely! But if you are in GOONS, they are not called 'banking nations', they are called 'Mushroom Kingdom' and 'Umbrella'.

Can't have slot efficiency dipping below 90% now, and tech is somewhat hard to procure during war, so might as well give away some money regardless of whether it's needed or not.

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[quote name='LJ Scott' timestamp='1296493576' post='2613105']
Can't have slot efficiency dipping below 90% now, and tech is somewhat hard to procure during war, so might as well give away some money regardless of whether it's needed or not.

Umbrella - 93 nations total

Nations in Peace Mode - 27 (29% of the alliance)
Nations not in Peace Mode - 66
Nations in Anarchy - 56 (60% of the alliance, 85% of nations not in Peace Mode)

You're in good shape for the moment. Your warchest capabilities are at least the equal of Valhalla's.

GOONS on the other hand is made up predominately of lower end, raiding nations who probably occasionally get chided about saving money for big wars, but likely aren't interested and don't bother. Continuing to throw money at them will keep them in the war, but it will also slowly drain you and I don't see NPO hinting at wanting to hand you an overlarge "reps" trophy before March, so...

...I'm glad I'm not you. ;)

Edited by ChairmanHal
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[quote name='MrMuz' timestamp='1296477934' post='2612913']
Ha, 30K NS banks, really? If you actually have them, please tell me how well that worked out.

Its actually quite easy really. Just about all the 30K NS nations in Avalon are banks. You just have to be smarter than the system, and smarter than the e-peen contests

edit: fail at quoting the right post..

Edited by Guffey
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[quote name='ChairmanHal' timestamp='1296495626' post='2613149']
Umbrella - 93 nations total

Nations in Peace Mode - 27 (29% of the alliance)
Nations not in Peace Mode - 66
Nations in Anarchy - 56 (60% of the alliance, 85% of nations not in Peace Mode)

You're in good shape for the moment. Your warchest capabilities are at least the equal of Valhalla's.

GOONS on the other hand is made up predominately of lower end, raiding nations who probably occasionally get chided about saving money for big wars, but likely aren't interested and don't bother. Continuing to throw money at them will keep them in the war, but it will also slowly drain you and I don't see NPO hinting at wanting to hand you an overlarge "reps" trophy before March, so...

...I'm glad I'm not you. ;)

When you think about it, come March I'll have only sent out $54m (presuming I use all slots and send out 3 times next month) which is nothing to me, and generally speaking, Umbrella as a whole. I mean even sending $18m continually until June would still be a pretty small amount at let's say $216m. I suppose you could add on the cost of those 2K troops we keep sending, but again for those sending it's a fairly small amount.

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I don't suspect that MK/Umbrella will have any problems whatsoever in sending out aid to GOONS. I don't remember the exact figure but during BiPolar we sent out a couple billion dollars of war aid to several alliances that were fighting on our side and it didn't hurt out warchest in the slightest.

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[quote name='SirWilliam' timestamp='1296495813' post='2613153']
I believe you're mistaken on who will be footing the bill.
You guys are a joke. You offensively attack an alliance for no coherent reason, then when you get bloodied a bit all you talk about is reparations. What a sad group.

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[quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1296450138' post='2612087']
Heh. I'm glad someone in DR just came out and said it. I hope you're just as smug when the tables are turned.
We have been well beaten twice in the last two years fighting wars on the same side but not directly tied to an Order. If you want to continue where we left off marching off a cliff for an alliance you dont like that would crush you in a heartbeat if the opportunity arose then knock yourself out. Just dont lecture us about not being there for the orders side in a war. We did out bit and then some. You wanted alliances to do this for most of the last 3 years until it didnt suit your own ends anymore. I hope you enjoy burning in my place as much as I will enjoy watching you burn for the lost cause that is the Orders. Like he said not going down that road again is not new news.

Edited by Alterego
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[quote name='mhawk' timestamp='1296498450' post='2613182']
You guys are a joke. You offensively attack an alliance for no coherent reason, then when you get bloodied a bit all you talk about is reparations. What a sad group.

err... that's the first I've seen of reps talk in this thread, and Hal brought it up :mellow:

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[quote name='Lord Caspian' timestamp='1296500486' post='2613208']
err... that's the first I've seen of reps talk in this thread, and Hal brought it up :mellow:

rep talk is one of the first things they point out. In fact, I think that was the first thing Sardonic said in our DoW.

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[quote name='Lord Caspian' timestamp='1296500486' post='2613208']
err... that's the first I've seen of reps talk in this thread, and Hal brought it up :mellow:
Check out the CoJ, NSO, and other DoW's for generic sardonic/william quotes on reps.

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[quote name='KainIIIC' timestamp='1296500556' post='2613211']
rep talk is one of the first things they point out. In fact, I think that was the first thing Sardonic said in our DoW.

[quote name='Alterego' timestamp='1296500580' post='2613212']
It was already mentioned by GOONs in a different thread.

[quote name='mhawk' timestamp='1296500688' post='2613216']
Check out the CoJ, NSO, and other DoW's for generic sardonic/william quotes on reps.

Sorry, I don't bother reading through those $#!+ storms, but yeah ok looks like you're right. Still, I hardly imagine it's because they're "bloodied" that they're taking delight in the thought of reps.

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[quote name='mhawk' timestamp='1296498450' post='2613182']
You guys are a joke. You offensively attack an alliance for no coherent reason, then when you get bloodied a bit all you talk about is reparations. What a sad group.
But Mhawk, you were supposed to roll over and take it! Or at the very least you should have responded in exactly the way they expected you to. :((

[quote name='Alterego' timestamp='1296500129' post='2613201']
We have been well beaten twice in the last two years fighting wars on the same side but not directly tied to an Order. If you want to continue where we left off marching off a cliff for an alliance you dont like that would crush you in a heartbeat if the opportunity arose then knock yourself out. Just dont lecture us about not being there for the orders side in a war. We did out bit and then some. You wanted alliances to do this for most of the last 3 years until it didnt suit your own ends anymore. I hope you enjoy burning in my place as much as I will enjoy watching you burn for the lost cause that is the Orders. Like he said not going down that road again is not new news.
Ahahaha, oh dear...


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[quote name='Lord Caspian' timestamp='1296500486' post='2613208']
err... that's the first I've seen of reps talk in this thread, and Hal brought it up :mellow:

If you'd like to state officially that your wars against NpO are strictly a military action designed to punish Polaris for being stupid enough to snap at a baited hook, and that war trophies in the form of cash and or tech will not be part of the peace process from your prospective, then that should put an immediate end to any speculation on the topic and would be viewed favorably by much of the world community (and make dozens of OWF pundits virtually unemployed through the summer).

[quote name='LJ Scott' timestamp='1296497460' post='2613179']
When you think about it, come March I'll have only sent out $54m (presuming I use all slots and send out 3 times next month) which is nothing to me, and generally speaking, Umbrella as a whole. I mean even sending $18m continually until June would still be a pretty small amount at let's say $216m. I suppose you could add on the cost of those 2K troops we keep sending, but again for those sending it's a fairly small amount.

is it an amount that will over time make or break you? No. But that's cash that could have went to rebuilding for you later. It seems like and is a small amount when you're sitting on a billion dollar warchest, but war is expensive and $216 million buys an awful lot of infra post-war.

Edited by ChairmanHal
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[quote name='The Corrupt Teacher' timestamp='1296425600' post='2611573']
Speaking of pragmatic and sensible but not exactly the peak of honor, Exodus continues to fight w/o DR help. Ditto for the other DR allies. If our side had any unity or coordination, which we don't do to year long e-peen measuring contests and old grudges it would have been smart to pile all alliances onto Umbrella, MK, PC, and FOK to cripple their top tier via attrition and let the others do what they may since that is really the core of the "Neo-Hegemony" (possibly throw VE in there as well). Instead we gang-bang iFOK, Sparta, and GOONs who while evil are not main players in this. Even it was near impossible to win you have to find a way to drag down those alliances to make it possible to win a war in the future. But that didn't happen so I expect PB/DH to run this game for awhile as they are vastly more coordinated and intelligent in regards to strategy for fighting major wars.

[quote name='The Corrupt Teacher' timestamp='1296429899' post='2611664']
Justify it all you want man. Technically you didn't have to so you didn't and thats the facts on the issues. I suppose everyone has their own opinion is and I know what my opinion of Valhalla after this war isn't going to get much better. (not that you guys had far to drop in my book)
Lets not get facts mixed up. We protected Exodus then signed with Exodus absolutely no regrets. Exodus decides to sign with IAA who is already engaged in this war and then honors said new signing and Valhalla is supposed to jump right in. NO ONE decides our FA path for us. We were very clear with all allies our posistion and that has not changed. Love WU IC and company to death and we all talked about this but Valhalla didnt leave you hung out to dry.

[quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1296450138' post='2612087']
IS that a "[i]sommmmeone[/i]" or a "someone"?

[b]Heh. I'm glad someone in DR just came out and said it. I hope you're just as smug when the tables are turned.[/b]

It's the most fun game.

Your levelheaded uninvolved observer analysis has no place here, sir, [i]no place![/i]
WTF Schatt damned if we do damned if we dont. Both orders have defecated on us more than once and you want us to ride in to save their ass when collectively they wouldnt piss on us if we were burning. Take your opinion and shove it right back up your moralistic ass. There is no pleasing someone like you and I for one am damn glad we dont even try. Heres a cup of mead to wash down your BS with enjoy.

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