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Everything. Must. Die.


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[quote name='Wad of Lint' timestamp='1295929652' post='2598220']
It's better to become the pile of !*#$ you cry against? Hardly. You and I both know better.
It was you claiming you'd rather have one pile of !@#$ over the other. Do you prefer the smell or something?

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[quote name='Stumpy Jung Il' timestamp='1295929662' post='2598221']
Everyone wanted this game to be exciting again and they cry when we make it so. [b]Keep crying: You're next.

Interesting thing to say. Is this your official position as an alliance? If so? Why wait? [img]http://forums.cybernations.net/public/style_emoticons/default/dry.gif[/img]

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Brothers! By the dear sweet light of our dying sun, do my eyes decieve me?

Ah, come sweet, merciful destruction, and rend from the clean bones of the land the festering skin and the rotten heart that corrupts all things.

To you grand and immortal !@#$%^&*....I salute you.

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[quote name='Strykewolf' timestamp='1295930162' post='2598292']
Interesting thing to say. Is this your official position as an alliance? If so? Why wait? [img]http://forums.cybernations.net/public/style_emoticons/default/dry.gif[/img]
I believe our official stance is: Everything. Must. Die.

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[quote name='Dan2680' timestamp='1295929678' post='2598226']
This is absolutely the worst DoW I have ever seen. Im not referring to the actual DoW and how it was written, dont get me wrong.

All I see here is 3 absolutely scared alliances. Nothing more. Nothing Less.

And do I even need to mention that there is absolutely no CB? Bringing in an alliance who had no intention of entering? Pathetic.

Good luck NPO, flatten these cowards.

o/ NPO
Might want to get your eyes checked, because I see four alliances. :smug:

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[quote name='Stumpy Jung Il' timestamp='1295929662' post='2598221']Everyone wanted this game to be exciting again and they cry when we make it so. Keep crying: You're next.[/quote]
This isn't about making the game exciting. It is explicitly stated in the declaration that this is about pre-emptively crushing all potential political competition so that we can all sit and collectively stagnate, whimpering about the good old days as mould slowly envelops our entire world. Paradoxically they have declared war in order to ensure that the future is as boring, predictable, repetitive and just downright unplayable as possible, through the medium of their unchallenged and unchallengeable domination. You may argue that it is a political move or a military move, but please, spare us the cringe-worthy attempts at claiming it as anything grander than that.

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[quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1295929580' post='2598211']
The whole premise is just so dumb. They were protecting TPF, not NPO.
That's okay. My reasons for fighting NPO are my own. NPO have a history of not doing a damn thing. They weasel out of paperwork and refuse to honor their obligations. Since coming here I've watched them take a step back and hide every time something comes up that involves them. A truly horrible, incompetent and irrelevant alliance. I almost feel confident they'll make a thread saying they don't consider this an act of war and won't be fighting back. But maybe we'll force them to do something for once.

(spoiler: the something is burn)

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[quote name='Michael von Prussia' timestamp='1295930016' post='2598276']
Now that we've gotten all the mindless hailing out of the way, allow me to point out that while you accuse the anti-PB coalition of trying their hardest to keep the NPO out of war, you neglect to mention that your goons (in the general, not proper, sense) have been doing the exact opposite, doing all you can to try to pull them in. When all else failed, preemptive strike!

Er... I'd wish you good luck, really, I would, but... well, starting to have second thoughts about supporting y'all in Karma when you've acted quite similarly to NPO since then. You'll get your due punishment in time as well, I suppose.

Don't think I have overlooked you, infidel. Allarchon will judge ye in due time.

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[quote name='Axolotlia' timestamp='1295929349' post='2598168']
I guess TOP has rubbed off onto you guys?
You never let [i]us[/i] rub off onto you, but now you're letting TOP do it?! I am so jealous you don't even know. This is it, I'm unfriending you on Facebook and untagging you from all of our photos together!

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[quote name='Brandon Simonson' timestamp='1295930220' post='2598301']
Finally, the hypocrites have shown their true color: yellow.

How disappointing that all of the rhetoric was a lie. You should all be ashamed of yourselves for all the lies. I hope you glow green and are reduced to ashes.
I still can't wrap my head around someone calling us cowardly in a declaration of war. Someone explain it to me, seriously.

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[quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1295929966' post='2598269']
[color="#0000FF"]Am I the only one who remembers how much MK and its buddies complained when TOP and Co. hit you? Anyway....

The NPO has reformed a lot since Karma. It wouldn't be returning to its old ways.[/color]

Oh I bet they did.
*sarcastic clapping *

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[quote name='tamerlane' timestamp='1295930096' post='2598283']
When you eliminate the pretense of nearly all but a precious few Pacifican wars, you get the same rationale. I don't see why its any further downhill now than it was then...

yeah whatever. think whatever you like but the only part of this game that was ever interesting is worthless now because people got lazy and let the politics degrade to the level of a kindergarten playground. but hey i don't do that anymore so enjoy, i'mma go nuke somebody now.

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I was hoping this war would become utter insanity :awesome:

I do like all the people trying to point out the flawed logic in this attack...karma, ect. Honestly I don't think they even care. I don't anymore...Doomhouse has taken our society taboo rule's and hopefully thrown them out the window, I say about time. About time someone declared on another alliance using the truth of not liking them, no more of this spy/stolen guides/leaked info CB crap. If someone did it to my alliance, honestly, I wouldn't care, at least they were honest with their grievances.

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