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King Alexander IV

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[quote name='Biff Webster' timestamp='1294137131' post='2562982']
I'm sure Neutral alliances just love being treated like storage/soft peace mode.

This. A certain neutral alliance probably wouldn't even accept a member who is just going there to essentially sit in peace mode.

The OP has it right on so many levels, except for the updates thing. You make your own fun, that's how CN is played. But if there's no fun for you, there's no need to stay.

Didn't know you but good luck out there.

Edited by Ironfist
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People blaming Admin for being bored make me laugh. It's like saying Chess would be more fun if the inventors added range or area of effect attacks to the pawns. Get over yourself. The game is fine, it's the forums, IRC, backrooms, etc. that make this game what it is. If you aren't involved in those things, you're either lazy or incompetent. Your nation is what you put at risk/use to contribute. Think of it as an avatar: Pretty advanced avatar huh?

I don't care what alliance you're a member of, there is always something that needs done. Get involved, be ambitious, or take off.

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[quote name='Biff Webster' timestamp='1294144908' post='2563028']
People blaming Admin for being bored make me laugh. It's like saying Chess would be more fun if the inventors added range or area of effect attacks to the pawns. Get over yourself. The game is fine, it's the forums, IRC, backrooms, etc. that make this game what it is. If you aren't involved in those things, you're either lazy or incompetent. Your nation is what you put at risk/use to contribute. Think of it as an avatar: Pretty advanced avatar huh?

I don't care what alliance you're a member of, there is always something that needs done. Get involved, be ambitious, or take off.
This is the type of behavior he was talking about in his OP. Here's a quote from somewhere else last night:
"Let's quit arguing with someone who's about to leave. Seriously guys, say goodbye, be nice, and when you're done get on with the game."

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[quote name='Teddyyo' timestamp='1294149627' post='2563060']
This is the type of behavior he was talking about in his OP. Here's a quote from somewhere else last night:
"Let's quit arguing with someone who's about to leave. Seriously guys, say goodbye, be nice, and when you're done get on with the game."

Don't go away mad, just go away.

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[quote name='Biff Webster' timestamp='1294150095' post='2563063']
Don't go away mad, just go away.
This is possibly the most confusing post I have encountered.

I'm not sure who it is directed at, if me, then you're not getting rid of me so easily :)

Edited by Teddyyo
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I refuse to say goodbye, as I will probably still get to talk you everyday :P

But I am sad to hear you're leaving. I hope something changes to your liking and you make your way back.
Cheers KA, truly one of the nicest, respectful, and honest people i've gotten the chance to get to know here.

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[quote name='Teddyyo' timestamp='1294150261' post='2563064']
This is possibly the most confusing post I have encountered.

I'm not sure who it is directed at, if me, then you're not getting rid of me so easily :)

I don't care what you do. You suggested I say goodbye to the dude so I did.

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[quote name='Duncan King' timestamp='1294115612' post='2562703']
It's always sad to see a long term player go. I'd suggest taking a break in a neutral alliance until you know if you really want to quit.

If you're sure, good luck in RL. :)

What Duncan said.

Otherwise take care in RL. Sometimes things just don't work out.

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[quote name='Biff Webster' timestamp='1294137131' post='2562982']
I'm sure Neutral alliances just love being treated like storage/soft peace mode.
GPA, TDO, and WTF are all huge and have a lot of members, so that means that Alexander wouldn't be depended on to run the place right away. They also don't go to war, so that means that there would be less time demands on him. Them being neutral also means that they're less likely to make the kind of decisions that it appears that led him to leave VE.

Edited by Duncan King
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Wow .... I missed this last night :(

Whispers hit my ear that this may be happening, but I didn't expect so soon.

I'll certainly miss you, old friend. Viridian Entente, Ordo Recolitus, Ordo Verde, Symphony ... You stood beside me last year when we departed VE. We sat on Seleucid alone for how many months before announcing Symphony? :)

The game is losing a great personality, and an intelligent mind. A loss all around.

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Again, thanks for all the well wishes, here's my response to some comments...

[quote name='MrMuz' timestamp='1294127529' post='2562889']
CN is, and always will be a game that revolves around players' actions. The lack of change by Admin is one of the reasons many people start playing it in the first place. You need to make your own fun in this game. The fun comes not from wars or game mechanics, but in observing and participating in political change. I've had quite a ride over the year, it's the good and bad things that make the game fun.

Good luck. My only IC interaction with you was a single tech deal in the middle of a war, but hope you'll still be hanging around OOC.

Although that is what the majority of the game is about and is true (I'm not denying it), there's also another side to it. Lets say you're an automaker in the 50's (sorry, too much Top Gear), you make your cars, they're great, everyone loves them, you sell a billion of them. Fast forward 50 years later, and you're still making and selling the exact same cars. People won't buy them, they'd lack many safety features and other random things that make driving a car more convenient. If you overhaul your design overnight, people still won't buy your cars, but if you updated significant things once in a while, you'd have a steady business going.

It's the same with CN. If there's no updates for 2 years while there's lots of other, sleeker, better and newer web games popping up, people will eventually move on the newer thing, or in CN's case, just stop playing and ignore it. Progressive updating is needed to keep your audience/market interested, it's something that CN has lacked for a long time. The majority of posts on these forums are by the old, die-hard players which seem to always be arguing about something and trolling one another. Most of the fun players are only heard from when they need to hail another useless treaty, and if I want to talk to these people, I'd have to seek them out on IRC and converse with them there, which I can do in the real world by walking to the nearest pub. There's only so much participating you can do before you realize it's the same as a pub brawl.

[quote name='Biff Webster' timestamp='1294144908' post='2563028']
People blaming Admin for being bored make me laugh. It's like saying Chess would be more fun if the inventors added range or area of effect attacks to the pawns. Get over yourself. The game is fine, it's the forums, IRC, backrooms, etc. that make this game what it is. If you aren't involved in those things, you're either lazy or incompetent. Your nation is what you put at risk/use to contribute. Think of it as an avatar: Pretty advanced avatar huh?

I don't care what alliance you're a member of, there is always something that needs done. Get involved, be ambitious, or take off.

Read my reply to the post above...

[quote name='KingEsus' timestamp='1294179932' post='2563478']
Really enjoyed your post.

I know nothing of VE but the other comments felt very familiar to a barely active old one like me.

New New Zealand is a familiar name, and I wish you luck whatever you do in the future.

I think we did a tech deal once :)

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Good Luck Herr Alex. I must agree with your points; the game does seem to be lacking in the update sector. As for the maturity level of the forums, you're right as well.

Anyways, good luck on your travels, and hopefully you benefited somehow in RL from your time spent here in CN.


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To echo King Alexander IV, the opinion that Bob's deterioration is not happening or that it is happening and is completely the result of its participants is foolish because 1. our numbers are decreasing not stagnating, and 2. the vitality of any entertainment product depends on healthy communication between producers and consumers with the former inheriting the responsibility for meeting consumer needs by providing a compromise between what is a need and what is a demand.

The repeated dogma by elitists (die-hard individuals who try to shift blame for the problem from that which they love most) has protracted this bitter debate between those who accept that there is a problem and those who refuse to accept that anything can be wrong with this cherished pastime; I assume, that for the latter to accept that there's anything wrong is an admission that the self-worth of their accomplishments is less because they were forged in an era that encouraged questionable skill.

Ignore the calls for change at your own peril.

I'm sure some of us introspective rogues have already figured out where this thing is headed if our warnings aren't heeded.

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100% right. The game sucks horribly. Back in 2006/2007 and early 2008 this game rocked. The wars were fun, eventhough Nordreich/Norden Verein had its ideological differences with leftists, it was still all fun. Now... it just ain't. I stay for only one reason: Nordreich. I was invited back to play in October of 2010 after having left in January 2008.

Anyway, I wish you the best. :D

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[quote name='King Alexander IV' timestamp='1294230009' post='2564304']

I think we did a tech deal once :)

Oh yeah! I know so few people despite my age, I get quite flustered if anyone even recognises me. Wish I had a tech partner nowadays!

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I am sad to hear that you are departing from us dear friend. How I long for the days of OR in which we could converse on a daily basis. You are one that will hurt to see leave than most others around here. Take care, hope business for you booms, and thank you again for the favor a couple months ago it has been a marginal success.

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