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An Announcement from the Mushroom Kingdom


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[quote name='Farrin Xies' timestamp='1289911928' post='2514528']
If I'm going to start an international kerfluffle between MK and NPO, I want my name at least attributed to this.

You can post those logs all you want, but you do not extrapolate upon this statement "With their previous behavior in mind, we feel it is prudent that they not have access to our forums at this time."

Are you guys seriously still annoyed over a few members leaving in a time of peace over three years ago?

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[quote name='Voytek' timestamp='1289912852' post='2514536']
Are you suggesting that lebubu and I have been unreasonable? :(

No, actually when I just read the entire embassy through again I found you and lebubu to be fun companions. Also Lord Strider should get a good mentioning here. (who has been pacifican for 3 years and left on good terms). Too bad he visited us for so shortly. But you've sent a tonn of people over recently.

Edited by alyster
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[quote name='bros2' timestamp='1289913049' post='2514538']
You can post those logs all you want, but you do not extrapolate upon this statement "With their previous behavior in mind, we feel it is prudent that they not have access to our forums at this time."

Are you guys seriously still annoyed over a few members leaving in a time of peace over three years ago?

Sure bros, they left under the best of circumstances. Clearly, we gave them Outcast tags when they left because, well gosh darnit, they just looked like they needed that tag there.

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[quote name='Dochartaigh' timestamp='1289889079' post='2514220']
I am curious as to what was edited and what it was edited to as well. because since only 2 were booted, it seems there is much more to this story than MK is telling.

Seems like a logical assumption

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[quote name='WarriorConcept' timestamp='1289912907' post='2514537']
MK steps up to stir some fun up on planet Bob and you guys still complain? I for one welcome an announcement like this and hope for more in the near future. This place has gotten stale.

Given MK's prior history of regarding "stirring some fun up" as a "willful and blatant [PR] assault" that requires an immediate ransom payment, I can only conclude that such an announcement was intended to prevent just such staleness by manufacturing conflict. Unfortunately for those who are bloodthirsty in this world, Pacifica does not attribute the same gravity of offence to PR moves as the Kingdom does.

Edited by Letum
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[quote]The reasoning behind the Tag is over three years old. I find it hilarious that you guys can't drop a grudge over 3 years after the events took place. And that they still worry you enough for you to ban them from your forums.

Indeed. It is amazing how long a grudge can be held over the simple act of one [i]leaving an alliance[/i].

Then again this is the classy alliance that had a "$%&@ Seerow" thread running for at least 2 years that I know of (my mask was removed before getting the answer to my question of if it is still going on at this time, so I cannot confirm it is 3 years running). I wish I could figure out what I did to inspire such hate, it would be great to be able to harness that to stir up drama elsewhere.

[quote]Once the New Pacific Order realized that these "Enemies of the Order" were posting, they proceeded to effectively ban them from their boards. What did they do to earn this hatred? They left the New Pacific Order in the Summer of 2007, along with a few others, because they were sick of the alliance. NPO still hates them for leaving the alliance during a time of peace. [/quote]

To be fair, it was during the tail end of vietFAN, there was still active military operations taking place during that time, though by that point it was mostly smaller scale cleanup. And at the time tamerlane and myself left, there were still such capable individuals are Chron, RV, and SirWilliam who remained behind, more than enough to coordinate such trivial efforts. Moreover had at that point in time the NPO thought they needed the full command there because ongoing operations were so important, it seems like an odd time to expel your only military IO.

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[quote name='Grand Emperor Burka' timestamp='1289913468' post='2514542']
The reasoning behind the Tag is over three years old. I find it hilarious that you guys can't drop a grudge over 3 years after the events took place. And that they still worry you enough for you to ban them from your forums.
Says the alliance manufacturing a travesty of a PR thread like this against an alliance that has barely even posted on the OWF for a year and a half.

A couple of individuals from MK were sent over specifically to mock and troll the NPO (eg. posting modified version of old NPO flags and claiming them as MK flags, and making animal noises in order to suggest certain undesirable character traits, amongst other things), and had their ambassador privileges withdrawn as a result.

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[quote name='WarriorConcept' timestamp='1289912907' post='2514537']
MK steps up to stir some fun up on planet Bob and you guys still complain? I for one welcome an announcement like this and hope for more in the near future. This place has gotten stale.
I would welcome it as well if it were not so "nice".

Mushroom Kingdom seems to want to be the villain but they always get right to the edge and then they back down, like their mom is standing over their shoulder or something saying "What Would Jesus Do?"

The world needs a good villain. Preferably one with guns.


Edited by Ivan Moldavi
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[quote name='Vladimir' timestamp='1289914866' post='2514553']
Says the alliance manufacturing a travesty of a PR thread like this against an alliance that has barely even posted on the OWF for a year and a half.

A couple of individuals from MK were sent over specifically to mock and troll the NPO (eg. posting modified version of old NPO flags and claiming them as MK flags, and making animal noises in order to suggest certain undesirable character traits, amongst other things), and had their ambassador privileges withdrawn as a result.

Yet the two in question here, myself and tamerlane, did nothing of the sort. Unless of course you edited our posts to make us do such things, I wouldn't know. This however is what brings us to where we are today. Removing two diplomats who had done nothing wrong based on a 3 year old grudge is poor form, and having that sort of breakdown in diplomacy should be expected to have consequence.

Calling this a PR thread is a bit of a stretch though. It made clear that the NPO embassy on our forums was being closed in response. The thread could have ended right there. People choosing to make a big deal out of it is what makes it into what it is. I would be willing to guess upon posting this thread, Ardus assumed the general opinion would be "meh why do we care" (as it seems it was), but rather than posting criticizing it, expected no response at all.

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[quote name='Seerow' timestamp='1289915372' post='2514557']
Yet the two in question here, myself and tamerlane, did nothing of the sort. Unless of course you edited our posts to make us do such things, I wouldn't know. This however is what brings us to where we are today. Removing two diplomats who had done nothing wrong based on a 3 year old grudge is poor form, and having that sort of breakdown in diplomacy should be expected to have consequence.

Calling this a PR thread is a bit of a stretch though. It made clear that the NPO embassy on our forums was being closed in response. The thread could have ended right there. People choosing to make a big deal out of it is what makes it into what it is. I would be willing to guess upon posting this thread, Ardus assumed the general opinion would be "meh why do we care" (as it seems it was), but rather than posting criticizing it, expected no response at all.

It's pretty clear that the content isn't their problem, its just who you are. You could probably post any damn thing and expect a similar response. Personally, I'd rather know about something like this than about yet another !@#$@#$ microalliance doe'ing, or someone's protection ending, or some alliance hitting 3m ns, etc. but I guess MK isn't allowed to post anymore since every single thing you do is either "for PR" or "!@#$@#$ up your PR", or at least that's what Fernando has been telling me.

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[quote name='Lord Curzon' timestamp='1289893290' post='2514355']
I don't understand everyone's problem here. This is announcement represents a major degeneration in the relations between two major powers. Diplomatic rows represent said degeneration. Stop fishing guys.

My thoughts exactly.

@ OP, duly noted.

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[quote name='mrcalkin' timestamp='1289915602' post='2514559']
It's pretty clear that the content isn't their problem, its just who you are. You could probably post any damn thing and expect a similar response. [/quote]

I'm aware, that's why I commented that such action taken against a diplomat over a 3 year old grudge is poor form. Sure they are just offended by the site of me, despite me actually being one of the few people in the alliance who isn't "OMG NPO IS EVIL, KILL KILL". Ironic given that I personally was held at ZI for over a year by them, and managed to become a surrender term in of myself in noCB (that one still tickles me). After leaving the NPO I aired greviances I had with their system and their government, almost all of which has been changed since I left, which implies some level of validity in what I said. However I am one of the few people who never got upset about the practice of PZI, viceroys, extortionate reps, forced color sphere changes, destruction of wonders/improvements, etc.

This is why I am often so confused by the vitriol still directed at me to this day. I essentially became blacklisted for leaving the alliance. It is surprising to see that level of hate still sustained to the point where I cannot fulfill a diplomatic role, despite being an obvious candidate for such.

[quote] Personally, I'd rather know about something like this than about yet another !@#$@#$ microalliance doe'ing, or someone's protection ending, or some alliance hitting 3m ns, etc. but I guess MK isn't allowed to post anymore since every single thing you do is either "for PR" or "!@#$@#$ up your PR", or at least that's what Fernando has been telling me.[/quote]

But SoA just hit 100k NS! If it weren't for us posting this thread, that topic would be getting much more face time and making that alliance feel more important. MK is just a spot light hungry PR machine, everything they do is for the PR. 100% of the time.

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[quote name='Some-Guy' timestamp='1289911195' post='2514522']
The onus is on the order to repair their diplomatic procedures to bring them into line with a civilized society. [b]Should they learn how to become a reasonable host for our Ambassadors[/b], then they can approach The Kingdom for representation.

Until that time we are not interested in hearing from them.

Yes, because I was shown the utmost respect on MK's forums during my brief time as an ambassador there. I believe "circle jerking <censored>" was the term used to describe NPO in our embassy there. Classy as usual MK.

Edited by Charles Stuart
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[quote name='alyster' timestamp='1289911322' post='2514523']
But please start sending reasonable ambassadors then for once.

Should your alliance ever see fit to earn back the privilege of representation of the King, rest assured I shall send diplomats commensurate to the degree of our diplomatic relations.

[quote name='Farrin Xies' timestamp='1289913227' post='2514541']
Sure bros, they left under the best of circumstances. Clearly, we gave them Outcast tags when they left because, well gosh darnit, they just looked like they needed that tag there.

Do allow me to provide you with a free improvement tip. In the future, and in the event one of your drab historians digs up an age old grievance against an ambassador, perhaps it would be better for you to seek out the government member in charge of diplomats, a Baron of Envoy if you will, to explain that because your order can't administrate itself you have inadvertently accepted the King's credentials of someone distasteful to Pacifica. Perhaps then you could request alternate representation from the Kingdom rather than just throwing out the King's deputies upon your random and ill judged whims.

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Honestly, how could an announcement of [b]this magnitude[/b] (please note the sarcasm) be for any purpose but PR and/or deflection of popular perception? It's not like you took the embassy at NPO seriously anyway (the calibre of posting there clearly demonstrates you didn't), so why are you being so serious now? Because it's convenient to do so, to make this look more important or shocking than it actually is.

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Less trash talk, more war is what should be happening here!

[quote name='flak attack' timestamp='1289916538' post='2514567']
Roll over and take a beat down. Alliances run by you have a tendency to do that.

Interesting, especially since he was a major part in organizing and building a number of alliances which have changed the face of Bob, and only "taken a beatdown" when highly outnumbered. :mellow:

Also to the fact that turtling is a well known and used strategy.

Edited by nutkase
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[quote name='Nintenderek' timestamp='1289917523' post='2514574']
Wait, so I get that NPO shut down the embassy, and I understand why MK would in return shut down communications with NPO because of it, however did it really deserve an announcement? This looks more like a giant PR attempt to me.
The MK embassy is not shut down. It is still open and there are still diplomats masked who if are serious about communicating with the NPO in an appropriate manner, they are more then welcome to do so.

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