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A Statement from the Mushroom Kingdom


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[quote name='Fernando12' timestamp='1289352481' post='2508783']
....a ghost nation agreed to maintain

it does not make NSO responsible for that nation.[/quote]
I wasn't aware NSO was in the habit of having their ghost nations masked as full members. Interesting.

[quote name='Fernando12' timestamp='1289352481' post='2508783']
give up boys, you lost this argument. I know it, you know it, NSO knows it, and the whole world knows it. you lost.
Well !@#$, we better disband!

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[quote name='Denial' timestamp='1289352698' post='2508787']
I wasn't aware NSO was in the habit of having their ghost nations masked as full members. Interesting.

You could call them... masked ghosts™!

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[quote name='Fernando12' timestamp='1289351836' post='2508769']
Cuz lebubu is a .... I guess you'll have to get me on IRC if you want to know, but we all know different names for things that meow.

Watch what you say!!!! [url="http://www.cybernations.net/search_wars.asp?search=332891&Extended=1"]Some of us have really thin skin.[/url]

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[quote name='Fernando12' timestamp='1289351836' post='2508769']
Cuz lebubu is a .... I guess you'll have to get me on IRC if you want to know, but we all know different names for things that meow.

If you believe that, I have some swampland to sell you in the arid region of Maedonia.

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What makes me giggle more than anything else, is that there has to be 40+ pages of discussion about a realitively straightforward situation.
NSO either pays the money, or they [s]are rendered to a glowing smoldering crater[/s] don't.... The best reps in CN are excessive, IMO. :P

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[quote name='AirMe' timestamp='1289353129' post='2508797']
If you believe that, I have some swampland to sell you in the arid region of Maedonia.
What is the price for this swampland? As you can see below I am in need of any land I can get :(


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[quote name='Merrie Melodies' timestamp='1289351931' post='2508771']
I would say the 15M/250 Tech paid out was a bargain when compared to the seed he just planted.
Oh please, this has no real effect whatsoever on who wins the next war. It might be an embarrassing chapter of history, but nobody is going to dramatically shift opinions because of it.

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[quote name='King John Philos Vi' timestamp='1289353499' post='2508807']
What makes me giggle more than anything else, is that there has to be 40+ pages of discussion about a realitively straightforward situation.[/quote]
Because everyone in CN is a giant ham.

The community could turn a thread about someone declaring war on a small alliance of 10 and it would turn into a passionate spectacle about the ethics of attacking small alliances.

[quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1289353533' post='2508809']
Oh please, this has no real effect whatsoever on who wins the next war. It might be an embarrassing chapter of history, but nobody is going to dramatically shift opinions because of it.
Yeah, everyone already knew MK were dicks. :smug:

Edited by SoulVici
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[quote name='greatmagnus' timestamp='1289339337' post='2508527']
MK is not asking for "unreasonable high" reps, RV himself said in this topic that the indicated amount was chump change. That point is over and not up for argument, especially since it came from RV who is the supposed victim.
Your King seems to think differently than you, maybe you should re-read the OP were your king states that the amount of reps was an error. Just saying.

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[quote name='AAAAAAAAAAGGGG' timestamp='1289354034' post='2508821']
MK should truly go hegemonic on NSO and force them to move to pink for no particular reason.
What are you saying about pink? That its weak? Isn't your ally in PB pink or did they move?

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[quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1289327997' post='2508307']
[color="#0000FF"][b]Pippy was their LHE. So I considered his word as final.[/b] I was under the assumption that he was doing what he was doing under the direction of his Prince. Perhaps I was wrong, and perhaps I made a mistake by being too rash. But I'm just a man, and I am not perfect. Had they been willing to be reasonable I would not have felt the pressure I did. But as far as I am concerned I did no wrong by bringing this to public attention. I do not believe this time of backroom strong arming is ever justified. If NSO were to partake in it while I'm on watch I would promptly leave and expose it. I simply will not compromise my principles.[/color]

This was many pages ago, but it was where I left off this morning, so my apologies.

Wasn't it said that you were also overruled? Are you not higher up in NSO than Pip is in MK? I hadn't seen anybody bring that up yet; not that it matters really, I just found it amusing.

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[quote name='Merrie Melodies' timestamp='1289354223' post='2508824']
Your King seems to think differently than you, maybe you should re-read the OP were your king states that the amount of reps was an error. Just saying.
Because no one in MK is allowed to have a point of view that conflicts with Archon.

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[quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1289353533' post='2508809']
Oh please, this has no real effect whatsoever on who wins the next war. It might be an embarrassing chapter of history, but nobody is going to dramatically shift opinions because of it.
I will agree with you that no single event causes a major shift of opinion, rather it takes a series of events. This is just one event in a series.
One could say this is event two in that series of events, coming shortly after the "MK canels all treaties" event.

Like I said, the 15M/250 tech was cheap when compared to the outcome.

Well played RV.

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[quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1289353533' post='2508809']
Oh please, this has no real effect whatsoever on who wins the next war. It might be an embarrassing chapter of history, but nobody is going to dramatically shift opinions because of it.
[/quote]I remember a long time ago people saying the same stuff. I forget what happened, but it probably makes for a good story.

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[quote name='Rafael Nadal' timestamp='1289354394' post='2508828']
This was many pages ago, but it was where I left off this morning, so my apologies.

Wasn't it said that you were also overruled? Are you not higher up in NSO than Pip is in MK? I hadn't seen anybody bring that up yet; not that it matters really, I just found it amusing.
No, no. Hierarchy only exists in NSO.

[quote name='Merrie Melodies' timestamp='1289354470' post='2508833']
One could say this is event two in that series of events, coming shortly after the "MK canels all treaties" event.
I do find it amusing how our dissolution of treaties is an orchestrated PR move one day, and a disaster that sowed the seeds of our destruction the next.

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[quote name='Denial' timestamp='1289354882' post='2508840']
I do find it amusing how our dissolution of treaties is an orchestrated PR move one day, and a disaster that sowed the seeds of our destruction the next.

The PR move is what you tried to do. "Hey guys, no one will notice who we're giving the bird to if we cancel on [i]everyone[/i]. Now the seeds you have sown is that your former allies are in no hurry stand up for you in threads like this. Also, MM never said you were sowing the seeds of your destruction, he simply alluded to these couple of threads.

Edited by supercoolyellow
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[quote name='Denial' timestamp='1289354882' post='2508840']

I do find it amusing how our dissolution of treaties is an [color="#8B0000"]orchestrated PR move[/color] one day, and a [color="#006400"]disaster that sowed the seeds of our destruction[/color] the next.

Nothing has changed, the first red definition was your perception of the move, and the green is the rest of the worlds perception of the events

Edited by Jacapo Saladin
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[quote name='supercoolyellow' timestamp='1289355215' post='2508847']
The PR move is what you tried to do. "Hey guys, no one will notice who we're giving the bird to if we cancel on [i]everyone[/i]. Now the seeds you have sown is that your former allies are in no hurry stand up for you in threads like this. Also, MM never said you were sowing the seeds of your destruction, he simply alluded to these couple of threads.
Hahaha, right, right. I guess I should be comforted by the fact that our detractors [i]still[/i] cannot wrap their head around the fact that our foreign policy is not set by what reaction it will get from the general public.

[quote name='supercoolyellow' timestamp='1289355215' post='2508847']
Also, MM never said you were sowing the seeds of your destruction, he simply alluded to these couple of threads.[/quote]
I must have imagined these two posts:

[quote name='Merrie Melodies' timestamp='1289351931' post='2508771']
I would say the 15M/250 Tech paid out was a bargain when compared to the seed he just planted.
[quote name='Merrie Melodies' timestamp='1289354470' post='2508833']
I will agree with you that no single event causes a major shift of opinion, rather it takes a series of events. This is just one event in a series.
One could say this is event two in that series of events, coming shortly after the "MK canels all treaties" event.

Like I said, the 15M/250 tech was cheap when compared to the outcome.

Well played RV.

For your sake, those seeds that were apparently planted better develop into some rulers with some actual intelligence and strategic foresight.

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