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Goodbye to PatJenn of Ted


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Just a note that one of the oldest nations on Bob just deleted after his 25 day inactive. PatJenn of Ted a long term Green team senator self deleted. I think he was like the 21st nation started up on CN. He was also one of the founders of the GPA way back from the beginning days. Here's hoping he is doing well and thanking him for teaching us that CN does grow on all of us in one way or degree.

See ya around PJ'.


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[quote name='Lennox' timestamp='1287893750' post='2491773']
Good bye PatJenn. You had a massive nation, yet contributed nothing to CN in my opinion.

That is because you have no idea, how many people he helped learn to play CN. These players later moved on from GPA!

This is indeed sad! Ted was one of the great!

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[quote name='GoddessOfLinn' timestamp='1287907876' post='2491900']
That is because you have no idea, how many people he helped learn to play CN. These players later moved on from GPA!

This is indeed sad! Ted was one of the great!
Exactly. I didn't know him personally, but still a very valuable member was lost.

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[quote name='Batallion' timestamp='1287888023' post='2491730']
A sad shame, but I still think GPA should enter the political atmosphere, this neutrality stuff is really ridiculous and only hurts the game.

Attitudes like the above do far more to harm the game than neutrality ever will.

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Patjenn wasn't just a large nation and a green team senator. He was the embodiment of what the GPA represented in its good days, which is cooperation, altruism and camaraderie. He helped countless people learn to play the game for no reason whatsoever and gave them (including me) free money to boost development, always politely. He was a community organizer, and it is a sad day to see him go.
Farewell, and o/

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[quote name='Batallion' timestamp='1287888023' post='2491730']
A sad shame, but I still think GPA should enter the political atmosphere, this neutrality stuff is really ridiculous and only hurts the game.

I think it's nice to have one neutral alliance. If people get a bit tired of CN and don't want to put much real time into it, but don't want to delete out of fear of potentially wanting to come back, I imagine a neutral alliance would be a good, safe place to sit and chill for a while. It's also good for newer nations.

I don't see the need for as many neutral alliances as there are though.

Edited by LegendoftheSkies
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It all started when our hero, Patjenn, woke up in a cornfield. It was the ninth time it had happened. Feeling overwhelmingly puzzled, Patjenn grabbed a mitten, thinking it would make him feel better (but as usual, it did not). Rather abruptly, he realized that his beloved Nation was missing! Immediately he called hisundefined, Ted. Patjenn had known Ted for (plus or minus) 1.2 billion years, the majority of which were sassy ones. Ted was unique. He was ingenious though sometimes a little... clueless. Patjenn called him anyway, for the situation was urgent.

Patjenn of Ted seemed to be a good guy and a very cute nation name. It's sad to see him go.

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PatJenn was one of the all time good guys. He led the GPA during one of our tough times. He also was always there to help and advise young nations and was always a reasonable, statesman-like voice in the GPA. I had the opportunity to have several personal conversations with him on IRC and he is as pleasant OOC as he was IC. My best wishes extend to him in what ever he is up to these days.

On another note, I am honored to have been selected as the GPA recommended Senate candidate. I hope that I am able to fill the huge empty shoes that PatJenn has left behind.

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