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The Wheel Weaves as the Wheel Wills.

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[quote name='William Blake' timestamp='1287704435' post='2490175']
also, Muddy you left out the part about the underaged asian girls

I 2nd Jarkko's wut? >_>

to GK:

this is something I'd thought of but never would expect to see since GK was the TOOL LCC for as long as I knew him (yes I was in TOOL too :P) and his dedication and energy put in to TOOL is nothing but legendary - TOOL would never gotten to where it did today w/out you and a select few others (Atora, Feig and more) also like to again say thnx GK for giving me a 2nd chance w/ TOOL during my 'OWF blunder' back in 2008: afterwards were some of the best times I had in CN bar none. good luck with retirement, grahamkeatley - if anyone in CN desired a break - it's you good sir, thanks for everything.

*gives GK a 21 gun salute, though replace guns w/ fire-breathing dragons ^_^*

to Mia: I remember you from since the day you join CN/TOOL and you just skyrocketed into council/FA and the rest was history. KNEW this was a matter of time in case GK had to step down (though note I still didn't expect it). kudos on becoming Lady Captain Commander of TOOL, no doubt you'll do Great things for the WoT clan (just try not to be TOO much of a tyrant and you need to update your sig :P)

o/TOOL - my 1st and one of the best homes in CN
o/GK - :awesome: badass leader who's stepping down w/ a big legacy and a high head
o/Mia - one of the nicer players in CN and now a top dog.....oh shi-

much love to my former white team comrades.

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[quote name='dragonknight1000' timestamp='1287718823' post='2490379']
kudos on becoming Lady Captain Commander of TOOL,

This had already been brought up during discussions and it was quickly decided we would not be renaming the position. :P

To GK: The alliance that you created has been home to me for three years and I am thankful for the effort and time you have put into it and the oppertunities that were given to me. The TOOL community is one of the best imo and that is largely due to your certain way of doing things and how you opperated as a leader. Enjoy your well deserved time off ;)

To [b]Sal[/b]mia: What can I say, you were the first person I talked to inside TOOL/CN. You had a huge hand in getting me my first job. Working as DHoFAs together was an excellent time, even if there was some tough stuff we had to work through. I can say you are one of the best friends a person can have and will make one of the best leaders an alliance can know.

o/Fish Tank God
o/Slave Master

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Well, it's official. There are things being named after Graham in Uralica:

- The Graham Keatley Bridge, connecting Demeshkino, Chuvashia, to Kokshaysk, Mari El.
- The Graham Keatley Interchange, the previously unnamed interchange connecting Highways UH-4 and UH-4B at Igra, Udmurtiya North.
- The Graham Keatley Building, a new commercial high-rise being built in Kungur, Permski Rayon. It will be Uralica's sixth-tallest building when completed.
- The town of Zapadnaya Revda (Western Revda), Sapmi, is considering changing its name to Kiitli. :P

(I know, I'm a nerd. :laugh: )

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Congrats on your retirement GK.

Your dedication and hard work over the years has shaped and molded an AA that you should be damn proud of, and one that will be in excellent hands with Mia at the helm going forward. Enjoy your well deserved rest my friend.

Edited by The Crimson King
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Graham, you have truly been a constant in the Cyberverse, and you will be sorely missed. I know you're not leaving, but your presence on the forefront has been something that is just... always there. Best of luck to you.

Mia, congratulations on your ascension. You know where to find me if you need anything.

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Sad to hear of the retirement of one of the more under-appreciated leaders on Digiterra.
Glad to see that TOOL remains in such capable (and sexy) hands. :wub:

[IMG]http://i93.photobucket.com/albums/l63/monkeydharma/thicon_salut.gif[/IMG] Graham!
[IMG]http://i93.photobucket.com/albums/l63/monkeydharma/thicon_salut.gif[/IMG] Mia!


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HOLY CRAP! Mia is in charge???


Good luck Mia. grahamkeatley, while we have been on the opposite side of the treaty web for as long as I can remember, I have never had a problem with you. You were a good leader. Have a nice retirement.

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