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Imperial Announcement from the New Polar Order


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I am here to announce a change in the government of the New Polar Order. With great sadness I inform you after eight months of leading us Emperor Arctic Penguin has decided he misses the easy life of Imperial Fish Taster too much to continue. (OOC - RL is really busy for him). We love our Penguin dearly and thank him from the bottom of our hearts for all he has done. As per our charter the Emperor has chosen his successor.

With great happiness I announce the ascension of RandomInterrupt, Emperor of The New Polar Order. With the great courage, determination, and honour, Random is the epitome of what it is to be Polar and we are excited to serve him.


While I have your attention I would like to raise another issue.

Just hours before Arctic Penguin announced his decision to retire a splinter group left to form their own alliance, [url="http://www.cybernations.net/allNations_display_alliances.asp?Alliance=Crimson%20Fists"]Crimson Fists[/url] . The leader of this group is our now former Minister of Peace, Grumpdogg. Considering he was serving as Minister here while covertly organising to leave with friends it is fair to say they have not left on good terms. As an act of mercy Emperor Random has decided we will not be pursuing these nations. We do however ask all alliances to review the list of members and demask any who are registered on your boards as NpO Diplomats.

o/ Polaris

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Hello. As Imperial Regent Dajobo said, our beloved Emperor Penguin has decided it was time to step down. After deliberation it was decided that I was the best choice to lead Polaris into the future. With my years of service to the Order and extensive training in Sexual Healing I am of a unique breed. Capable of warring and loving. Of making decisions sober and heavily intoxicated. Of bringing the nuclear bombs and bringing the Unlimited Love. For to be Polar is to thrive in all conditions. Let's get it on. we can take it.

I welcome all who would have questions or doubts to skip the gossip circles and stop by the Polar forums, or otherwise look me up. My Regent Dajobo and Minister of Truth Carfre Inpor are also excellent methods to get in touch.

Because Emperor Random loves you just the way you are.

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As a man possessed of a arrogance, anger, antagonism, insensible aggression, and a general lack of wit, Random is indeed the epitome of what it is to be Polar.

Yeesh. For all of his unpleasant qualities, at least Electron Sponge had brains. This should be interesting.

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