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Quantum Leap

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Everything posted by Quantum Leap

  1. Thank you Sponge for your service to Polaris now and always To all our allies who I have not gotten around to speaking to as yet, Our Foreign Policies remain the same. We look forward as always to continuing working with our friends . o/ Electron Sponge o/ Polaris
  2. So good to see Polar and CCC back together again o/ Polaris o/ CCC
  3. So wonderful seeing this come to fruition o/ Polaris o/ FTW
  4. I am beyond patient lol o/ Polaris onwards and upwards
  5. I know a lot find Discord easy but there are still people who log in from work who cant be on there and they really miss out when forums arent utilised a shame really but I guess a sign of the times
  6. Great to see this go up Love the guys at TBC o/ TBC o/ Polaris
  7. Over 1100 dead now from the heat
  8. good to have you in Polaris Fjorleif
  9. a bit of an update Dajobo has been re-admitted to hospital this evening with some complications from the surgeries He has had some xrays and scans today which show the kidney has attached itself to his pancreas and he has quite a bit of fluid in his peritinium with the pain from this has caused him to not breathe as deeply and has some fluid on the lungs as well Tomorrow he will undergo some more extensive scans so drs can decide if there will be more surgery needed
  10. Quantum Leap

    The 'C' word

    Dajobo has been improving massively each day and is doing extremely well and may even be discharged this weekend all going well
  11. Quantum Leap

    The 'C' word

    Complications have set in and Dajobo was moved to ICU this morning he is still in good spirits and still expecting good results in the end
  12. Quantum Leap

    The 'C' word

    Just to let you all know the surgery has gone well and Dajobo is doing reasonably well
  13. o/ CCC o/ Invicta Sad to see All the best to our friends in both alliances for the future
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