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3rd Triannual Report of the 6th Year of Order

Sir Paul

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[size=8][b]3rd Triannual Report of the 6th Year of Order[/size][/b]

Delivered on Friday, this 27th Day of August in the 2010th Year of Our Lord before the Assembled BODY REPUBLIC Six Years, 11 Months and 27 Days after the Day of Order.
My Emperor, Imperial Officers, Department Chiefs, and Fellow Members of the Body Republic:

As Imperial Clerk, it is my duty to issue the triannual report on the progress made achieving the goals set for in [url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=67629&hl=]His Imperial Majesty's Most Gracious Speech to the Body Republic of the Order[/url]. The People's Government has laid out several ambitious objectives and Pacifica has risen to the occasion, working hard to spread Peace, Strength and Prosperity through our works. The final trimester of the sixth year of Order marks the completion of one plan, and soon we shall again prepare ourselves another undertaking, mindful of the continual revolution that is required for Peace, Strength and Prosperity. This report organizes the progress the People have made on the measures put forth before the Body Republic.

[b]Rebuilding the Order into a shining City on a Hill[/b]

The frost from our year of winter has melted and new life springs forth from Pacifica's lands. As the seasons change, so do our actions and our structure. On July 14th, after discussion with the Council and a cadre of Pacificans, an Article IV (charter revision) was brought before the Body Republic by the Imperial Officers of Internal Affairs to disband the Council and reorganize Internal Affairs with the Chief of Mentoring, Chief of Recruiting and the Chief of Public Services to help with the day to day internal affairs of the alliance. The position of Chief of Public Services is picked by a vote by the Body Republic once every two months to fill the position. The Article IV passed with 86.7% of the Body Republic voting in favor of the charter change.

On August 15th, a further Article IV was presented to the Body Republic to modernize the existing charter. The charter revision was lead by a diverse cadre consisting of seven members of the Body Republic with staff support from Internal Affairs Operations. Each revision was subjected to a separate vote and all charter revisions passed and became the current charter of the New Pacific Order. The charter that will take us into our seventh year of Order is as follows:

[quote=4th Charter of the New Pacific Order][size="6"][b]Charter of the New Pacific Order[/b]
We, the nations of the New Pacific Order, agree to promote national sovereignty, defend our fellow nations against outside aggression and advance the Pacifican way of life to the world.
Article I: Admission
Any nation wishing to join the New Pacific Order that has requested membership will be admitted, provided said nation does not belong to any other alliances and is approved.
[size="4"]Article II: Structure of the Order[/size][/b]

[b]1. The Emperor[/b]

The Emperor is the Sovereign of the alliance. As such, the Emperor has the sole power over the affairs of the alliance, although such powers can be delegated to others. The Emperor serves for life or until resignation. Every Emperor is appointed by their predecessor and ascends to the throne upon the termination of the latter's reign. In the absence of the Emperor, the Regent shall execute the duties of the Emperor.

[b]2. Government[/b]

The Emperor can create any office and appoint any member to that office at his or her sole discretion. The Emperor can delegate power to said office to the extent that the Emperor deems appropriate. Such offices may, at the Emperor's discretion, create subordinate positions, delegate power to said positions and appoint members to them. The Emperor is the final authority on all matters and as such, any office, position or policy within the alliance may be altered or removed at the Emperor's will.

[b]3. The Body Republic[/b]

All member nations of the New Pacific Order will automatically have a seat in the Body Republic.

[b][size="4"]Article III: Expulsion from the Order[/size][/b]

Any nation member can submit a motion to expel a fellow member from the Order to the Body Republic floor. In order for the motion to carry, a supermajority (defined herein as 75% + 1) of the voting nations must vote in favor of the expulsion. There will be a time limit of 36 hours on expulsion votes and the expulsion will be carried as long as the nations who vote equal at least 10% +1 of the Body Republic. The Emperor can not be expelled from the Order. The Emperor can pardon any nation from expulsion. The Emperor can also expel members on his own initiative, without a vote.

[size="4"][b]Article IV: Amendments to the Charter[/b][/size]

Any nation can submit a motion to amend the Charter to the Body Republic floor. Discussion will take place for a period of no less than 8 hours but no more than 36 hours. If a supermajority (defined herein as 75% + 1) of the voting nations voice support for the amendment before the 36 hour time limit is reached then the motion will be considered passed and carried as long as the nations who vote equal at least 10% +1 of the Body Republic. Each change to the charter mentioned in an Article IV amendment motion requires a separate vote for each change within the Article IV amendment thread for each change to be considered passed and carried.[/quote]
As another trimester passes, so too passes the commissions of Imperial Officers. On July 16, 2010, Emperor Cortath announced the retirement of Brehon of Internal Affairs and Millionario of Economic Affairs. Brehon held the mantle of responsibility for 323 days while Millionario held his for 466 days. The Body Republic thanks them for their service providing for the daily operations and strategic vision of the Order, and expects them to continue to provide their wise and learned counsel to the Emperor, Imperial Officers, and fellow members of the Body Republic.

Leading us into seventh year of Order are newly commissioned Imperial Officers who have taken up the mantle of responsibility freely, but not lightly. Appointed after the completion of our part of the G15 agreement, Bilrow, Jasmine and Red are expected to help guide a resurgent Order and help Pacifica fulfill her birthright. The Body Republic has high hopes for these Officers, and, to date, they have not disappointed.

[i]Imperial Officers Commissioned:[/i]
[list]Bilrow, Imperial Officer of Internal Affairs, May 30, 2010
Jasmine, Imperial Officer of Economic Affairs, May 30, 2010
Red, Imperial Officer of Internal Affairs, July 16th, 2010[/list]
Additionally, the Emperor wished to acknowledge a comrade of the Order who has served Pacifica faithfully for over six years. This Comrade has served as Delegate, Imperial Officer, Councilor, Warrior, Poet, Philosopher, and Member of the Body Republic. His service was acknowledged during a week long celebration and was dubbed with the honorary title of Imperator Emeritus, granting him the privileges and responsibilities therein, making him one of five people allowed use of the Imperial Flag. The Body Republic is proud to have as a member Comrade Vladimir, Imperator Emeritus of the New Pacific Order.

[b]Timely Payment of Reparations[/b]

Bank Chairman Jasmines Jewels has been coordinating the distribution of the Kollectively Amalgamated Risk Management Asset (KARMA) investment vehicles to designated recipients. On behalf of the Chairman, I am pleased to report that the Order has finished distribution as of May 20, 2010, two months before the deadline. Converted to cash equivalents, the Order sent 20.5 billion Francos, representing 148 percent of the Order's tech worth at the time of the agreement. Due to the underwriting restrictions on the agreement, never has so few been asked to do so much for so long. The Body Republic salutes those who contributed to fulfilling the Pacifican side of the G15 agreement.

At this time, the Military Command of the New Pacific Order has generated a report on how the G15 did with respect to holding up their part of the agreement, notably the defense of disarmed Pacifican nations. Since the policy of enhanced cooperation began, 84 nations attacked NPO members. The following are the responses from G15 signatories:

Viridian Entente - 29 attacks on 12 nations (1 nation also attacked VE)
FOK - 14 attacks on 3 nations
Athens - 10 attacks on 6 nations
Sparta - 10 attacks on 4 nations
RnR - 3 attacks on 2 nations (the nations also attacked RnR)
RoK - 2 attacks on 2 nations (the nations also attacked Rok)

Global Order of Darkness - 0 attacks
Greenland Republic - 0 attacks
The International - 0 attacks
=LOST= - 0 attacks
Deck of International Card Experts - 0 attacks
[s]Global United Nations - 0 attacks[/s]
[s]Vanguard - 0 attacks[/s]
[s]Majestic Order of Orange Nations - 0 attacks[/s]
[s]Ordo Verde - 0 attacks[/s]

The Order thanks those alliances who strove to uphold their promises, and the monetary value of the defense of Pacifican nations has been deducted from your K.A.R.M.A. totals and been reassigned to non-participating G15 alliances. As a bonus to the Viridian Entente for expending the most blood and treasure, the Clerk presents you with a coupon for one free PaulsLIST ad in a future issue of the Tabloid Tribune (standard restrictions apply).

[b]Rebuild the New Pacific Order into a top-tier sanctioned alliance[/b]

The Order, at the time of our last report on May 1, 2010, had but 9 million strength and was the fourth ranked alliance. Today, we are now the second ranked alliance and have over 14 million strength, solidly a member of the top-tier sanction with MHA.

[i]The Order, a top-tier alliance once more[/i]

In keeping with MilCom's goals of "right-sizing" the military, the Order has gone from 6 nukes as of May 11, 2010 to 4,104 nukes today, which is the most in the world. The Order also has the lead in several military wonders. The NPO has more Manhattan Projects, Strategic Defense Initiatives, Hidden Nuclear Missle Silos and Pentagons than any other alliance. The Order's wonder purchase program and solid commitment to the midsized nations is self-evident. With respect to the Weapons Research Center, the Order is currently third, behind MK and TOP. Our current lag is not due to an infrastructure deficit but a technology deficit. A week before our G15 agreement was retired, the average technology of the Order was 350. Today that number is over 1,000. As our technology retooling programs continue at this fast pace, we expect to be moving up solidly in WRC purchases during the seventh year of Order. The Body Republic salutes Comrade Letum and the technology corps for their fine work.

In addition, our longest serving procurer just retired. Gateborg has personally moved over 7000 tech in nearly 3 years of service. He has served longer, completed more deals, and moved more tech than any nation in the history of the Order. He has done deals with distributors, 4x4 rings, 3x3 rings, bank waves, ally waves, and Quantum spanning a career that goes back to the days of Cortath and Loucifer in the first technology corps. The Body Republic thanks Comrade Gateborg for his unprecedented work in supplying the Body Republic with vital war materials. We wish him the very best in his retirement; his co-workers have emphatically informed the Clerk that he will be sorely missed.

[b]Working with Red Team alliances for Economic Security[/b]

The Red Sphere, historically one of the smaller spheres in Cybernations, has recently passed the Purple Sphere in size, making it the sixth largest sphere of the twelve spheres, ahead of Maroon, White, Brown, Yellow and Pink. This will increase the trading opportunities of all Pacificans and Red Dawn signatories.

Speaking of Red Dawn, the New Pacific Order has signed this Economic Pact and is full partner in the accord. The Order, to fully participate, has been integrating its trading post and technology market into the greater Red Sphere infrastructure. Operations have finished reorganizing these areas and are monitoring them on a daily basis to ensure they are kept up to date. In the near future, a new department called Red Services will be taking over those duties.

Senate Voting has also been harmonized, with Red Dawn controlling all three senate seats.

The Red Protection Court is also operational, handling eight cases and rejecting one case this trimester. Currently, the alliances of GOONS, \m/, and FOK are engaged in economic terrorism against Red Sphere members. Some alliances, such as the Siberian Tiger Alliance, refuse to be complicit in this action and have stated they will not activate military treaties to protect aggressive raiders. Other alliances, such as ODN, are complicit in allowing the destruction of an economic sphere, insisting that their military treaties cover aggressive raiding actions. Current NPO policy is to minimize raids on the Red Team, and how the NPO implements this policy will be under review during the Feast of Pacific Revolution to try an increase its effectiveness.

[b]The creation and dissemination of Pacifican Culture, Art, Literature, and Media[/b]

With Imperial Officer Brennan at the helm, the Imperial Office of Media Affairs has seen a renaissance in productivity, quality, and inspiration. During this trimester, 45 written pieces of work were created by a total of 14 authors. There have been two publications of Pacific News Network – International and four publications of the domestic Pacific Press. Radio Free Pacifica has also once again picked up the golden microphone and is once again broadcasting forty-thousand watts of freedom into a dark and broken world. From June 1st to August 22nd, 119 total hours were sent over the airwaves.

The wiki division has also been hard at work helping to foster a greater understanding of Pacifican history and culture. There were 32 major edits during this trimester, and one "super project" that was the creation of a new NPO portal which can be viewed [url=http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/Portal:New_Pacific_Order]here[/url]. In addition, our culture is shown through the works of the graphics department, who created two new skins for the NPO forums, several graphics for Vlad Week, signatures to celebrate May 20, 2010, and custom signatures for requesting members. Overall, the Graphic Industries completed 14 departmental requests and 21 member requests for a total of 35 completed projects.

The New Pacific Order is also issuing its fifth run of flags, adding another 33 to the global supply. In addition to Franco's Banner, 10 Crimson Standards were made in a show of Red Team solidarity.

[b]Avoid the entangling affairs of the continentals and their incomprehensible and meaningless scraps of paper[/b]

On August 14, 2010, the New Pacific Order invoked Article VII of the Treaty of Peace, Intelligence, and Assistance between the New Pacific Order and Global Alliance Treaty Organization. Reasons for this cancellation were conveyed in private.

[b]Grow our community and ensure the personal and professional development of all our members[/b]

As the sixth year of Order comes to a close, we welcome new members to our ranks who will soon experience their first Feast of Pacific Revolution. The Order had 350 applications to join Pacifica, 231 of which were approved and 119 of which were denied. Of those accepted, 127 (55%) passed the rigourous academy gauntlet and may call themselves Members of the Body Republic. This is a 44 percent increase over the number of Comrades joining the Body Republic over last trimester. Each of these members has been given a general's baton for their rug sack, and the knowledge of how to use it should their Emperor call on them to take up the mantle of responsibility.

In addition to academy training, the Order offers a comprehensive mentorship program to help our new members make the most of their time in Pacifica, both professionally and socially. There are 71 members currently in the program, and 41 have successfully completed the program. It is the members of the Body Republic that make Pacifica great, and through tough standards, tireless outreach, and strong cultural bonds, we shall continue to grow and thrive during the seventh year of Order.

[b]In Summary[/b]

Pacifica is nearing the end of the sixth year of Order. This has been a tumultuous year, but one that has altered our alliance for the better. Our average national strength is higher than it was before the Armageddon war. Our departments are more active. Our culture is more resilient. Our path never clearer. We, the members of the Body Republic, will now prepare for the Feast of Pacific Revolution, which will begin tomorrow with the August Revolution and end September 1st with the Day of Order. As we have fulfilled the promises and goals of Emperor's Revenge's plans, and look forward to implementing the vision of Emperor Blackbird.

For those who wish to have a sing-along version of this report, you may view it below:

[url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_7tEo_KrNZM]Third Triannual Report of the Sixth Year of Order: Sing-along version[/url]

I pray that the blessing of Almighty Admin may rest upon your counsels.

Sir Paul
Imperial Clerk
New Pacific Order
Imperator Populusque Pacificus

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Very nice report Sir Paul. I always wonder how you find the time to do these things. Thanks for the STA shout out. Also, someone should get around to doing something about those deliberately antagonistic attacks on the red sphere if thats indeed what they are.

Edited by Ragashingo
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