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Most amusing moments of CN


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[quote name='BamaBuc' timestamp='1282275036' post='2423917']
Two words: Protected Nation.

And to think, if author rights hadn't been revoked just before then, I'd have locked it as soon as I posted it, well before it got to page 6 (and Dephire's post). I expected GGA to get trolled. I did not expect that. :P

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As a confirmed :popcorn: I was not involved in any of these, but some of my favorites:

A. Protected nation. :psyduck: It needs no explanation.
B. Watching Terry Howard at work on the forums, trying to spin like a centrifuge in heat.
C. Watching Walford at work, before he took his long vacation. So serious. -_-
D. The TGE/Norden Verein thread a week or two before NoV got attacked. Seeing TGE playing good cop to Slayer99 and TBB's bad cop, and then them saying everything is fine until they stab NoV in the back within a couple weeks. I'm sure NoV didn't appreciate it, but the threads were hilarious.

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[quote name='Sandwich Controversy' timestamp='1282368053' post='2425480']

Currently posting from the dustbin of history.
I was on the other side, but even at the time, that sig campaign made me grin.

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Probably for me would have been the GWIII since that was the last time I was in a major conflict. Its hard to remember a lot since its been a while but I was fighting for the legion and I got my $@! handed to me by 3 FANboys ( :P ). We really didn't have an answer for them.

Edited by Dubsy
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[quote name='HHAYD' timestamp='1282484834' post='2426592']
When NpO declared war on both sides during the BiPolar War.

That was pretty epic, but I'd have to say anything involving us, OO, ICAN, SLCB or SOS is pretty mindblowingly amazing.


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[quote name='Beagle' timestamp='1282841545' post='2431823']
Does anybody remember walford and CNARF?

I'm sure many do. I still remembering trying to be one of the nations to hit starfox, but was too small. Then GGA went all crazy and I realized how bad of an idea CNARF was :P

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During the Karma war, Carpe Diem went to war with NEW. At the time we had a couple of ex-/b/ (via the confederacy) members who would be be described as insane. Naturally we visited NEW's IRC channel. Unfortunately for NEW, we discovered that they had a bot with some ... unusual commands. Here's a (heavily cut down) sample of what happened:

[quote][16:59] <Mayuri-> .molest Dissident
[16:59] <Contra> .romance Dissident
[16:59] <Mayuri-> .romance Dissident
[16:59] <Contra> .romance Dissident
[16:59] <Mayuri-> .romance Dissident
[16:59] <Contra> .romance Dissident
[16:59] * cyrusbot turns the lights down low
[16:59] <Contra> .romance Dissident
[16:59] * cyrusbot puts on some Marvin Gaye
[16:59] * BlackDragon[GATO] has joined #indo
[16:59] * ChanServ sets mode: +v BlackDragon[GATO]
[16:59] <cyrusbot> Welcome to #indo NEW public channel, feel free to visit #newFA if you wanna talk about foreign affairs
[16:59] * cyrusbot turns the lights down low
[16:59] * cyrusbot puts on some Marvin Gaye
[17:00] * cyrusbot kisses Dissident all over their body
[17:00] <Bionic_redhead> .molest cyrusbot
[17:00] * cyrusbot looks over at cyrusbot
[17:00] * BlackDragon[GATO] molests <censored> Midget dews
[17:00] * cyrusbot slightly smiles at cyrusbot
[17:00] * cyrusbot sits down next to cyrusbot and asks them how they are doing
[17:00] * BlackDragon[GATO] has left #indo
[17:00] <Destructiox[CD]> oh god this is mad
[17:00] * cyrusbot touches cyrusbot on the knee
[17:01] <Bionic_redhead> .molest Destructiox[CD]
[17:01] <Bionic_redhead> .molest Destructiox[CD]
[17:01] <Bionic_redhead> .molest Destructiox[CD]
[17:01] <Bionic_redhead> .molest Destructiox[CD]
[17:01] <Destructiox[CD]> ahhhhhhh-hahaha
[17:01] * cyrusbot looks over at Destructiox[CD]
[17:01] <Griff> .romance Destructiox[CD]
[17:01] <Mayuri-> .molest Dissident
[17:01] <Mayuri-> .molest Dissident
[17:01] <Mayuri-> .molest Dissident
[17:01] <Mayuri-> .molest Dissident
[17:01] <Mayuri-> .molest Dissident
[17:01] <Griff> .romance Destructiox[CD]
[17:01] <Mayuri-> .molest Dissident
[17:01] <Mayuri-> .molest Dissident
[17:01] <Mayuri-> .molest Dissident
[17:01] <Mayuri-> .molest Dissident
[17:01] <Mayuri-> .molest Dissident
[17:01] <Destructiox[CD]> .moles Bionic_Redhead
[17:01] <Mayuri-> .molest Dissident
[17:01] <Destructiox[CD]> .moles Bionic_Redhead
[17:01] <Destructiox[CD]> .moles Bionic_Redhead
[17:01] <Mayuri-> .molest Dissident
[17:01] <Destructiox[CD]> .moles Bionic_Redhead
[17:01] <Destructiox[CD]> .moles Bionic_Redhead[/quote]

That went on for about 10-15 minutes with a new post once every couple of seconds (like I said, heavily cut down). Suffice to say, NEW weren't happy.

Edited by Bionic redhead
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[quote name='Finnish Commie' timestamp='1282681602' post='2429777']
Well from personal experience when in early '07 Kaiser Martens accidentally spilled his password on IRC and couple of us guys took over #NoR and ruled it like mad despots on drugs. Good days of proper left-right rivalry.
haha I do remember that, very amusing ^_^

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[quote name='magicninja' timestamp='1282905142' post='2432674']
I had to have a hearty laugh when OFS surrendered to GATO in the middle of the GATO-1V war in which GATO was vastly, vastly outgunned.
Yeah that was hilarious, infact I seem to remember Arciel defeating them single handedly :smug:

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I found funny Vox's attempt to recruit me on #vox:
[quote]<LordValentine> jerdge[MHA]: If you'r really interested, you have my personal invatation to join the revolution
<LordValentine> We have cake
<shady3|Vox> and pie
<shady3|Vox> and muffins :D
<Morath[Vox]> And vinegar
<shady3|Vox> we can get cookies...
<shady3|Vox> from polar...
<Morath[Vox]> muffins from MK
<shady3|Vox> pie from GR
<shady3|Vox> :D
<Morath[Vox]> but we have Cake!!!
<jerdge[MHA]> I didn't know that an invitation was necessary
<Morath[Vox]> lol
<Morath[Vox]> yeah
<Morath[Vox]> but it's added pressure
<Morath[Vox]> hahah
<shady3|Vox> join us :D
<shady3|Vox> one of us :D
<Morath[Vox]> Join us
<shady3|Vox> ONE OF US :D
<Morath[Vox]> one of us
* shady3|Vox puts pressure on jerdge[MHA]
<LordValentine> ONE OF US
<Morath[Vox]> one of us
<shady3|Vox> ONE OF US
<Morath[Vox]> one of us
<jerdge[MHA]> I'm not sure that the size of the lettering will matter...
<jerdge[MHA]> (while the size of the littering...)
<shady3|Vox> ONE OF US
<shady3|Vox> :D
<Morath[Vox]> lol
<jerdge[MHA]> That's not likely to happen, I'm happy with the MHA
<shady3|Vox> one
<shady3|Vox> one
<shady3|Vox> one
<shady3|Vox> one of us
<shady3|Vox> techno^
<LordValentine> MHA can disband and join VOX
<LordValentine> Bring your friends with you[/quote]
It didn't work but they had a nice warm attitude about it.

Contrary to (seemingly) most people here, I always found "unfunny" my enemies/opponents' defeat, and even less I like seeing them humiliated.
Fighting is funny, winning it is even better, but seeing someone being destroyed isn't my idea of entertainment.

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