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[quote name='Lusitan' date='31 March 2010 - 07:49 PM' timestamp='1270086563' post='2242768']
Actually this conversation took place a few nights ago and the talk of the day after apparently had the same content.

[12:15:55] <LintWad> So, RamirusMaximus|GRE, if the tables were turned you would accept these terms?
[12:16:05] <RamirusMaximus|GRE> LintWad: we haven't offered any terms.
[12:16:19] <Egwaterboy61> XD
[12:16:36] <LintWad> Ok, so let's back up then. Unwilling to talk peace, unless IRON surrenders unconditionally.
[12:16:44] <LintWad> What is unconditional surrender, and what is the point?
[12:16:57] <Matthew_PK[GRE]> LintWad, we're not making a "deal"
[12:17:00] <Egwaterboy61> Ram, either protect them if you don't think they will get attacked, or let them have *some* mil not decomed so they can protect themselves.
[12:17:14] <RamirusMaximus|GRE> What part of "unconditional surrender" don't you understand? I'll try to explain if you're confused, but I need to know the source of the confusion.

This was the actual talk the next day.

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[quote name='Lincongrad' date='31 March 2010 - 09:45 PM' timestamp='1270086322' post='2242762']
Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't the Gramlins guy confess he was drunk and say that that wasn't by any means final and that they would discuss it tomorrow? If he had actually pushed this through then it would be a majorly tyrannical thing, but since he apologized and said they'd talk about it tomorrow, everything depends on what he decides tomorrow when he's not drunk.

I'd advise you to read the rest of the thread Linc before jumping to such conclusions. These terms have been re-affirmed by Ramirus Maximus and numerous other Gramlins since then. Also, greetings old comrade :ph34r:

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[quote name='Matthew PK' date='01 April 2010 - 11:33 AM' timestamp='1270085573' post='2242745']
You're wrong.
Then explain what they have to do to comply with your demands.

[quote name='Matthew PK' date='01 April 2010 - 11:41 AM' timestamp='1270086047' post='2242755']
You're right. IRON should dismantle their forces. Though GRE did not tell IRON that IRON had to destroy military wonders, improvements and hold zero soldiers. That is speculation.[/quote]
Well, until you explain what you mean by "dismantle their forces", it's a bit hard to know what you lot want them to do.


[quote][12:17:14] <RamirusMaximus|GRE> What part of "unconditional surrender" don't you understand? I'll try to explain if you're confused, but I need to know the source of the confusion.[/quote]
So has Ram clarified what he means, seeing Matthew seems to be incapable of doing so?

Edited by Umar ibn Abd al-Aziz
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[quote name='Jake Liebenow' date='31 March 2010 - 05:50 PM' timestamp='1270086632' post='2242771']
Wow, you're behind.

Mmkay, basically, what he said was the official .gov stance. Him being drunk didn't really change much.

Ah, I see. I should probably stop mouthing off until I'm willing to read all 12 pages.

Poor show, Gramlins.

I assume the thread has already been over the fact that no one knows what an unconditional surrender means?

Cheers, LF.

Edited by Lincongrad
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[quote name='Lincongrad' date='31 March 2010 - 08:45 PM' timestamp='1270086322' post='2242762']
Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't the Gramlins guy confess he was drunk and say that that wasn't by any means final and that they would discuss it tomorrow? If he had actually pushed this through then it would be a majorly tyrannical thing, but since he apologized and said they'd talk about it tomorrow, everything depends on what he decides tomorrow when he's not drunk.

apparently what happened was that the original terms were taken off the table after IRON accepted and unconditional surrender was given instead. then the next day, unconditional surrender was taken off the table and the original terms offered once more. then after IRON accepted the original terms again, those terms were once more taken off the table and unconditional surrender offered once more.

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[quote name='Lincongrad' date='31 March 2010 - 09:45 PM' timestamp='1270086322' post='2242762']
Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't the Gramlins guy confess he was drunk and say that that wasn't by any means final and that they would discuss it tomorrow? If he had actually pushed this through then it would be a majorly tyrannical thing, but since he apologized and said they'd talk about it tomorrow, everything depends on what he decides tomorrow when he's not drunk.

Pro tip from an ex MoFA: Don't discuss anything IC in this game when inebriated, it just doesn't end well for you.

So is this the newest low for planet bob? Sad to see things have degenerated this far down, even after having been in some irreputable situations myself for some alliances.

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[quote name='Dochartaigh' date='01 April 2010 - 02:53 AM' timestamp='1270086791' post='2242778']
apparently what happened was that the original terms were taken off the table after IRON accepted and unconditional surrender was given instead. then the next day, unconditional surrender was taken off the table and the original terms offered once more. then after IRON accepted the original terms again, those terms were once more taken off the table and unconditional surrender offered once more.

This is correct.

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Lol. Nice read, thanks guys :)

and uh...
[quote name='Grumpdogg' date='31 March 2010 - 08:04 PM' timestamp='1270083845' post='2242718']
Hang on, back it up. The Grämlins are actually at war? I just assumed Anvil was a rogue...
The one IRON nation in my range not in peace mode is Matt Miller who currently has his slots full, and if asked, Gre would gladly supply a nation or three to fill up his slots, i know we have in the past months.

[quote name='Methrage' date='31 March 2010 - 08:32 PM' timestamp='1270085545' post='2242744']
Syzygy really was the last true Gremlins
Then you did not know Steelrat, who was deleted by inactivity about a week ago.

Seriously though, thanks for the read guys.

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[quote name='Lincongrad' date='01 April 2010 - 11:53 AM' timestamp='1270086767' post='2242777']
I assume the thread has already been over the fact that no one knows what an unconditional surrender means?
Well the Gra members posting here don't seem to want to share that information with us, so yeah, nobody seems to know for sure what it is that they want IRON to do exactly.

Edited by Umar ibn Abd al-Aziz
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[quote name='tobbogon' date='31 March 2010 - 09:55 PM' timestamp='1270086914' post='2242781']
Lol. Nice read, thanks guys :)

and uh...

The one IRON nation in my range not in peace mode is Matt Miller who currently has his slots full, and if asked, Gre would gladly supply a nation or three to fill up his slots, i know we have in the past months.

Then you did not know Steelrat, who was deleted by inactivity about a week ago.

Seriously though, thanks for the read guys.

I'd like to see a Gremlin who actually adds something to this thread instead of beating around the bush or making baseless claims.

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[quote name='tobbogon' date='31 March 2010 - 09:55 PM' timestamp='1270086914' post='2242781']
Lol. Nice read, thanks guys :)

and uh...

The one IRON nation in my range not in peace mode is Matt Miller who currently has his slots full, and if asked, Gre would gladly supply a nation or three to fill up his slots, i know we have in the past months.

Then you did not know Steelrat, who was deleted by inactivity about a week ago.

Seriously though, thanks for the read guys.

No. Thank [i]you[/i].

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[quote name='Lennox' date='31 March 2010 - 08:58 PM' timestamp='1270087090' post='2242783']
I'd like to see a Gremlin who actually adds something to this thread instead of beating around the bush or making baseless claims.

So would I, instead of this nonsense we keep being fed.

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[quote name='Methrage' date='31 March 2010 - 09:32 PM' timestamp='1270085545' post='2242744']
Syzygy really was the last true Gremlins, by the time he left to help TOP on his own I realized the old Gremlins were already gone. When Gremlins betraying TOP doesn't become a joke anymore its no longer funny.

Gremlins need to realize who they are and what they stood for, seems they've lost their way somewhere.

In my opinion Ramirus has done more damage to both Gremlins and Citadel than any other individual or outside alliance. Good job turning Gremlins from one of the most respected alliance into one of the least respected alliances.
[s]Steelrat[/s](RIP)Tobbs and Chill are pretty cool(No pun intended) but, for the most part you're right. It's also a shame that people forget DAWN who has been the best alliance on their side. Good showing DAWN.

Gramlins, you are pretty unfit to hold that name in my opinion. You've twisted, stretched out and even distorted the original name. The only way you can redeem yourself is to offer DAWN and IRON white peace. You really have not held up your weight.

Steelrat deleted :(

also, Tobbs is a great dude.

Edited by Believland
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[quote name='Lincongrad' date='31 March 2010 - 09:45 PM' timestamp='1270086322' post='2242762']
Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't the Gramlins guy confess he was drunk and say that that wasn't by any means final and that they would discuss it tomorrow? If he had actually pushed this through then it would be a majorly tyrannical thing, but since he apologized and said they'd talk about it tomorrow, everything depends on what he decides tomorrow when he's not drunk.

You should read the entire thread. Logs from Ramirus were posted confirming it as well as Grämlins people confirming it in this very thread.

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[quote name='Lennox' date='31 March 2010 - 08:58 PM' timestamp='1270087090' post='2242783']
I'd like to see a Gremlin who actually adds something to this thread instead of beating around the bush or making baseless claims.

He added his opinion and the fact that the people in his range are in peace mode or full on slots to refute the notion that their only capable fighter is that 400 ns guy.

Really, I get the argument against gremlins in general but that wasn't a post to rage at.

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[quote name='Jonathan Brookbank' date='31 March 2010 - 06:02 PM' timestamp='1270087306' post='2242791']
You should read the entire thread. Logs from Ramirus were posted confirming it as well as Grämlins people confirming it in this very thread.

Yup, on it now. Currently channeling my righteous outrage.

There's a reason no one demands open-ended terms anymore, Gramlins.

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Wow Gremlins, you got pretty much the whole world to hate you by offering surrender terms among the most ridiculous ever conceived.

My hat is off to you, that is a massive achievement.

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[quote name='Lennox' date='31 March 2010 - 08:58 PM' timestamp='1270087090' post='2242783']
I'd like to see a Gremlin who actually adds something to this thread instead of beating around the bush or making baseless claims.

[quote name='DemonSpawn' date='31 March 2010 - 09:00 PM' timestamp='1270087241' post='2242788']
So would I, instead of this nonsense we keep being fed.

I'm just a lowly templar, I am not as informed as you all wish i would be, anything i were to tell you would not be correct. I pretty much know as much as you do. But i feel like i need to contribute to the thread, because it makes me all sad that people are bashing us. Yeah, some stupid stuff was done, and by no means am i condoning it, but srsly, you guys are just lumping me and all the other dudes together with Ram, whom you all dislike. (Kind of like that show The V. Where Ryan Nichols is a 'visitor' posing as a human, but he isnt like all the other visitors, who are out to use and destroy human life, he's part of the Fifth Column, some rebel group. Not saying I'm part of a rebel group working to destroy The Gromlins. This analogy has gotten far too... yeah. Just saying, dont lump us all together.)

^More nonsense for your hungry mouths ;)

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[quote name='tobbogon' date='31 March 2010 - 06:09 PM' timestamp='1270087755' post='2242801']
I'm just a lowly templar, I am not as informed as you all wish i would be, anything i were to tell you would not be correct. I pretty much know as much as you do. But i feel like i need to contribute to the thread, because it makes me all sad that people are bashing us. Yeah, some stupid stuff was done, and by no means am i condoning it, but srsly, you guys are just lumping me and all the other dudes together with Ram, whom you all dislike. (Kind of like that show The V. Where Ryan Nichols is a 'visitor' posing as a human, but he isnt like all the other visitors, who are out to use and destroy human life, he's part of the Fifth Column, some rebel group. Not saying I'm part of a rebel group working to destroy The Gromlins. This analogy has gotten far too... yeah. Just saying, dont lump us all together.)

^More nonsense for your hungry mouths ;)

We'd stop bashing over the stupid stuff if the stupid stuff was finished with, but the stupid stuff is showing no signs of changing.

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[quote name='tobbogon' date='31 March 2010 - 09:09 PM' timestamp='1270087755' post='2242801']
I'm just a lowly templar, I am not as informed as you all wish i would be, anything i were to tell you would not be correct. I pretty much know as much as you do. But i feel like i need to contribute to the thread, because it makes me all sad that people are bashing us. Yeah, some stupid stuff was done, and by no means am i condoning it, but srsly, you guys are just lumping me and all the other dudes together with Ram, whom you all dislike. (Kind of like that show The V. Where Ryan Nichols is a 'visitor' posing as a human, but he isnt like all the other visitors, who are out to use and destroy human life, he's part of the Fifth Column, some rebel group. Not saying I'm part of a rebel group working to destroy The Gromlins. This analogy has gotten far too... yeah. Just saying, dont lump us all together.)

^More nonsense for your hungry mouths ;)

unfortunately, Ram and your gov represents Gremlins. if you don't like what they are doing get them outta gov.

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[quote name='tobbogon' date='01 April 2010 - 03:09 AM' timestamp='1270087755' post='2242801']
I'm just a lowly templar, I am not as informed as you all wish i would be, anything i were to tell you would not be correct. I pretty much know as much as you do. But i feel like i need to contribute to the thread, because it makes me all sad that people are bashing us. Yeah, some stupid stuff was done, and by no means am i condoning it, but srsly, you guys are just lumping me and all the other dudes together with Ram, whom you all dislike. (Kind of like that show The V. Where Ryan Nichols is a 'visitor' posing as a human, but he isnt like all the other visitors, who are out to use and destroy human life, he's part of the Fifth Column, some rebel group. Not saying I'm part of a rebel group working to destroy The Gromlins. This analogy has gotten far too... yeah. Just saying, dont lump us all together.)

^More nonsense for your hungry mouths ;)

I for one will support your coup, it couldn't possibly be worse than what's presently in place.

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