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Announcement from \m/

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And now the circle is complete.

Being the very first nation to hit \m/ for the FoA thing and being a vocal opponent of Stickmens purple ambitions, I today find myself rolling with \m/ against purple. What a rich tapestry CN provides.

Reading back the above maybe I should be in NpO?

So it is a long time since I got to fight a proper alliance war, (because what is erroneously called roguery is so much fun), as such I am curious to see how I will do.

BAPS, Valhalla - here is to mutual casualty growth. o/



EDIT - the above post came in whilst I was 1 finger typing. Great minds think alike whilst fools seldom differ.

Edited by M6 Redneck
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[quote name='bzelger' date='11 February 2010 - 12:24 PM' timestamp='1265909083' post='2175008']
May there be many, many nukes exchanged on this front.
LOL ok this is the best post yet classy and yet so filled with hate its fantastic. Well done bzelger you sir win the thread. Regardless of AAs ive always liked you :P

Translation to above statement I loathe both alliances and wish them both to be ground in to dirt.

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[quote name='Earogema' date='11 February 2010 - 01:04 PM' timestamp='1265911461' post='2175114']
Okay so Valhalla.

Why does a 6k NS nation have 92 million in the bank?

Yes, I mad.
Because it's fun. Fun as hell. :v:

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[quote name='Earogema' date='11 February 2010 - 12:04 PM' timestamp='1265911461' post='2175114']
Okay so Valhalla.

Why does a 6k NS nation have 92 million in the bank?

Yes, I mad.

So he can swim in a pool of gold coins. Scrooge McDuck style.

Hope everyone enjoys the fight :)

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Sorry to disappoint our new found enemies but as you have probably figured out, \m/ nations are beaten down and broke from a plethora of combat during our short existence. If it makes you feel any better I promise we will only occupy your time long enough for our bigger brothers to rest up, heal up, stock up and return to pound you some more.

o/ PC

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[quote name='Alterego' date='11 February 2010 - 06:46 AM' timestamp='1265892384' post='2174582']
LOL someones feelings are hurt. Want a hug? lmao. I thought the veterinarians in /m\ were made of sterner stuff. If you wanted to make a fight of it you should have came in last week instead of waiting until we were already fighting 6 alliances, but as /m\ is a veteran raider of small alliances we know you dont like getting hurt.

Poison Clan actually asked \m/ to wait the week to take stagger slots against Valhalla and BAPS as your NS fell. They have been chomping at the bit to re-enter since our original declaration.

Glad to have you join us \m/!

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[quote name='Lord Emares' date='11 February 2010 - 06:25 AM' timestamp='1265887534' post='2174502']
More lamenting the fact that you would send in a 4k infra nation with no SDI and a warchest like that against a nation with a WRC, MP and SDI and nearly 1.5k more infra than said attacker...

Nation in question: http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=267681
Nation attacked: http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=197861

Nations @ 4k infra with Warchests like that should be spending time in Peace Mode getting their WC built up.

Greetings fine sir. How many wars have you fought in during the past 60 days? How many of them had you pitted against individuals with more military wonders and 3xs the money you do? You see I could have decided to sit this out, but I'm not really worried about losing any infra and I'd rather do my part to keep fine gentlemen such as yourself from fleeing into Peace Mode. If I have to take a few bad blows because of that so be it. This isn't the craziest thing I've done in a war though. During Karma, I declared on an IRON nation who had AA Defense Network, WRC, MP, SDI, Pentagon, and a CIA while I had no nukes and the only wonder I had was a Stock Market. I did this because Fark needed someone on him since the wars expired that day and he wasn't staggered, so within minutes after update without anyone else able to step up I declared on him. I was beaten pretty hard but that didn't bother me. I did my job and kept him from fleeing the war.

I'd gladly do that again. In fact, that's essentially what I've done now too. Only difference is I can deal back with nukes this time.

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[quote name='Alterego' date='11 February 2010 - 07:46 AM' timestamp='1265892384' post='2174582']
LOL someones feelings are hurt. Want a hug? lmao. I thought the veterinarians in /m\ were made of sterner stuff. If you wanted to make a fight of it you should have came in last week instead of waiting until we were already fighting 6 alliances, but as /m\ is a veteran raider of small alliances we know you dont like getting hurt.

You appear to be more angry than amused with this forced "lulz" and "lmao" statement.

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[quote name='Merrie Melodies' date='11 February 2010 - 11:26 AM' timestamp='1265916388' post='2175284']
Sorry to disappoint our new found enemies but as you have probably figured out, \m/ nations are beaten down and broke from a plethora of combat during our short existence. If it makes you feel any better I promise we will only occupy your time long enough for our bigger brothers to rest up, heal up, stock up and return to pound you some more.

o/ PC

Pound on us some more?


Have you even LOOKED at the situtation? There isnt much left to 'pound'. Most of our infra is gone.

In other words, we have nothing more left to lose(WOOT!) and now we get to focus SOLELY on GIVING damage to those NOT yet 'pounded' that you send against us.

'pound some more'.......lol seriously im rollin here......

So yeap PC saved you guys for the 'good' time lulz.

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[quote name='chefjoe' date='11 February 2010 - 03:34 PM' timestamp='1265920475' post='2175412']
Pound on us some more?


Have you even LOOKED at the situtation? There isnt much left to 'pound'. Most of our infra is gone.

In other words, we have nothing more left to lose(WOOT!) and now we get to focus SOLELY on GIVING damage to those NOT yet 'pounded' that you send against us.

'pound some more'.......lol seriously im rollin here......

So yeap PC saved you guys for the 'good' time lulz.

I'm sure \m/ has been fighting longer than valhalla. Their mentality seems to be the same as well, dish out as much damage as possible. I don't see why you feel the need to talk smack at all considering you just said you've gotten pounded pretty badly, but w/e

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[quote name='WarriorConcept' date='11 February 2010 - 12:49 PM' timestamp='1265921375' post='2175440']
I'm sure \m/ has been fighting longer than valhalla. Their mentality seems to be the same as well, dish out as much damage as possible. I don't see why you feel the need to talk smack at all considering you just said you've gotten pounded pretty badly, but w/e

Fighting longer? Well considering they missed a few wars during disbandment I think you are wrong. People IN \m/ might have fought longer....but \m/ itself? No.

Also as for beaten down badly, where the hell did I ever say it was 'bad'? I just said that as of now Val doesnt have much infra left and that we are in a MUCH better position to give dmg then recieve it. Plain truth. You have a very bad habit of putting words or thoughts into places where they just dont exist/belong WC, but ur young we understand. :ehm:

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[quote name='chefjoe' date='11 February 2010 - 03:58 PM' timestamp='1265921929' post='2175452']
Fighting longer? Well considering they missed a few wars during disbandment I think you are wrong. People IN \m/ might have fought longer....but \m/ itself? No.

Also as for beaten down badly, where the hell did I ever say it was 'bad'? I just said that as of now Val doesnt have much infra left and that we are in a MUCH better position to give dmg then recieve it. Plain truth. You have a very bad habit of putting words or thoughts into places where they just dont exist/belong WC, but ur young we understand. :ehm:

Fighting longer more in relation to this whole conflict that started off a couple weeks ago. Not really hard to follow now is it?

Oh yeah, there's no infra left from your nations so that means you've not been beaten down, right? :rolleyes:

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[quote name='WarriorConcept' date='11 February 2010 - 01:49 PM' timestamp='1265921375' post='2175440']
I'm sure \m/ has been fighting longer than valhalla. Their mentality seems to be the same as well, dish out as much damage as possible. I don't see why you feel the need to talk smack at all considering you just said you've gotten pounded pretty badly, but w/e

No slight at \m/, there just isn't much to do on this front but be a nuke placeholder. We're happy to oblige tho' ;)

Fighting longer? Not sure how you figure that or even why that matters tbh.

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[quote name='Kryievla' date='11 February 2010 - 04:23 PM' timestamp='1265923397' post='2175505']
No slight at \m/, there just isn't much to do on this front but be a nuke placeholder. We're happy to oblige tho' ;)

Fighting longer? Not sure how you figure that or even why that matters tbh.

They were the first alliance hit during this cluster$%&@. They've taken losses as well but aren't complaining about being "pounded" or anything, they're just fighting and fulfilling their duties instead of trying to act tough like cj over here.

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[quote name='WarriorConcept' date='11 February 2010 - 01:04 PM' timestamp='1265922257' post='2175459']
Fighting longer more in relation to this whole conflict that started off a couple weeks ago. Not really hard to follow now is it? [/quote]

So this is a continuation of the first war by your own words? hmmm and here I saw pages and pages of elawyer spin by your side saying this was a seperate conflict. Guess not? :rolleyes:

[quote]Oh yeah, there's no infra left from your nations so that means you've not been beaten down, right? :rolleyes:

Actually yeah. If one has a chunk of cash losing infra means nothing, Also when one is majorly outgunned, one has to play to ones strengths, which in this case would be our tech and .mil wonder advantage we have once we shed enough NS in infra to be able to drop down and hit the lower/mid ranks. This is when WE shall have the advantage.

So yeap with a viable path and plan to deal with things in place and plenty of cash with no care about our pixels, I would say we are far from your picture of 'beaten down' regardless of your hopes WC.

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