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Imperial Decree - New Polar Order

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Out of curiosity, NSO was in there whinging long long before Grub was, why didnt you declare on us?

Because inaugurating the Moldavi Doctrine with a war on the likes of you just wouldn't seem to do it justice.

Edited by heggo
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Oh I see -- you've got the monopoly on playing fun nuance games around here. Very well.

Their apology was no apology, as I said quite clearly. They were sincere in not liking the consequences of what happened perhaps, but placation is no apology. To make an analogy, if I punch someone, it is not an apology when I say "Gee, I'm sorry you don't like that I punched you."

[Now here is when someone invariably comes along and attacks the argument on the basis of the details of the analogy (eg. "Saying things isn't like punching!"). If you're reading this and thinking along those lines, save your breath.]

I wasn't playing any games.

Also I wonder where you get the implication that they didn't like it just because of the consequences of it. From what they've said it sounds as if they're very sincere about it. Also I've never liked analogies in CN nor argued them. There's no need for them.

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I will give credit to Grub for doing something about it, yet we are still doing what we want (We are discussing opening up raiding if Polars military doesnt get its act togther)

You say we asked for it, well guess what we didn't go there to make a thread and brag about it, someone else brought it to the world and used it as a smear campaign, and we responded, something your own media corp knows something of. Out of curiosity, NSO was in there whinging long long before Grub was, why didnt you declare on us?.......oh wai

You started this whole thing with your own actions. You believe it is perfectly fine to attack another alliance for no reason whatsoever, yet you are crying when NpO declares on you.

It doesn't have anything to do with a "thread" or with anyone starting a thread, it's because you went to war on an innocent alliance for no reason.

When questioned about it, you responded with insults and "bring it", and someone did.

You're asking me why NSO didn't declare on you? Why would I know? I'm not involved. I'm not in NSO, not in any alliance involved. Technically, I'm not in any alliance at all right now, as I'm an applicant. I do not have any pull with any alliance, I do not give orders for any alliance, I'm just a guy. Why you think I speak for NSO or anyone else, I've no idea.

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This is usually my opinion on these issues as well. The defense is mandatory, or the aggression.

But that never seems to be the case, and I'm fine with Rok staying out.

Yeah. Certainly, like I said I think it is certainly an option that they stay out. I just don't really accept the statements around pg 20(ish?) that "Rok has a treaty with NpO so..." they are somehow exempt from making a judgement about their treaty obligations.

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Apparently, if your alliance has the initials N, P, and O. Then you somehow magically obtain the right to make all the rules, and be hypocritical when it suits you.

It worked well for Pacifica in the past, don't you all agree?

That's so clever, no one thought of it yet.

Oh wait.

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Aww, my respect for polaris just shot through the roof, I have always loved you guys :D


I, Rotavele, have nothing to say but I told you so, Back when these people called themselves the "Internet Superheroes" i displayed adequate proof these guys were racist, anti-Semitic, homophobes, not only by having the "Old 30-40's era" German flag and doing a minor change to it to remove that nasty, disgusting, pathetic symbol, But by there own comments by their government. Due to already being at war with them, i was just laughed at and giving 2 forum warnings for posting a flag that looked identical to IS's flag with the original pathetic symbol on it, and then labeling their alliance as "Germans from 1930s-early 40s". Personally, i love seeing this war, because in my own little way, i feel as if i'm getting my own revenge of there insults, pathetic, sneaky ways, and etc.

The polaris flag/symbol never has been so beautiful on an announcement.

Edited by Rotavele
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I wasn't playing any games.

Playing games or being deliberately obtuse. I give you the benefit of the doubt.

Also I wonder where you get the implication that they didn't like it just because of the consequences of it. From what they've said it sounds as if they're very sincere about it. Also I've never liked analogies in CN nor argued them. There's no need for them.

That was pure speculation, I'm not married to the idea. They might be genuinely sorry that people are offended by them, but that is still the apology of a child. In a case like this, an apology would be for the action, not its effect.

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Apparently, if your alliance has the initials N, P, and O. Then you somehow magically obtain the right to make all the rules, and be hypocritical when it suits you.

It worked well for Pacifica in the past, don't you all agree?

So \m/ has the right to raid whatever small allaince they want, but when stand up for our believes and attack them we are being hypocritical? Where were you to defend FoA when they were attacked for being defenseless and it suited \m/? Are you sure that us are the hypocrites?

[OCC]I'm of to bed, my bad english is becoming worse with me being tired.[/OOC]

Edited by D34th
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If I was actually being completely serious PC still have 2 more days left on their deadline, \m/ chose to cancel their deadline for reasons best known only to themselves.

I have to ask... deadline? What deadline? No one in PC has been approached about anything. A deadline insinuates that we have a set time limit to achieve a certain action. As has been stated many times, PC was never approached so what is this deadline of which you speak?

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You'd get a middle finger from me as well if you tried to approach MK about a matter that has nothing to do with TOP, particularly while starting with war threats that are the follow-up of more war threats.

And i'm not prone to defending people who sugar-coat their !@#$ either.

Quite a leap from what he said to threats of war. Really, I'm glad to double fist the proverbial finger back at you...just for the ignorance of your statement.

Fake edit:

Not the view of my alliance or the GA...yadda yadda.

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Quite a leap from what he said to threats of war. Really, I'm glad to double fist the proverbial finger back at you...just for the ignorance of your statement.

Fake edit:

Not the view of my alliance or the GA...yadda yadda.

You really need more reading comprehension. Like a lot.

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From the CN Wiki:

\m/ treaties:

# MDoAP with Poison Clan

# MDoAP with Ragnarok

# ODP with the Corporation

I wonder how the cards will lay....

None of these alliances will answer the call. And considering how quickly RoK criticizes other alliances for failing to answer treaties, this should be interesting.

Grub, you dont know me, but you made my ******* week.

o/ NpO

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While I'm flattered that AlmightyGrub considers us so evil, don't be suckered in by his lofty talk of morals and "community standards". These goals would be noble if they were genuine, but they are not. AlmightyGrub simply doesn't like us. If he were truly committed to these farcical goals, then he would have declared war on Poison Clan or any of the other techraiding alliances out there. But he did not because he knows there is actual risk involved there. Don't be deceived. AlmightyGrub attacked us because he finds us to be disgusting and immoral. That's great. I find him to be pompous and moralist. We're even. I'm not imploring the CN community to come to our defense. It is not your obligation. All I ask is that you use your heads and see through these "community standards". The only rules alliances are obligated to follow are the CN Terms of Service, not these purposely vague "community standards" that the most powerful alliances can redefine at will. We will not subject ourselves to these false standards, as it will set a terrifying precedent that the most powerful alliances can destroy any alliance that they find to be inconsistent with their values. If you can't see that, then you don't deserve the freedom to define your own morals anyway.

Worst attempt at spin, ever.

A lot of people don't like you. A lot of people didn't like Bel Air. Quite a few people didn't like the alliances that merged to form Bel Air (RAD and Internet Superheroes iirc). Maybe this has everything to do with exactly what has been said in this thread. Maybe. Well no it's exactly that. People claiming this to be over the tech raid aren't in the know and, honestly I find it quite funny, are on your side. Did you not tell them all the things you said or did you leave those parts out? Yes I will concede that a tech raid was the tipping point of this incident, but to get to this point you had to do something far worse.

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Somehow NpO always jumps in to defend FoA with bogus reasons. Gramlins can learn something from the 'secret treaties' that NpO have. Or is it just to fight your own boredom again? Say so and I applaud you. Resorting to morals as a reason is just lame.

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Worst attempt at spin, ever.

A lot of people don't like you. A lot of people didn't like Bel Air. Quite a few people didn't like the alliances that merged to form Bel Air (RAD and Internet Superheroes iirc). Maybe this has everything to do with exactly what has been said in this thread. Maybe. Well no it's exactly that. People claiming this to be over the tech raid aren't in the know and, honestly I find it quite funny, are on your side. Did you not tell them all the things you said or did you leave those parts out? Yes I will concede that a tech raid was the tipping point of this incident, but to get to this point you had to do something far worse.

Since you are very clearly in the know, please enlighten us all instead of ominously alluding to "all the things they said or did" beyond the tech raid, which apparently condemned \m/. If you don't care to share, you're really not furthering the discourse and frankly should save us the 10 seconds of reading.

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Aww, my respect for polaris just shot through the roof, I have always loved you guys :D


I, Rotavele, have nothing to say but I told you so, Back when these people called themselves the "Internet Superheroes" i displayed adequate proof these guys were racist, anti-Semitic, homophobes, not only by having the "Old 30-40's era" German flag and doing a minor change to it to remove that nasty, disgusting, pathetic symbol, But by there own comments by their government. Due to already being at war with them, i was just laughed at and giving 2 forum warnings for posting a flag that looked identical to IS's flag with the original pathetic symbol on it, and then labeling their alliance as "Germans from 1930s-early 40s". Personally, i love seeing this war, because in my own little way, i feel as if i'm getting my own revenge of there insults, pathetic, sneaky ways, and etc.

The polaris flag/symbol never has been so beautiful on an announcement.

Aww ain't that cute lil' Roti has a grudge and is getting all happy someone is attempting to kill us

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None of these alliances will answer the call. And considering how quickly RoK criticizes other alliances for failing to answer treaties, this should be interesting.

Grub, you dont know me, but you made my ******* week.

o/ NpO

Um.. yeah.. so let me get this straight.

Jump to the defense of one treaty partner and declare on the other?

That is what you've insinuated should be done, right?

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I had seen plenty of polaris government saying that they wouldn't be going to war over the profanity. In either case then are they going to war now because of the tech raid over a closed matter or to cleanse the OWF a la shark week?

Polar government members have no say in what Grub will do. Grub is his own man and will do what he feels like. So unless it was Grub himself that said that don't take other government member's word for it because Grub is the ultimate say in alliance decision.

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Worst attempt at spin, ever.

A lot of people don't like you. A lot of people didn't like Bel Air. Quite a few people didn't like the alliances that merged to form Bel Air (RAD and Internet Superheroes iirc). Maybe this has everything to do with exactly what has been said in this thread. Maybe. Well no it's exactly that. People claiming this to be over the tech raid aren't in the know and, honestly I find it quite funny, are on your side. Did you not tell them all the things you said or did you leave those parts out? Yes I will concede that a tech raid was the tipping point of this incident, but to get to this point you had to do something far worse.

So you're saying if a lot of people don't like you, it's okay for someone to attack you for no other reason. I sure am glad we toppled the Hegemony!

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Um.. yeah.. so let me get this straight.

Jump to the defense of one treaty partner and declare on the other?

That is what you've insinuated should be done, right?

Simple... If Rag thinks that Polar is in the right then activate your oA, if you think Polar is wrong then follow through with the mutual defense part of the one with \m/. You guys need to decided where you stand and stick with it. Sidelines is an option to, I guess.

Personally MD > oA... but that is just my personal thoughts. Either way we now have entertainment on our fair planet again.

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I don't know how anyone can even look at RoK the wrong way in this matter. From what I understand, RoK was backing \m/ 100% until \m/ decided to really take advantage of their friendship and !@#$ the bed.

<VanHooIII[RoK]> We don't agree with our allies in \m/ raiding a 30 plus man alliance

<VanHooIII[RoK]> But we also don't agree with someone attacking them for it

<Hizzy[NV]> i'll ask you again how you feel about it after they're done milking the goodwill

Honestly \m/, you make it too easy.

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