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\m/, I just want to help


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You will not get reps for the tech raid before your protectorate with The Corp, seek all you want, nothing will be coming.

Edit: After rereading your post I think I now lean towards hoping things don't work out between you and The Corp after a weeks time and we get to raid you again.

You raid him. I fund him. He kicks your $@!. I laugh maniacally. Sounds like fun.

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Honest praise. It's good that you stick by not raiding. Plus it means less people competing for our raids. ;)

It also means more people that can't be told that they are being a hypocrite when they "complain" about it. Not that I care all that much what people did in the past personally (especially if it's ancient history, i.e. that being anything that happened prior to my being "born" on Planet Bob :P). It is possible, after all, for a former raider to see the error of her previous ways. What matters more is what one does now and in the future. Same goes for alliances.

As for competition for raids - it is my personal opinion that any alliance under 50 (regardless of treaties) is taking far more of a risk than it's worth if it allows raids. Way too much that can go wrong - bad press being one of the least concerns. Thus, our rule is based both on ethics but also self-interests. It is possible to have both.

Edited by White Chocolate
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So you believe that every single war launched by a nation flying a given AA is 1) Approved by that alliance and 2) A tech raid?

So, anyway, what we've learned today is that the destruction of \m/ was a perfectly just action according to their own standards and that their alliance philosophy is basically to emulate the attitude and personality of a selfish toddler.

Thus making \m/ ironically, the least ironic alliance in existence.

EDIT: least most? What the hell was I thinking?

Edited by Earogema
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Do you disagree, then, that a state of war would exist between an alliance being "tech raided" and the alliance which government approves and sanctions this "tech raiding?"

I would.

If the nation being tech raided decides to make it into a war by attacking the raider by other means (ie. other than GAs) than was used on them then they have that right. Until then, I'll view it as a raid. But again, that's my opinion.

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Yeah, after a year ;),...of hard work and our great zeal.

Imagine how many wars we could have spawned until now :D

Anyway, this topic is not about that, and it is late for me. Later.

Well, look at GATO and FAN. You've done it to others.

Nice to see how \m/ treats other alliances.... I was thinking along the lines of "dirt" or "fodder." I see you all a trustful group of people, Disgusting of you all who posted in the Sparta / FoA cancellation paraphrased as "good luck with dealing with raids."

FoA is going to seek War Reps just so you know.

Thank you for all those who defended the FoA!! We greatly appreciate all of your kindness, compassion and understanding for our alliance!

o/ to all good people

Good luck with that.

You raid him. I fund him. He kicks your $@!. I laugh maniacally. Sounds like fun.

Good luck with that.

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What, are you really surprised that he's bitter towards you guys?

If they really are, then they are more simple minded then I expected.

There is only one point over which I may understand the other point -- those who are opposed provide a particular element to the game. This is important to many. It is understandable, but still does not diminish the original point of freedoms and choice.

Hey, didn't you leave out a couple of alliances? It's not that I mind being singled out, but I believe you really ought to cite an entire situation.

If it makes you feel better, I will also put that GOONS and PC were involved in this "war" against the FoA and acts of war crimes shall not go unpunished.

Also, definition of war is defined below.

War:The primary feature of this behavior pattern is a certain state of organized violent conflict that is engaged in between two or more separate social entities. Such a conflict is quite often an attempt to resolve a dispute over various commodities such as territory, resources, or other material advantages. Such disputed commodities are usually perceived by the parties engaged in the conflict as being available only in a limited or insufficient supply. In addition to the violent and obvious physical goals of securing various material advantages that war agendas often include, war agendas often also include certain more subtle, yet often more compelling, psychological goals of attempting to alter or reaffirm previous relationships of social domination/ submission/ or equality between two or more social entities.

I’m pretty sure we could condone this organized tech raiding as an act of war merely to deplete the FoA of land and material advantages.

PS: I would like to apologize for any repeats in my posts for I did not have the time to read the 32 pages of posts here.

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If it makes you feel better, I will also put that GOONS and PC were involved in this "war" against the FoA and acts of war crimes shall not go unpunished.

You really shouldn't take it so personally.

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So you believe that every single war launched by a nation flying a given AA is 1) Approved by that alliance and 2) A tech raid?

So, anyway, what we've learned today is that the destruction of \m/ was a perfectly just action according to their own standards and that their alliance philosophy is basically to emulate the attitude and personality of a selfish toddler.

Yes Heft I do believe that, care to prove me wrong? From what I see you are just like us.

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I'm just curious -

Every aggressive action in this game is classified as being unjust,

Not even close.

NPO enabled a "evil" world, one in which among other things, alliances got brutalized in senseless tech raids.

Vox propoganda was one of the tiniest of the straws that eventually got piled on the Hegemonies back, please dont ego-stroke the likes of starfox by pretending otherwise. That sort of propoganda had been thrown at Pacifica as long as I can remember. Pacifica had to prove it true herself before it stuck.

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So you believe that every single war launched by a nation flying a given AA is 1) Approved by that alliance and 2) A tech raid?

So, anyway, what we've learned today is that the destruction of \m/ was a perfectly just action according to their own standards and that their alliance philosophy is basically to emulate the attitude and personality of a selfish toddler.

Need I repeat myself?

"I sincerely hope, my most worthy brother, that you are not attempting anything so selfless or immaterial as moral outrage or condemnnation. Unless the Sith are much fallen from the one's I helped shape, pursuing one's passion is the end-all, be-all of the Sith. Or are you happy hand-holders with the peace-niks and the "Perpetually Outraged" Crowd?

As with the Sith, so with \m/; we pursue our desires. That is our justification, that is all the justification we need. We do what we do to enjoy ourselves. If you have a problem with that, do what we Unjust always told you to do; Do Something About It. If war isn't to your taste, try diplomatic censure, or something equally "worthwhile". Or you could just be nice to us, that works suprisingly well. Ask WAPA; they have long memories.

I really hope this trend of Sith Moral Outrage ends. It's demeaning to me and everyone else who put work into the organization."-Margrave.

Now, will you reply in a manner that addresses my point, or shall you continue to adopt the smug-superior evil-doer role?

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treats other alliances.... I was thinking along the lines of "dirt" or "fodder." I see you all a trustful group of people, Disgusting of you

You guys raided yourselves so to speak, as you could have easily followed a few policies to get your alliance active. You guys basically cut off all ties to Sparta by being inactive with them. I don't know how many times I saw you guys thrash Sparta in your govt area, while I was there, and you have the nerve to come in here and tlk about how other alliances treated you? You can't even respect your own protector...

You guys easily thwart every attempt to make your alliance better.. I would say raiders are doing you a favor by putting you guys out of your misery.

My point is, don't you dare come in here and try to act all innocent. You guys are worthless and I would be more than happy to see your alliance disban. Your alliances stupidity is the reason I left in the first place along with several other members who tried to prevent this from happening. If you want to point the finger at anyone... point it at yourselves.

Edit: However, Cyfe you are one of the only respectable members in FoA. This message is aimed more towards FoA than towards you.

Edited by Emporor
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Not even close.

Not even close, really? Name every war where there was no public outcry, and according to you it better be a majority.

Vox propoganda was one of the tiniest of the straws that eventually got piled on the Hegemonies back, please dont ego-stroke the likes of starfox by pretending otherwise. That sort of propoganda had been thrown at Pacifica as long as I can remember. Pacifica had to prove it true herself before it stuck.

Well luckily I've been throwing it at them since before Great War 1.

Also who are you?

Edited by Starfox101
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You raid him. I fund him. He kicks your $@!. I laugh maniacally. Sounds like fun.

Why does he have to be raided *AGAIN* for you to aid him? since my last comment here ONE person has sent some aid. the broke guy from SOS mustve hit the lotto. This makes a grand total of 12 million in rebuilding aid plus another 6(3 from Athens and 3 from MASH) which im not quite sure what it is..yet here we sit..still going round and round

Hey NSO, you guys dont tech raid and are the symbol of all things right, wheres the aid packages?

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You guys raided yourselves so to speak, as you could have easily followed a few policies to get your alliance active. You guys basically cut off all ties to Sparta by being inactive with them. I don't know how many times I saw you guys thrash Sparta in your govt area, while I was there, and you have the nerve to come in here and tlk about how other alliances treated you? You can't even respect your own protector...

You guys easily thwart every attempt to make your alliance better.. I would say raiders are doing you a favor by putting you guys out of your misery.

My point is, don't you dare come in here and try to act all innocent. You guys are worthless and I would be more than happy to see your alliance disban. Your alliances stupidity is the reason I left in the first place along with several other members who tried to prevent this from happening. If you want to point the finger at anyone... point it at yourselves.

Yeah! It's not like they were just sitting around doing nothing!

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War: snip

OOH I think can do this...

raid (rd)


1. A surprise attack by an armed force.

2. A sudden forcible entry into a place by police: a raid on a gambling den.

3. An entrance into another's territory for the purpose of seizing goods or valuables.

Did I do it right? :mellow:

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If it makes you feel better

It is not about what makes me feel better. It's about telling the truth and selective ignorance. You've -- as well as the original poster -- dealt it in spades.

Also, definition of war is defined below.

Thus, you agree with me that all tech raids are wars. Spread the word.

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Not even close.

Exceedingly close. I haven't seen a war since the ONOS war (The very first war I ever paid attention to) that wasn't called "Unjust" by - at the very least - a large minority. If you wish, point out an example, and I might relent.

The only possible examples are rogue stuff like fransjosef, and The Flying Tigers, which fall into a category all their own.

Vox propoganda was one of the tiniest of the straws that eventually got piled on the Hegemonies back, please dont ego-stroke the likes of starfox by pretending otherwise. That sort of propoganda had been thrown at Pacifica as long as I can remember. Pacifica had to prove it true herself before it stuck.

Yes, yes, we know you think Vox was pointless. Though I must confess, when an old time NPO member like Branimir honestly gives us praise in some form, I'll accept it.

Besides, we all knew what Pacifica was from the start. Pacifica knew too.

Edited by Earogema
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3. An entrance into another's territory for the purpose of seizing goods or valuables.

As also defined in the War description.....

It is not about what makes me feel better. It's about telling the truth and selective ignorance. You've -- as well as the original poster -- dealt it in spades.

Thus, you agree with me that all tech raids are wars. Spread the word.

Sorry, for I am sick and my brain does not fully function at 1:00 am, my mistake.

Organized Tech raids are wars, normal tech raid are debatable to a point.

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Seriously, I know people are tired of hearing about it, but the best response is still simply "Do something about it". History has proven that the only effective response is to go to war to create change on Bob. Seriously, all of you in the peanut gallery complain about the fact that people raid, about the fact people don't go to war, and about the fact that there are too many microalliances. Well !@#$, get the $%&@ over it already, if you don't like it, then go pay attention to something else, or try to do something other than whine or be all passive agressive. Holy !@#$, \m/ raided someone! How awful!

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Yes Heft I do believe that, care to prove me wrong? From what I see you are just like us.

One is a noob who will be dealt with, one is a ghost, and one is actually a defensive war.

I really hope this trend of Sith Moral Outrage ends. It's demeaning to me and everyone else who put work into the organization."-Margrave.

Now, will you reply in a manner that addresses my point, or shall you continue to adopt the smug-superior evil-doer role?

You would be disappointed if I were to ever doubt my superiority, I'm sure.

I haven't made many actual arguments, just probed to see what beliefs \m/ holds. My stance is borne more out of a condescending contempt than any moral outrage.

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Seriously, I know people are tired of hearing about it, but the best response is still simply "Do something about it". History has proven that the only effective response is to go to war to create change on Bob. Seriously, all of you in the peanut gallery complain about the fact that people raid, about the fact people don't go to war, and about the fact that there are too many microalliances. Well !@#$, get the $%&@ over it already, if you don't like it, then go pay attention to something else, or try to do something other than whine or be all passive agressive. Holy !@#$, \m/ raided someone! How awful!

Perhaps some of us do something about it without the use of force?

As I told a few other people in pm, anyone who wants to see reps for the FoA is welcome to contact me.

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Seriously, I know people are tired of hearing about it, but the best response is still simply "Do something about it". History has proven that the only effective response is to go to war to create change on Bob. Seriously, all of you in the peanut gallery complain about the fact that people raid, about the fact people don't go to war, and about the fact that there are too many microalliances. Well !@#$, get the $%&@ over it already, if you don't like it, then go pay attention to something else, or try to do something other than whine or be all passive agressive. Holy !@#$, \m/ raided someone! How awful!

As it was in the past, so let it be now; FAN members never cease to amaze me with their like-mindedness and common sense. Thanks for bringing some logic into the discussion, FAN.

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One is a noob who will be dealt with, one is a ghost, and one is actually a defensive war.

You would be disappointed if I were to ever doubt my superiority, I'm sure.

I haven't made many actual arguments, just probed to see what beliefs \m/ holds. My stance is borne more out of a condescending contempt than any moral outrage.

But contempt for what? Acting up and causing trouble? The same thing you all so proudly heralded as bravery.

Eh, whatever. I'm just going to -insert posturing remark against the Sith here-

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One is a noob who will be dealt with, one is a ghost, and one is actually a defensive war.

You would be disappointed if I were to ever doubt my superiority, I'm sure.

I haven't made many actual arguments, just probed to see what beliefs \m/ holds. My stance is borne more out of a condescending contempt than any moral outrage.

I just find it amusing that he's under the mistaken impression that he played a significant roll in shaping the New Sith Order.

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