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That stranger we respect

Hime Themis

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I respect no one and nothing, for respect holds no meaning to me or my life. I may admire, I may obey, I may even revere, but I shall never respect.

That said, I view several alliances favorably for various reasons besides being friends with them. LUE will ALWAYS have my personal gratitude and admiration for saving the RIA from a very early demise. In the RIA's early days, six rogues from LUE attempted to destroy us(they were all twice the strength of our strongest member, and we were only about 20 members at the time), and through 100% diplomatic actions, LUE came to our defense. They didn't have to. We had no treaties with anyone back then. We hadn't even declared our existence(it was this attack that forced us above ground). My gratitude to them for this act remains to this day.

Months later, Fark would become similarly assaulted with the intent of their destruction. LUE came to their aid out of sheer moral impetus, without a treaty dictating it(correct me on this if I'm wrong). That act particularly impressed me. Some time after the wars caused LUE's disbandment, I attempted to get permission from GOONS and Gen[M]ay to have the RIA pay off Farkistan's war reparations. It took several days, but I succeeded. ^_^ If I'm not mistaken, this was the RIA's very first encounter with Farkistan, and we certainly had no treaties with them at the time. It made me sad enough to see them go, but if I could help preserve their noblest legacy, it would be a small token of my appreciation for rescuing the RIA. So yeah, LUE. If they ever came back, I'd give them a great big hug.

Would you believe the RIA was conceived in a topic on GameFAQs titled "RI, let us conquer LUE."?

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MK - For still enjoying my babe thread and waiting until the semifinals to rig the world cup. o/ Archon.

GOD - Loyal alliance and I really like Big_Z, Xiph, Aloop, Mix and all the others. Much <3

I would add the rest of our allies, but I'm lazy.

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Unfortunately (or fortunately), I'm allied to the only alliances I respect.

You've made a powerful and terrible enemy today. <_<

I respect FAN for their resolve. I respect TOP for their preservation and growth. I respect MK for their political dance moves.

I suppose there is a part of every alliance I respect even if that alliance as a whole and all things considered makes me want to gouge my sensory organs out so I no longer recognize them.

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Hmm. If I listed everybody it'd be too long. I'll just stick with those that I've run into in past week.

First, everybody that DoWed in the CC who we're not allied with. Despite all the crap we caught for the time it took, there wasn't anyone I saw that backed out or flaked. The response was overwhelming. It was an awesome night. Much respect.

In there, I've heard good things about BAPS recently.

I have to throw a shout out to GOD. Though arrayed against us, they handled themselves professionally and kept it civil.

As for persons:

Dochartaigh, extraordinarily dogged in debate

Earogema, an unflappable and even handed poster

Working Class Ruler, one of the few I exchanged words with that could accept a good point made and return one in kind

Mmm, I guess I'll say Rush Sykes, too. I disagreed with 90% of what he said, but I admire him for putting himself out there and standing his ground against a lot of people who came to voice their disagreement

AlterEgo, really, give that guy a break, some of the zingers he threw out were hilarious and had me rolling.

Also, I'm going to say SuperCoolYellow. He's done a great job at taking over the reins of BTO.

Nizzle, I don't even know the guy. But he posts really well, very clear, and beat me out of the top poster of the day by like 30 posts even though I beat the guy below me by 30 posts. (I didn't even know they kept track of that sort of thing until someone pointed me out on the list)

zzzptm, a person of class and strong presence.

Edited by Kzoppistan
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I have to throw a shout out to GOD. Though arrayed against us, they handled themselves professionally and kept it civil.

Lot of experience with being vitriolic taught us the benefits of being civil; namely, wars can just be that, and not blood feuds. Lot of people would be served in figuring this out, then we can do away with this nonsense about terms propagating things.

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Polaris: I've had great respect for them since I fought them in the Unjust war. Otherwise, they are the model of what a sanctioned alliance should be: powerful, diplomatic, organized and be able to project leadership.

Mushroom Kingdom: What they've achieved is undeniable. Building a war ravaged alliance into one of the leaders of planet Bob is nothing short of remarkable.

NSO: I must admit that my first impression wasn't good. However, I've gradually come to see that I was wrong. They are simply doing their own thing, which is very different to everyone else is doing, and I respect that.

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I'm going to have to go with Polaris.

Even without a ton of treaties or overwhelming (yet still very impressive) stats they remain one of the most influential voices on bob. And much like MK they had to rebuild from nothing and have done an amazing job of it.

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Lot of experience with being vitriolic taught us the benefits of being civil; namely, wars can just be that, and not blood feuds. Lot of people would be served in figuring this out, then we can do away with this nonsense about terms propagating things.


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TOP - A great group, easily some of the most knowledgeable people of game dynamics.

TPF - They went through a lot and keep a good spirit throughout all of it

Ronin - One of the greatest groups of dedicated people I've ever come across, and a great model for an alliance.

Fark - Back when I formed my first little alliance, despite the fact that they were under the boot of the old GOONS they still sent people over to our boards to help teach us how to survive on Planet Bob.

Polaris - I've always found NpO to be incredibly resilient, and a very honorable alliance. It still saddens me that we parted ways.

Genesis - One of those alliances that flies under the radar, yet never cease to amaze me.

TORN - A very tough group of people who are fiercely loyal.

I would also like to add that I've always been very impressed with The Sasori Initiative. They're really a cool group of people.

Edited by Caffine1
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