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Alliance with the most power per NS


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while MK is big they also have more influence than any other alliance at this point.

I don't know. TOP is up there in terms of influence. Polar as well (not sure who influences who, between Polar and MK). I'm not sure how much "influence" Sparta has with all of our friends, treatied and non-treatied alike, but we certainly maintain contact with tons of alliances from nearly ever corner of the web and consider most of them good friends. If you characterize that as influence, than I guess you could count Sparta up there too.

edit: not saying your wrong, as I don't know how much political power MK really has, I'm just throwing out a few other pretty central alliances.

Edited by Hyperion321
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Hmm. I think naming alliances like TOP and NpO isn't really in the spirit of the OP. We have to look at smallish (well, non-sanctioned) alliances who punch above their weight.

I would possibly pick Athens- they aren't massive- but everyone knows who they are. The NSO and STA are both well known and have more influence than many alliances who are larger than them. I would also say the NPO. In their weakened state they have a very low NS- but they still command a great deal of respect. IAA are also pretty well respected and have a good deal more power than their size would indicate.

Edited by jamesdanaher
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Wait there is some Aircastle Alliance now? I thought people was talking about one of those LUE false-flag things from GW3 or so when they said Aircastle, but maybe I was thinking of some other name for that? (no, not that LiquidRage thing...)

Well put my vote on Umbrella for the Black Power feeling.

How can you not like Lady Gaga?

So that is what you have? I wondered why I had it Ad-Blocked but I was too scared to see if you had changed to some thing tolerable :P

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I'm baffled as to why Aircastle, an alliance who have never done anything militarily could be considered so high. Sure they have Impressive stats but most of the alliance have less than 1000 casualties.

I forgot casualties = military proficiency.

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If we were to start a most overrated alliance topic i would definitely nominate Aircastle after all of this nonsense

Yeah, stupid of us for suggesting that an alliance with only 1.5 mil NS yet 28/28 MPs, 20/28 WRCs, and (from what a few people have heard, including myself) significantly large warchests would be near the top for military power per NS. Plus look at how close their nations are to each other in NS.

Edited by Drai
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Yeah, stupid of us for suggesting that an alliance with only 1.5 mil NS yet 28/28 MPs, 20/28 WRCs, and (from what a few people have heard, including myself) significantly large warchests would be near the top for military power per NS. Plus look at how close their nations are to each other in NS.
The idea of this topic is to discuss which alliances pull the most weight in relation to their NS in the political and military spheres of the game.

The question wasnt who has most wonders but "which alliances pull most weight" an alliance that have never been tested in a war, an alliance where quite a few have zero casualties, an alliance I probably have more casualties than but ultimately an alliance with zero military pedigree cant top that list.

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Aircastle cannot be an acceptable answer since I've never heard of Aircastle.
If we were to start a most overrated alliance topic i would definitely nominate Aircastle after all of this nonsense

Man ya'll just don't know! Aircastle is god, man. God. Man.

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MK is a heavy weight fighter. PC has some weight to throw around. Umbrella is another pretty hefty fighter. There's also NoR, they aren't huge stat whores like other alliances, but some great military minds are over there.

I'd like to think that DT is a pretty powerful alliance, we were smaller than we are now and look what we were able to do to TOOL by ourselves for the majority of that conflict during the Karma war. :P Although I'd rather not judge my own alliance.

EDIT: Aircastle I just read above, you can't forget them.

EDIT 2: Order of the Black Rose is another supreme power, yeah they don't fight much, but damn could they deal an $@! whooping.

EDIT 3: Can't forget Fark.

Edited by Fort Pitt
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Fark. You can claim to be a warmonger and all that but Fark is one group of people who would quickly teach you how to war the CORRECT way (Just ask IRON and to a lesser extent, Polar) i'd argue they have the best military..NS be damned. Likewise for FOK another very close knit bunch who to us outsiders seem like theyre just here for the lulz but if what i seen from them during Karma war then i wouldnt want to go up against them anytime soon

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The question wasnt who has most wonders but "which alliances pull most weight" an alliance that have never been tested in a war, an alliance where quite a few have zero casualties, an alliance I probably have more casualties than but ultimately an alliance with zero military pedigree cant top that list.

The war system isn't that complicated... it doesn't take a ton of practice to figure out optimal attack strategies, and in actual fact you can probably determine those without even going to war. Because of their discipline in the way they've set up the alliance I don't doubt that they'll be a machine in war. That's why I rank them so high, if people want actual proof that's their choice.

If you're saying the question is specifically asking who has pulled the most weight in the past then I can understand what you're saying, but I don't quite read it that way.

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Fark. You can claim to be a warmonger and all that but Fark is one group of people who would quickly teach you how to war the CORRECT way (Just ask IRON and to a lesser extent, Polar) i'd argue they have the best military..NS be damned. Likewise for FOK another very close knit bunch who to us outsiders seem like theyre just here for the lulz but if what i seen from them during Karma war then i wouldnt want to go up against them anytime soon

We learned everything that needs to be learned regarding CN war system much prior to war, Thank You. Did we have a good fight with them? Yes. It would have been more epic with Gramlins jumping in ;).

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Wait there is some Aircastle Alliance now? I thought people was talking about one of those LUE false-flag things from GW3 or so when they said Aircastle, but maybe I was thinking of some other name for that? (no, not that LiquidRage thing...)

That would be Air Supply. As well as FUELLED BY LIQUIDRAGE.

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